App rejected 4.2.2 guideline


I'm trying to submit the first version of my app to the app store but it keeps getting rejected citing the 4.2.2 guideline:

We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store.

This is simply not the case. The app has 3 main features:

  1. Input feeds where users can choose between 3 different types of sources
  • Websites (rss feeds)
  • Youtube channels
  • Users (other users's output feeds on the platform)
  1. Output feeds where users can create posts (text and image)
  2. Library (where users can save and search content for later reference)

Supporting these, there are other functionalities like managing the input & output feeds, managing the library folders, accepting or rejecting follow requests, managing the profile, etc..

The output feeds clearly satisfy the requirement as they are not links, images or content aggregated from the internet but provide the functionality to create content in the app itself. Furthermore users can comment and like on the output feed posts. The app uses multiple iOS native functionalities like:

  • Lazy stacks to optimize performance
  • Caching
  • Navigation
  • Tab bar
  • Photo picker
  • Push notifications

and yet it keeps getting rejected and the screenshots provided are only from the input feeds without reference to the output feeds - posts, comments (the social features in the app)

Any suggestions how to proceed?

If you disagree with the outcome of our review, we recommend submitting an appeal to the App Review Board.

When filing your appeal, make sure to:

  • Provide specific reasons why you believe your app complies with the App Store Review Guidelines.
  • Submit only one appeal per rejection.
  • Respond to any requests for additional information before submitting an appeal.

The App Review Board will contact you directly as soon as they've completed their investigation.

App rejected 4.2.2 guideline