Builds upload successfully but do not appear on App Store Connect

Our builds are not successfully processing through App Store Connect, since noon ET today at the earliest. They are successfully uploading to App Store Connect, but they do not appear at all on the TestFlight page.

We have Xcode Cloud builds running that should be deploying builds to internal & external testing on TestFlight, and they successfully archive and save the artifacts (green check in the Xcode Cloud log), but are not showing up in the list of downloadable artifacts in the Xcode Cloud build logs. Those builds made on Xcode Cloud are also not showing up in TestFlight, and the Xcode Cloud workflows get stuck and continue running ad infinity, running up our hour usage.

We have tried from 2 separate developer machines to manually archive and upload, and those builds successfully uploaded, but have not yet appeared on App Store Connect on the TestFlight page.

Really hope this is resolved soon, it is a major inconvenience to our release process.

My builds have finally finished processing, and are now visible on TestFlight.

I’m curious, is this a common occurrence that we should be aware of? What was the reason for the unusually slow processing time?

Would be nice if we had some indicator of the progress of a build’s processing phase, so we can be sure as developers that we haven’t done anything wrong and just need to wait.

I confirm, that we are suddenly and for the fist time affectected by the same issue as well. Usually, for the last weeks, after uploading to AppStoreConnect the new build would show up within minutes in TestFlight's webinterface of AppStoreConnect.

However, since many hours it is showing just a grey box - without contect:

The build also isn't available for testusers within their TestFlight app.

An email of the successful upload was received, however.

Apple Developer System Status shows all systems as working fine:

This seems to have happend in the past also:

However, I don't found an actual fix within those old threads. It would be nice to learn, whether "just waiting some more hours" will magically fix this - or there is some new configuration or another solution required to fix this on our side?

Any good advice is greatly appreciated! :-)

Builds upload successfully but do not appear on App Store Connect