Handling Retry in AVPlayer for video segments 5xx errors

I am reaching out to you as I am currently trying to solve an issue involving AVPlayer, and I have encountered a challenge related to handling errors for video segments. In our implementation, we have noticed that AVPlayer tends to make contiuous calls to fetch the video segments when video segments returns errors. AVPlayer tries for approximately 30 seconds before throwing an error. We observed this issue when video segments return 404 or 5xx errors. Please fnd below screenshot for the same.

Is there any recommended approach or configuration setting that can be applied to restrict the number of calls AVPlayer makes in such scenarios. We are particularly interested in finding a solution that can help reduce the number of calls that are made in case of such failures. I look forward to hearing from you soon and appreciate your support in resolving this matter.

Handling Retry in AVPlayer for video segments 5xx errors