In-app purchase - Reconnect active subscription to user

Hi all, first post ever here so apologies if information are not enough and thanks in advance for your help.


Ionic + Angular app with subscription plans to be activated via IAP with newly enabled third party subscriptions management platform (Recurly).


After activating and migrating our clients to the new platform, the users with IAP subscriptions could not be linked with the platform but their Apple subscription remained active.


What will happen if we ask users to retry the purchase of their exact active subscription through our mobile app checkout when coming to the Apple subscription panel? If the plan is the same, is Apple gonna be smart enough to reconnect the active subscription to the purchase without processing a new payment?

The issue is that - at the moment - some users are paying their subscription with Apple but are not active in our Recurly platform so they look like not-subscribed users.

Hope I could explain our issue properly! Thanks again in advance for the help!

In-app purchase - Reconnect active subscription to user