Uploading a new Version For All users over a version of Paused Phased Release Version


If I have created a phased release on the App Store, let us say it is version 4.0.0, and then there is an issue with this version and I have paused the release and want to stop it at all. After 10 days, I uploaded a new version for example 4.1.0 without phase release (release it for all the users from the beginning). Would after 20 days the paused version automatically start again and be received by the users and cancel version 4.1.0? or the version 4.1.0 will cancel version 4.0.0 at all?

How to stop the 4.0.0 version at all? so the ones not downloaded will remain in the previous version and can see only the 4.1.0 version on the App Store?

Uploading a new Version For All users over a version of Paused Phased Release Version