Xcode 15 beta 5 Mac app getting stuck

I just updated my Mac to Xcode 15 beta 5 and macOS 14 beta 4. My Mac app, after changing some SwiftData syntax that it doesn't like anymore, loads but is non-interactive and is not letting me do anything. No runtime errors are in Xcode.

Thanks in advance.

I had this issue yesterday (and have not solved it yet). I think it may be the same issue as this: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/734546

I just looked into this some more, and found out that it(according to Xcode, I checked activity monitor and it wasn't) using 100% cpu(even though I am using M2 Pro MacBook Pro 14-inch), high energy impact, and lots of memory. In beta 4, it barely used any. I enabled -com.apple.CoreData.SQLDebug and it wasn't showing anything. My iOS app seems to be in an infinite loop of fetching data. It might be related to that but I am not sure. You can view that thread here.

I have tested further and have confirmed that the problem is with predicates in @Query causing a memory leak in which the app infinitely fetches data.

Has the issue been resolved for you in Beta 6? I didn't encounter this issue in Beta 5, however I am encountering this issue in Beta 6. Haven't found a solution to the problem yet but still looking.

Same as @mroman_omega I was not previously experiencing this, but am now in Beta 6.

I am having the same issue in Beta 6. Simulators work fine though...

Xcode 15 beta 5 Mac app getting stuck