Push notification not working with production environment

Hey Team,

We're experiencing an issue where push notifications are failing to deliver to certain devices in the production environment. However, they are working fine in the development build on specific devices. Interestingly, the notifications are working fine for a few devices in the same production environment.

In the affected devices we have attempted the following things to resolve the issue

  • Verify the device token (& send the notification through apple push notification console)
  • reinstall the application
  • reboot the device

Below are the device details

  • Model - Macbook Pro 15-inch, 2018
  • processor - 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9
  • OS Version - macOS Sonoma 14.2.1

I have attached the APSD process console log for the affected device. In which we are getting following error.

apsd Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement

default	08:09:37.589993-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe1d8d0
default	08:09:37.590373-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:09:37.590423-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:09:37.590504-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:10:24.168052-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Saving database.
default	08:10:24.168097-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Destroying database.
default	08:10:24.170706-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Closed database.
default	08:10:24.170741-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Reopening database
default	08:10:24.170820-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Initializing database on thread: 
default	08:10:24.171192-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling auto vacuum.
default	08:10:24.172476-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling WAL journal mode.
default	08:10:24.172543-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling Foreign Key support.
default	08:10:30.008553-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:10:30.008611-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:10:30.009157-0700	apsd	Not canceling system wake for [2024-06-04 08:10:14 -0700], which is in the past
default	08:10:30.009269-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 1 timers
default	08:10:30.009321-0700	apsd	PersistentTimer  has fired
default	08:10:30.009390-0700	apsd	Invalidating timer 
default	08:10:30.009483-0700	apsd	Timer fired. Delaying notification 1 seconds. Last system wake: 
default	08:10:30.009546-0700	apsd	 created 
default	08:10:30.009592-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:10:31 -0700]
default	08:10:30.009749-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:10:30.009994-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:10:30.010031-0700	apsd	 calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(NO) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
default	08:10:30.010070-0700	apsd	 Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
default	08:10:30.010116-0700	apsd	 Calculated minimum fire date [2024-06-04 08:10:31 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2024-06-04 08:10:31 -0700], start date [2024-06-04 08:10:30 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
default	08:10:31.019526-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:10:31.019599-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:10:31.020091-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 1 timers
default	08:10:31.020122-0700	apsd	PersistentTimer  has fired
default	08:10:31.020201-0700	apsd	Invalidating timer 
default	08:10:31.020277-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:11:31 -0700]
default	08:10:31.020438-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:10:31.020661-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:10:31.020711-0700	apsd	Calling out with reason PCEventPushKeepAlive to delegate 
default	08:10:31.020891-0700	apsd	: received PCEventPushKeepAlive call back, keepAliveV2SupportedOnInterface: NO
default	08:10:31.020948-0700	apsd	: performing keepAlive for interface NonCellular. Should use dual channel? NO
default	08:10:31.020986-0700	apsd	 calculated current connection quality. {Quality:0, Interface: NonCellular}
default	08:10:31.021013-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats max keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:10:31.021090-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats min keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:10:31.021138-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats expected keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:10:31.021172-0700	apsd	 Setting usingServerStatsAggressively for (null) to NO
default	08:10:31.021351-0700	apsd	: Sending keep alive message via conn:  onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces. Current link quality: 
default	08:10:31.021401-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:10:31.021441-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:10:31.021471-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:10:31.021498-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:10:31.021681-0700	apsd	APSPowerLog: {event: , dict: }
default	08:10:31.021776-0700	apsd	Returned from callout
default	08:10:31.048166-0700	apsd	: Outstanding data received:  (length 2) onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:10:31.048348-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 2, parameters 
default	08:10:31.048432-0700	apsd	: Received keep-alive response (null) on interface NonCellular: 
default	08:10:31.048552-0700	apsd	Resuming push keep alive timer in normal mode with action PCActionGrowPushKeepAliveInterval
default	08:10:31.048616-0700	apsd	Last timer interruption was on time: []. Expected fire time was []. {lastKeepAliveWasUntracked: NO}
default	08:10:31.048650-0700	apsd	WiFi growth algorithm-IPv4: received action PCActionGrowPushKeepAliveInterval while in stage RefinedGrowth
default	08:10:31.048710-0700	apsd	{keep alive interval = 1800, state = RefinedGrowth, next recalibration date = (null)}: adjustGrowthAlgorithmMode. {lastMode: Defaults, currentMode: Defaults}
default	08:10:31.048949-0700	apsd	Push is connected? NO  networkIsHistoricallyUsable? YES  isBadLQ? NO -- choosing pollInterval = MAX(1800, 1800)
default	08:10:31.049035-0700	apsd	 created 
default	08:10:31.049088-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:40:31 -0700]
default	08:10:31.049254-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:10:31.049490-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 3 timers
default	08:10:31.049540-0700	apsd	 Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2024-06-04 08:40:16 -0700 with leeway of 0
default	08:10:31.049592-0700	apsd	Request to schedule wake 1 date 2024-06-04 08:40:16 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier com.apple.apsd(push.apple.com)-NonCellular unique identifier 
default	08:10:31.049663-0700	apsd	 calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(NO) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
