App review rejection: not able to locate In-App purchases

Struggling for weeks to publish a new update of my app, which includes the first-time submission of a subscription with auto-renewal. It's constantly being rejected due to the following issue:

We have started the review of your app, but we are still not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app at this time.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please reply to this message providing the steps for locating the in-app purchases in your app.

If you are restricting access to in-app purchases based on factors such as storefront or device configurations, please include this information in your reply along with steps to enable the in-app purchases for our review.

No further information is provided, no communication on the steps being taken by Apple. Additionally, I have already provided a comprehensive description during submission on how to access the In-App Purchase (IAP) as text and video.

What's kind of interesting: the app got rejected, but the related subscription is still in state "waiting for review".

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

I have already provided a comprehensive description during submission on how to access the In-App Purchase (IAP) as text and video.

Borrow someone's 90-year-old aunty, and see if they can successfully follow your instructions for finding the IAPs. Watch carefully what they do, and update your instructions / video as necessary.

If that doesn't work, add a lot of tracking to your app so that it tells you what App Review actually do (if anything).

Don't expect them to provide any more details about how far they get, etc.

App review rejection: not able to locate In-App purchases