Developer account terminated under Section 3.2(f) WITHOUT WARNING NOR EXPLANATION ! Did this happened to you too ?

Did you got a similar letter ?

" This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement ...Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement.."

Fast forward, we are a corporation that spend over 1M on development for our app at apple store. Out of the blue we got this letter and our app was removed within the same day. No warning email prior, No appeal option afterwards. We were banned for a year. We tried to get at least a reply what we did wrong? So far no explanation.

We suspect this is either:

  1. A campaign from our competitors, trashing our app with tons of neg/positive reviews. (If so, Why is so easy, for bad actors to manipulate Apple Algorithms and to destroy legit apps and why Apple allows it) ?
  2. Either someone else complained about our name or logo. (If so, Apple should ask for document, because we hold trademarks of our logos and names).

Section 3.2(f) is very murky without clear language. Up to this day we don't know why our business was destroyed in 1 day ! As consequence of our ban, We are loosing legit advertisers like banks, and brands.

We are looking forward for our day in court ! Discovery process will solve the mystery of our ban. The most scariest part of our situation, that might be your situation tomorrow, is the uncertainly in the future, that some bot might flag your app for removal and all your time and investment is gone within a day, without any explanation, and without the possibility to speak to a human. Millions of developers are paying $100 per year. This kind of money should be enough to pay at least, for human customer service, to serve the developers community properly.

Did this happen to you too ?

Answered by 618Media in 763352022


same thing happen to us, if its not sensitive, can I ask your app category? same thing happen, terminated without reason, actually (3.2(f)) no explaination, no excuse or reinstatement.

did you also take legal action against Apple?

Phone support doesn't help.

We have to get in touch, please update this post often. or we can arrange an call or wp/telegram connection.



Hello WOOW_SM,

I'm really sorry to hear that you've experienced a similar issue with your Apple Developer Program membership being abruptly terminated. Your post resonated with me because my team and I are currently going through an almost identical situation. You can read more about our ordeal here.

Like you, we have spent significant time and resources on our app and were shocked to receive a termination notice without any specific explanation. We even appealed the decision, emphasizing our commitment to adhere to Apple's guidelines, only to be told that their decision is "final."

Your point about the role of bad actors and competitors in affecting the account status is very concerning. It makes me wonder whether our suspension might be the result of something similar. Your observations about the vague language of Section 3.2(f) in the ADP Agreement and the lack of human customer service also align with our experience and concerns.

Our business was severely affected by this termination, especially since we were already dealing with the aftermath of a recent earthquake and our app was our sole source of income. We've tried to draw attention to this issue on social media. You can find our posts on Twitter under the username oguzhan_karah4n and on LinkedIn by searching for Oğuzhan Karahan.

Your plan to take this to court is very brave, and I admire your resolve. Are you aware of any precedents where Apple has reversed such decisions following legal actions? I believe collective experiences and insights from developers who have faced similar issues might offer some guidance on how to navigate these murky waters.

Best of luck with your legal proceedings, and please keep us updated. I believe it's crucial for the developer community to stand together in the face of such opaque and abrupt actions.

Best regards

Accepted Answer


same thing happen to us, if its not sensitive, can I ask your app category? same thing happen, terminated without reason, actually (3.2(f)) no explaination, no excuse or reinstatement.

did you also take legal action against Apple?

Phone support doesn't help.

We have to get in touch, please update this post often. or we can arrange an call or wp/telegram connection.



Today we have got an news in 9 to 5 mac. Please search with "Apple’s treatment of small games developer makes a textbook antitrust case"

Really interesting case.

This forum is a joke. You post a reply, than the reply or comment, stays 24 hours under review.

This forum is a joke

Yes; there are lots of things wrong with it.

It is also Apple's forum, and I'm actually surprised that threads like this exist at all. Apple do delete threads that they don't like, but apparently not these ones. Strange.

You should assume that the posts that you see are the ones the Apple want you to see, and that others have been deleted.

We would like to "thank" from our warmest of hearts, Apple. "Long live" Apple and their glorious team.

They developed amassing "highly functioning" bots with 1 Trillion "accuracy" that can flag "bad apps" and "evil naughty developers". They "help" developers small and big alike, holding them on "same" standards.. They "DO Not remove apps without" explanations, and if they do, they are "Always correct".

As one Glorious Leader said "I warn only once", we appreciate very much the "no warning". What else is annoying ? Explaining the app removal and alleged infraction aka(check and balances). This make it very difficult to push forward initiatives, since everybody can obstruct everybody else. Let’s face it: When one company calls the shots, decisions are made in no time. To quote another enlightened leader "Death solves all problems". Hence, Shoot first, -dead App Tell No Tales- is very progressive.

There are even people who talk about the terror of the midnight email – insinuating that the app grim reaper is visiting. But even if that were true, those who get such a visit "must have deserved it".

Think Different - Apple is "Always right"

We praise the Glorious Apple leadership for creating a forum where every post, comment or reply, stays 24 hours under review from the committee, to make sure plebs post only great things about apple.

  1. Thank you apple for NOT Replying in our case nr: 102075999568
  2. Thank you for NOT Replying in your Apple Support in Twitter (X) Ups... We just found out twitter help is just another bot that sends you in a loop to apple site support that doesn't reply.
  3. Thank you Apple for the Infinite Loop.

This is becoming a Monty Python absurdity.

The same thing happened to me, I believe it was also a dirty campaign from competitors. after all entrepreneurship is ruthless

Developer account terminated under Section 3.2(f) WITHOUT WARNING NOR EXPLANATION ! Did this happened to you too ?