default	08:10:31.049741-0700	apsd	Last system wake date (2024-05-31 09:27:12 -0700) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
default	08:10:31.049779-0700	apsd	 Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
default	08:10:31.049824-0700	apsd	 Calculated minimum fire date [2024-06-04 08:40:31 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2024-06-04 08:40:31 -0700], start date [2024-06-04 08:10:31 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
default	08:10:31.049873-0700	apsd	updating timer guidance to 2024-06-04 08:40:31 -0700
default	08:10:31.049978-0700	apsd	 updating wifi keepAliveInterval 1800.000000  growAttempts 43
default	08:10:31.050030-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for KeepAliveSucceeded
default	08:10:31.050247-0700	apsd	: AWD for KeepAliveSucceeded returned
default	08:10:31.050237-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning NO  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer (null)  firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:10:31.050286-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
default	08:10:31.050277-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning YES  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer   firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:10:31.050328-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning YES  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer   firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:10:31.050308-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning NO  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer (null)  firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:10:36.055124-0700	apsd	 wifi is historically cheap? YES  awakePercentage = 0.000000,  wifiGrowAttemptDelta 43  wifiKeepAliveInterval 1800.000000
default	08:10:36.055188-0700	apsd	 _toggleWiFiAutoAssociateIfNecessary disabling wifi auto association highEnoughPushCost NO  wifiHistoricallyOK YES  serverLoadIsOK YES criticalReliability NO  serverSupportsDualMode YES  _dualMode 0 enableDualMode NO disableCostDrivenDualMode NO isPiggybacking NO isWoWEnabled NO
default	08:10:36.055227-0700	apsd	: Received delegate call: shouldUseDualMode is set to NO
default	08:10:36.055270-0700	apsd	 resetting consecutive failures because we have at least one connection
default	08:10:36.055310-0700	apsd	: handleDualModeState isDualChannelAllowed NO
default	08:10:36.055337-0700	apsd	 dual channel is no longer allowed
default	08:10:36.055361-0700	apsd	 NonCellular is connected; to be consistent, closing the wwan connection
default	08:10:36.055386-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:10:36.055434-0700	apsd	 courierConnection  asked us to disconnect stream on interface WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:10:36.055481-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
default	08:10:36.055679-0700	apsd	: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
default	08:10:36.055773-0700	apsd	 _disconnectStream for interface: WWAN with reason: 5
default	08:10:36.055819-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.055849-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.055895-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.055970-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.056051-0700	apsd	: Setting is connected 0 on interface WWAN with reason 5
default	08:10:36.056111-0700	apsd	Connection closed production WWAN
default	08:10:36.056152-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:10:36.056194-0700	apsd	 courierConnection  asked us to disconnect stream on interface WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:10:36.056222-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
default	08:10:36.056370-0700	apsd	: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
default	08:10:36.056394-0700	apsd	 _disconnectStream for interface: WWAN with reason: 5
default	08:10:36.056480-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.056519-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.056544-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.056564-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:10:36.056619-0700	apsd	: Setting is connected 0 on interface WWAN with reason 5
default	08:10:36.056658-0700	apsd	Connection closed production WWAN
default	08:10:36.056687-0700	apsd	 WiFi's connection manager is running. To be consistent, stopping WWAN's manager
default	08:10:36.056709-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:10:36.056775-0700	apsd	APSUserCourier  adjusting connection. Connected on 1 interfaces. Current link quality: 
default	08:10:36.056809-0700	apsd	 _hasListeningTopics YES
default	08:10:36.056837-0700	apsd	 calling _connectStream with interface preference None
default	08:10:36.056860-0700	apsd	 attempting to _connectStream. currently onInterface NonCellular consecutiveFailures 0 preference None shouldUseDualChannel NO. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:10:36.079731-0700	apsd	opened keychain, keychain status 0x7
default	08:10:36.082005-0700	apsd	Failed to talk to secd after 4 attempts.
default	08:10:36.082326-0700	apsd	kSecUseSystemKeychainAlways… present, using system keychain
default	08:10:36.082400-0700	apsd	using system keychain XPC
default	08:10:36.082453-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cb90bf10] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.securityd.systemkeychain
default	08:10:36.083296-0700	apsd	cleaning up unpooled xpc conn 0x7fd5cb90bf10
default	08:10:36.083333-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cb90bf10] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:10:36.083370-0700	apsd	got event: Connection invalid
default	08:10:36.083717-0700	apsd	 _connectStream - caller is ensuring that we are connected. We are so there's nothing to do here. - Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:11:31.022838-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:11:31.022866-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:11:31.023246-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:14:37.601197-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5caf45290] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5caf45290
default	08:14:37.601587-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:14:37.601666-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:14:37.601780-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5caf45290] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:19:37.641999-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cc80c860] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cc80c860
default	08:19:37.642348-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:19:37.642407-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:19:37.642513-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cc80c860] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:20:24.223354-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Saving database.
default	08:20:24.223474-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Destroying database.
default	08:20:24.228190-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Closed database.
