In-App purchase review screenshots for data assets

My In-App purchases are actually JSON files which provide metadata for my app. I am required to provide a "screenshot" for each of these IAPs before they can be accepted. What is the common practice for screenshots when it is just a JSON file of structured data to be used within the app. Surely someone else has run into this issue by now. What are we supposed to do?

Answered by endecotp in 773126022

They want a screenshot showing what the app looks like after purchasing the IAP. Presumably there will be some difference somewhere, even if it’s just a list with an additional item in it.

Accepted Answer

They want a screenshot showing what the app looks like after purchasing the IAP. Presumably there will be some difference somewhere, even if it’s just a list with an additional item in it.

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. And yes, the purchase of the metadata will make a significant difference in the appearance and functionality of my app. But until I hear something "official", I feel like I'm just guessing. Everyone's app is different and who is to say what is appropriate for a screenshot? Would someone from Apple like to chime in here and clear up the matter?

But until I hear something "official", I feel like I'm just guessing.

This is primarily a developer-to-developer forum. I've given you an accurate reply one hour after you asked your question. Feel free to wait for Apple to answer, but you could be waiting a long time.

Thanks again, endecotp. I really did appreciate your answer and hope I didn't seem ungrateful.

I think you are right and I might as well proceed with taking screenshots using my best judgement. I've already put the issue to Developer Support and they were really helpful, but weren't able to give me a definitive answer about what is expected when the "item or service" is a json file. To be fair, it was over the holiday weekend when they are not fully staffed. My support staffer did commit to using my case as a form of feedback to the App Review teams. Hopefully this will result in Apple making it more clear what they want to see in these screenshots. We also agreed that the Developer Forums would be a good alternative and I was pretty thrilled to get an answer here within 1 hour.

So I'll take your advice and not waste time waiting for Apple to "chime in" here.

Again, many thanks!

In-App purchase review screenshots for data assets