Xcode Cloud failing to upload to TestFlight/App Store

Since yesterday, we have experienced Xcode Cloud failing to upload our archives to TestFlight/App Store.

Unsupported SDK or Xcode version?

Here is one of the error messages we see on Xcode Cloud:

Unsupported SDK or Xcode version. Your app was built with an SDK or version of Xcode that isn’t supported. Although you can use beta versions of SDKs and Xcode to build and upload apps to App Store Connect, you need to use the latest Release Candidates (RC) for SDKs and Xcode to submit the app. For details on currently supported SDKs and versions of Xcode, visit: https://developer.apple.com/news/releases.

All of our Xcode Cloud workflows are configured to use the 'Latest Release' of Xcode and macOS (Currently Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate (15E5202a)), so I'm unsure why we are getting the above error.

Invalid Bundle (SPM)?

Some other errors that have just started to pop up are related to our Swift Package dependencies. We use Xcode's in-IDE interface for managing package dependencies (no custom Package.swift file). Here's some of the error messages we've seen:

  • Invalid Bundle. The bundle {MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist.

  • Invalid MinimumOSVersion. Apps that only support 64-bit devices must specify a deployment target of 8.0 or later. MinimumOSVersion in '{MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework' is ''.

  • Missing Info.plist value. A value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle {MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework is required.

  • The bundle 'Payload/{MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework' is missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring

I am not sure what to make of these errors, as we have not made any changes to minimum deployment version of any of our project's targets. These errors seemed to start happening out of nowhere, sometime between last Friday and yesterday.

Any help would be very appreciated!!

Answered by ponchorage1 in 781289022

Looks like a new Xcode RC was recently released (15.3) so if you are set to use the latest release then you might be running into this issue. Xcode Cloud using that RC as the latest release. This happened to us once before. Switching to use a previously released version of Xcode (15.2, temporarily) seems to have fixed the issue for us.

Feedback ID: FB13660343

Accepted Answer

Looks like a new Xcode RC was recently released (15.3) so if you are set to use the latest release then you might be running into this issue. Xcode Cloud using that RC as the latest release. This happened to us once before. Switching to use a previously released version of Xcode (15.2, temporarily) seems to have fixed the issue for us.

I'm using Xcode 14.2 version, also getting this issue, any solution for those people that can't upgrade Xcode due laptop limits?

Experiencing this issue as well. Is there a workaround yet besides downgrading?

@dannycortesv I'm afraid you do not have an option. Starting from 29 April, Xcode 15 is required: https://developer.apple.com/news/upcoming-requirements/?id=04292024a

@MatKuznik Meanwhile I hope to have a solution so I can update my app before 29 April deadline...

Yeah, I had the same issues - is there any solutions? At the moment, downgrading is the only solution.

This makes me grumpy.

They keep ruining the experience for everyone. It's so frustrating developing for iOS.

In our case we only had one of the issues mentioned in the original post:

Invalid Bundle. The bundle {MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist..

The framework in question is an Kotlin Multiplatform library (which we fortunately have in our own hands). The previous way to specify the minimum iOS/tvOS versions was like this:

    targetPlatforms {
        iOS { v("16") }
        tvOS { v("16") }

That no longer seems to be sufficient. Now we had to add Kotlin Native Compiler arguments like this:

    targets.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinNativeTarget> {
            "-Xoverride-konan-properties=osVersionMin.ios_arm64=16.0;osVersionMin.ios_simulator_arm64=16.0;osVersionMin.tvos_arm64=16.0;osVersionMin.tvos_simulator_arm64=16.0" // <-- Specify versions here

That fixed the Xcode Cloud build for us. (Funnily enough, this never was a problem with local Xcode 15.3 builds)

Xcode Cloud failing to upload to TestFlight/App Store