Parallel Distributed Testing On XCUITest

I am trying to develop new XCUITest project and my requirement is to do parallel distributed testing. Such that i have 4 iPhones and 6 classes. Each class should run once and if it is executed then it should not be executed on any other iPhone.

Example: class to be executed: Class1, Class2, Class3, Class4, Class5, Class6 No of iPhones: iPhone1, iPhone2, iPhone3, iPhone4

Now execution should be like this

iPhone1: Class1, Class5 iPhone2: Class2, Class6 iPhone3: Class3 iPhone4: Class4

I have tried test plan, fastlane & xcodebuild still not able to find the solution. Does anyone has any idea how can we achieve this or if someone has implemented this in their project.

Any help would be great.

It sounds like the way you'll want to do this is by using xcodebuild with multiple test plans, and run them concurrently using the command line.

You can set up each test plan to run a subset of your tests, then run multiple xcodebuild commands simultaneously, with each command running a separate test plan on a separate device.

Parallel Distributed Testing On XCUITest