Refund Request

Is it possible for us to handle a refund for a specific customer who contacted product support to request the cancellation of his subscription? The user has neglected to stop the auto-renewal for a few months after reaching us.

I guess it works the same way as the app purchase usually refunded. User should contact Apple support and the Store will handle it for you. You'll see negative transaction in your analytics panel.

Is it possible for us to handle a refund for a specific customer who contacted product support to request the cancellation of his subscription?


When people ask this, I always write something like this:

”You need to contact Apple for refunds, as your purchase is from Apple not from me. Compare with buying a book in a shop and then contacting the author.”

I add a “Request Refund“ option through StoreKit. Accessible from a help menu. I’ve only noticed it used once and it didn’t require input from me.

You can direct customers to Apple Support, or provide a way for users to request a refund right from the app with beginRefundRequest(in:).

For more info see Support customers and handle refunds.

Refund Request