Need help fixing Mac game submission rejection related to windowed mode

Hi there, My Mac game submission was rejected for the following reason and a screenshot is also provided in the message: "Guideline 4.0 - Design

We noticed an issue with your app's user interface that contributes to a lower-quality user experience than App Store users expect.

Specifically, we found that the content is displayed behind the macOS dock when users changes to Windowed mode. (see screenshot)

Next Steps

Please revise how windows function in your app so that content properly formats when adjusting the window's size.


  • To learn more about App Store design requirements, see App Store Review Guideline 4 - Design.
  • Learn more about designing for macOS in the Human Interface Guidelines."

How to fix this?

I used the Unity engine to create this game.

Need help fixing Mac game submission rejection related to windowed mode