Can't upload .app file using Transporter

Hi, I can easily upload the .ipa file, but I can't upload the .app file because it turns gray and is not clickable. Can we upload .app files using Transporter?

Answered by Only4Gamers in 762869022

We can utilize Transporter to upload files in the .ipa format for iOS and .pkg format for Mac. Initially, you receive a helpful message providing this information when there are no prior uploads. However, once you've performed an upload, this informative message disappears.

In Xcode, after generating an archive, I mistakenly selected 'Copy App,' resulting in the creation of a .app file, which was incorrect. To correctly generate a .pkg file, I should have chosen 'App Store Connect' and then 'Export'.

Can we upload .app files using Transporter?

Are you trying to upload a Mac app?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Accepted Answer

We can utilize Transporter to upload files in the .ipa format for iOS and .pkg format for Mac. Initially, you receive a helpful message providing this information when there are no prior uploads. However, once you've performed an upload, this informative message disappears.

In Xcode, after generating an archive, I mistakenly selected 'Copy App,' resulting in the creation of a .app file, which was incorrect. To correctly generate a .pkg file, I should have chosen 'App Store Connect' and then 'Export'.

Can't upload .app file using Transporter