IAP Subscription sandbox problem after Apple server down yesterday.

Hi everyone,

  • I got problem about fetch data IAP Subscription product on sandbox environment.
  • My project make on Unity and use IAP Unity.
  • About 2 day ago it still work, but after Apple down some service yesterday then until now I can't fetch my product from Sandbox anymore.
  • I also check my older version on testflight and still not work, but the production still work fine.
  • I also check log on Sandox and saw this: "IAPStoreManager failed to initialize. Reason: NoProductsAvailable."

Code I checked from IOS Native and saw the product count return "Received 0 products":

- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response
    UnityPurchasingLog(@"Received %lu products", (unsigned long)[response.products count]);
    // Add the retrieved products to our set of valid products.
    NSDictionary* fetchedProducts = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: response.products forKeys: [response.products valueForKey: @"productIdentifier"]];
    [validProducts addEntriesFromDictionary: fetchedProducts];

    NSString* productJSON = [UnityPurchasing serializeProductMetadata: response.products];

    // Send the app receipt as a separate parameter to avoid JSON parsing a large string.
    [self UnitySendMessage: @"OnProductsRetrieved" payload: productJSON];

I have no idea about this issue so anyone know the Sandbox still work or had other any problem ? Please give me advise.

Thanks everyone.

IAP Subscription sandbox problem after Apple server down yesterday.