Xcode 15 does not recognize iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS 17

Hi! Help me, please. I've installed Xcode 15 on MacOS Ventura 13.5.1 and have an issue, that I couldn't solve in a week: Xcode 15 doesn't recognize iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS 17 - It doesn't show it at all.

What I've found now:

  • Xcode 14.3.1 recognizes the same iphone.
  • Xcode 15 beta has the same issue.
  • Xcode 15 recognizes other devices with 16.4 (iPhone 13 and iPad 8 Gen).
  • Updated the iphone to 17.0.1, same thing.
  • Tried Xcode reinstallation, turning on/off developer mode, unpairing, connecting with other USB cables.

Xcode: Version 15.0 (15A240d) iPhone: iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS 17.0.1 MacOS: Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90)

Xcode 14.3.1:

Xcode 15 at the same time:

i have the same issue :(

same problem here

Guys, any solution for that issue? I am also facing the same problem

Wow, same here with an iPhone 12PM iOS 17.0.3 / MBP Sonoma 14.0 / Xcode 15.0

The iPhone is being recognized within Manage Run Destinations but is not available as a build target.

I think we need some official Apple support on this one.

I have the same issue 😭😭

I'm having a similar issue with my iPhone XR. It won't show up in "Devices and Simulators" at all. But it shows up just fine in Xcode 14.3.1.

I'm expiriencing this situation. anyone has a solution?

Same here! Come on Apple!

This is killing me as I can't test at all as the feature I need requires me to run on the hardware!

Here's my setup and iOS devices that are not connecting:

  • Xcode 15.0.1
  • macOS 13.6.2 running on M1 Max MacBook Pro.
  • iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 17.1.1
  • iPhone 12 Pro with 17.0.1
  • iPad Pro 12.9 with iPadOS 17.1.1.

I've tried to connect the iPhones and iPad directly (wired) with no luck. I even reset each of them by turning off and back on Developer mode. They also don't show up wirelessly.

Yet each of the devices connect with no problem to the MacBook Pro itself and are visible to the finder.

Ugh!!! 🤬

Same issue,

Tried mac os reinstall, ios reinstall, all betas for mac os, xcode, ios

nothing helping :(

Same problem here!!

Apple, if you're hearing this, PLEASE HELP with this issue! Tried everything! Totally blocked at work with Appium iOS Test Automation because of this! Its only iOS 17 and above that have this issue. Thanks

I'm pleased to say that the issue is finally solved by upgrading to macOS Sonoma! Works like a charm! Others have reported this too on other online forums.

Spent the last 2 days trying to solve this problem and tried everything from the threads on the Apple Developer forums. Only this solution worked! Disabling VPN and all the other tips didn't help for me.

Can someone confirm? I just bought a new iPhone 13 just for this purpose.

Same problem here iPhone 12 does not connect iPhone14 and iPad are

I've found the solution to this issue.

Solution: Remove / rename /Library/Developer folder as it's corrupted.

More context: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/744083?page=1#776192022

I am facing the same problem. Mac OS 13.6.4 (22G513) Xcode 15.0.1 iOS 17.2.1. Apple M2 Max. Eversince the update from iOS 16, Xcode is not recognizing the device. I tried renaming developer folder. Turning off wifi Turning off on developer mode and doing restart. It might be something to do with vpn. Disconnected still no luck. None has worked. Really disappointed.

Experiencing same issue. Have wasted hours. Have no idea what to do. Tried all of the above suggestions, tried different solutions I found in other threads, nothing.

Here's a solution that worked for me. A little context: I have Sonoma 14.4.1, Xcode 15.3 and iOS 17.5. The iPhone is not being recognized in Manage Run Destinations nor as a build target.

So, after I tried all the proposals here and from other forums, like clean builds, derived data delete, restart of all devices, use different cables and ports, turning off VPN and etc. The thing that got it solved for me is turning off the Wi-Fi of the phone and the laptop, then restarting both.

  1. Do all that clearing stuff mentioned above (just in case).
  2. Connect the iPhone to the Mac with cable.
  3. Turn off the Wi-Fi on both iPhone and Mac.
  4. Restart both devices and before enabling Wi-Fi, open Xcode and try to plug and unplug the phone until you see it in the list.

A restrictive VPN configuration prevents communication with the device, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/technotes/tn3158-resolving-xcode-15-device-connection-issues

If you don't use a VPN, does the Xcode Devices & Simulators window show the iOS 17.x device? If it is present are there any error messages shown when the device is selected? Does this command show the iOS device: devicectl list devices

Xcode 15 does not recognize iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS 17