SKStoreReviewController and TikTok App

Hey folks,

I need your opinion on TikTok app and there SKStoreReviewController implementation.

Over the last 3 months, I have been shown more than 10 times the rate app pop-up on the TikTok app.

Today, I clicked on 3 stars, clicked the submit button, and right after I got this "Thank you pop-up":

As you can see, this first pop-up doesn't show the app icon. According to SKStoreReviewController documentation, the rate pop-up can only be shown 3 times per year maximum. Also, there is no way to detect when the official SKStoreReviewController pop-up is being displayed, which means that for the second TikTok pop-up to appear they must have something to detect that the rating has been done. Which makes me think that TikTok is just simulating the SKStoreReviewController rating alert.

My assumption here is that TikTok first creates a similar pop-up rating than the one from SKStoreReviewController. And maybe, if you click 5 stars, later on the app will show you the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up rating alert, guaranteeing you 5 stars on the App Store.

Is this authorised ? For example, creates your own rating system, and if the user click 5 stars, show him the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up ?

I will appreciate any feedback on this case. Thank you,

SKStoreReviewController and TikTok App