Creating identical app as app I own for the purpose of white-labeling it

I'm working with a business who is now offering to white label their service. This will greatly benefit me and the other clients they have. Currently, they have an app that allows us to communicate with their AI directly from our phones.

Now that they are offering to us to white label their services to clients of our own, we would like to white label their app as well. The developer said that he doesn't want to fight with the Apple App Review Dept. because they reject apps that are too similar.

Here is my suggestion: Since there will only need to be one more app added (we will all use the same "gray-label" nondescript app), there will only be two similar apps on the App store. That's hardly spamming. We don't need to create branded apps for each of us. We all simply want to be able to use the same gray-labeled, nondescript app instead of our partner's branded app.

For example: His app is App_A. We want him to create an App_B that is not branded to his or our stores, but is generic enough that we can use it with our own clients.

I've read the documentation ( and many of the forums. But to be honest, it seems that the Apple App Review team arbitrarily chooses apps to approve and others to reject. Sometimes a simple icon change and the Review Team accepts. Other times, it's rejected. It doesn't seem like there is a clear distinction between who gets accepted or rejected. Still the solution which is offered by Apple App Review is to put all the apps into a container. This is not a solution as we need to direct our customers to our app, and our partner will not want to put his app into a container to share with other apps.

I would like to work with someone to help push this gray-label app through. We only need one similar, gray-labeled app so that we don't have to use our partner's branded app. That will add much functionality to our offers. Plus, it will not be spam or clutter because our partner will continue to direct their clientele to their branded app, App_A, and we will all direct our clientele to the gray-label app, App_B. So there will be no confusion.

I've heard of other solutions such as obfuscating the code or opening up a new developer account, as well.

If there is anyway to work with a single person to help this project get pushed through, that would be very appreciated.

Creating identical app as app I own for the purpose of white-labeling it