Able to access corporate mail attachment in unmanaged apps

Able to access corporate mail attachment in unmanaged apps even after the restriction profile (“allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged”) has been installed in the device.

Followed the following steps able to reproduce this issue

  1. Logged in with a personal mail account in iOS device in Mail app.
  2. Pushed an MDM profile with Email configuration to an iOS device. Now this account is in managed space
  3. Pushed a Restriction profile which has the key “allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged” to “false”. This restricts unmanaged apps to open attachments from managed space.
  4. Now when I send a email with an attachment to this managed mail account from personal account (Mail is sent from another device, not managed device)
  5. On receiving the email in managed mail account, Able to open the attachment in unmanaged apps.

The restriction seems not to be working when the personal mail account is present in the mail app along with the corporate mail account and the attachment received in a corporate mail account is treated to be in unmanaged space.

The restriction works fine when the personal mail account is removed from mail app.

Kindly confirm whether this is the expected behaviour.

Able to access corporate mail attachment in unmanaged apps