Non-StoreKit Free Trial Guidelines

I've seen several posts (mostly from 3+ years ago) asking about implementing a "home-rolled" free trial for subscriptions in iOS. I'm still a bit confused though as there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer.

I'm wanting to try to increase registration -> free trial conversion by offering users a time-based free trial from my backend rather than going through StoreKit. It will be clear up front that it's a subscription service and has a cost, but they won't need to agree to the auto payment after X days.

Is anyone currently doing this without getting rejected or is this still considered a no-no by Apple?

Will App Review be able to test this, without waiting X days for your code to decide that the free trial has ended? If not, I believe they must reject it.

What are you referring to when you say "test this". Do you mean they need to be able to test what happens when a trial ends?

I mean they need to be able to test purchasing the subscription.

Non-StoreKit Free Trial Guidelines