App Store Server Notifications on TestFlight

We are implementing IAP in our React-Native app, currently only on IOS, specifically subscriptions.

We have configured the Sandbox Server URL to an endpoint on our Dev server, and the Production Server URL to an endpoint on our Production server.

In addition, we are using the Apple App Store Server Node.js Library on our Backend to verify receipts, getting transactions history, etc. We are using the Sandbox environment on our Dev backend, and the Production environment on our Production backend.

We are not sure if that is the correct setup, although that is what we understood from multiple sources. While testing with TestFlight, with production apple accounts, we were expecting to receive the server notifications on our Production server, but they were all were received on our Development server (Sandbox endpoint).

Is that the correct behavior or are we missing something? We figured the Sandbox endpoint was for testing purposes and because of that should be on our Development backend while we develop.

The Sandbox and TestFlight environments are the same from the server perspective for notifications. Therefore App Store Server Notifications will have the environment variable of Sandbox and be sent to the Sandbox URL configured in App Store Connect for both Sandbox and TestFlight.

App Store Server Notifications on TestFlight