How to request keyword indexing

Using a third-party service I can see the list of keywords that are associated with my app. They are all wrong. It appears that the app store algorithm for selecting keywords has picked up variations of the company name in its keyword selection instead of using the keyword field, app name, and app description to define such keywords. For example, our Word Game from Wireless Marvels, has a keyword of Marvels. And Marvels caused Star Wars to be selected as a keyword from Marvel Studios. Of course, Star Wars has nothing to do with a word game.

How can one request that the app store re-evaluate the store description and other fields to generate a new set of keywords?

Using a third-party service I can see the list of keywords that are associated with my app.

Can you? Really? How do you think they get that info?

Good question. No clue how they gather this iinformation. Been using which appears to present a lot of data for every app Including the ranking of keywords associated with each apo. Those keywords lead to searches returning the app.

How to request keyword indexing