Can Appstore apps have subscriptions which automatically reduce after a set period of user loyalty?

Please does anyone know whether Apple allows apps developed for its Appstore to start with a free trial and then offer, as one of the payment options, an annual auto-renewing subscription charge which is, for example, 3x for the first year, then 1x for years 2+ with the move to the lower cost happening automatically without any user activity necessary. The app I am designing will be heavily used for the first year then regularly but far less frequently thereafter and I would like a fair payment system to reward user loyalty and reflect this lowered usage. But I cannot see any reference to such subscriptions in the Apple literature online. Is there a workaround? Any advice much appreciated!

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I put this question to Chat GPT and had a very helpful conversation ... as of Sept 2021 ;-) It would seem my desire for a seamless cost reduction in an on-going subscription is not possible within Apple. Either there is an ongoing higher priced subscription and then after a certain time the user becomes eligible for a new lower cost one (but the user might let the old one run unnecessarily long by mistake, despite in-app warnings and messages, then discover their error and feel aggrieved), or the initial subscription is time-limited to avoid this scenario, but then the user has the inconvenience of being exited from the app if it runs right out, or of cancelling one subscription, and having to re-subscribe to the cheaper rate. If this is indeed correct, I think it is a real shame that this isn't made a simple and convenient option for the user and app-designer.

Can Appstore apps have subscriptions which automatically reduce after a set period of user loyalty?