updated transactions not working with CodeRedeemSheet on ios15.6 devices

Hi Everyone,

We are currently in the process of implementing the "redeem offer code" feature in our application. We have tested it with the latest version of our application, which is available on the App Store as version 6.94.1. During testing, we encountered some issues with iOS 15.6 devices. Specifically, on iOS 15.6 devices, after redeeming the code using the code redemption sheet, we do not receive any callbacks in the "updatedTransactions" function. However, with other iOS versions, we receive the callbacks correctly, allowing us to display the successful subscription UI based on the latest receipt.

We present the redeem sheet using the following code:


We listen for updated transactions using the following function:

func paymentQueue(_: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction])

If anyone knows of a solution for this issue, please share it. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I'm seeing this same issue on iOS 17. Any updates that you have found?

updated transactions not working with CodeRedeemSheet on ios15.6 devices