Failure to authenticate (probably due to timeout) when uploading macOS pkg to AppStoreConnect using altool --upload-app


we have a pretty big macOS pkg (12 GB) that we upload on AppStoreConnect. When uploading manually via Transporter, everything works perfectly, but when we are automating this upload in script (via "xcrun altool --upload-app --apiKey"), the upload starts correctly, but we end up having an error after around 25 minutes.

Setting request length to: 511
Web service call (lookupSoftwareForBundleId) result: {
    ErrorCode = 401;
    ErrorMessage = "Failure to authenticate.";
    Errors =     (
        "Failure to authenticate."
    NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=MZJSONServiceClientErrorDomain Code=401 \"Failure to authenticate.\" \U2026";

When reducing the package size (to around 6GB), the same script runs perfectly.

Anyone else has that problem, or even better, a solution?

We were able to get it working after installing iTMSTransporter pkg. Without it, it was unable to find Transporter and was defaulting to the REST APIs, resulting in the token expiring and failing to authenticate before it could finish uploading

Failure to authenticate (probably due to timeout) when uploading macOS pkg to AppStoreConnect using altool --upload-app