default	08:20:24.228244-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Reopening database
default	08:20:24.228332-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Initializing database on thread: 
default	08:20:24.228816-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling auto vacuum.
default	08:20:24.230500-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling WAL journal mode.
default	08:20:24.230560-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling Foreign Key support.
default	08:24:37.652784-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe1d8d0
default	08:24:37.653091-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:24:37.653145-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:24:37.653228-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:25:40.577817-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbe08bc0   found 
default	08:25:40.577903-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:25:40.577956-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:25:40.578233-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 449
default	08:25:40.579056-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbe08bc0   found 
default	08:25:40.579144-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:25:40.579225-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:25:40.579478-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 449
default	08:28:05.340826-0700	apsd	: Outstanding data received:  (length 79) onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:28:05.340930-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 79, parameters 
default	08:28:05.340981-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,PerAppToken.v0 - using cache {count: 0}
default	08:28:05.341013-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,ExtendedAppToken.v1 - using cache {count: 0}
error	08:28:05.341042-0700	apsd	Received incoming push notification for topic:  but for a completely unknown token 
default	08:28:05.341088-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,PerAppToken.v0 - using cache {count: 0}
default	08:28:05.341119-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,ExtendedAppToken.v1 - using cache {count: 0}
error	08:28:05.341142-0700	apsd	Received incoming push notification for topic:  but for a completely unknown token 
default	08:28:05.341173-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,PerAppToken.v0 - using cache {count: 13}
default	08:28:05.341203-0700	apsd	: isAppSpecificTokenValid push.apple.com  ,ExtendedAppToken.v1 - using cache {count: 0}
error	08:28:05.341243-0700	apsd	Received incoming push notification for topic:  but for a completely unknown token 
default	08:28:05.341279-0700	apsd	 timestampForTopic?  token 
default	08:28:05.341490-0700	apsd	 receivedPushWithTopic  token  payload  timestamp 1717514885294759514
default	08:28:05.341677-0700	apsd	: Received message for enabled topic '' onInterface:  with payload '' with priority (null) for device token: YES isProxyMessage: NO
default	08:28:05.341816-0700	apsd	: Push has been read from stream and parsed. UUID: (null)
default	08:28:05.341929-0700	apsd	APSPowerLog: {event: , dict: }
default	08:28:05.342107-0700	apsd	 asked to store incoming message  with guid  environment 
default	08:28:05.342582-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - New message record [] has ID [1568].
default	08:28:05.342634-0700	apsd	: Sending acknowledgement message with response 0 and messageId  (2271155945)
default	08:28:05.342674-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:28:05.342709-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:28:05.342732-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:28:05.342756-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:28:05.342829-0700	apsd	: Sending Push ACK. UUID: (null)
default	08:28:05.342914-0700	apsd	 _notifyForIncomingMessage  with guid 
default	08:28:05.343038-0700	apsd	 _hasListeningTopics YES
default	08:28:05.343080-0700	apsd	: Enabling interactive power assertions due to receiving an interactive push on connection 
default	08:28:05.343141-0700	apsd	Pinging client via mach since we are not currently connected for port 
default	08:28:05.343183-0700	apsd	: Sending push to client. UUID: (null)
default	08:28:05.343439-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
default	08:28:05.343496-0700	apsd	Successfully pinged client
default	08:28:05.437551-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbb3d7c0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbb3d7c0
default	08:28:05.437895-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 65928
default	08:28:05.438105-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclientv2' for 65928
default	08:28:05.438292-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-client-cert-access' for 65928
default	08:28:05.438463-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.438666-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.iokit.interactive-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.438859-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 65928
default	08:28:05.439116-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 65928
default	08:28:05.439364-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclient' for 65928
default	08:28:05.439419-0700	apsd	SetupConnection: env= portName=
default	08:28:05.439599-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.440062-0700	apsd	Found existing connection  for port name: 
default	08:28:05.440102-0700	apsd	Setting connection  on peer: 
default	08:28:05.440146-0700	apsd	Replacing xpc conn (null) with  for  ()
default	08:28:05.440510-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 65928
default	08:28:05.440735-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.441493-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:28:05.441524-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:28:05.441700-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.441839-0700	apsd	Dispatching high priority message on server: 
default	08:28:05.442051-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbb3d7c0   found 
default	08:28:05.445425-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbb3d7c0   found 
default	08:28:05.445768-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 65928
default	08:28:05.445918-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe1d8d0
default	08:28:05.446279-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 65928
default	08:28:05.446487-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclientv2' for 65928
default	08:28:05.446654-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-client-cert-access' for 65928
default	08:28:05.446779-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.446937-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.iokit.interactive-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.447134-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 65928
default	08:28:05.447292-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 65928
default	08:28:05.447415-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclient' for 65928
default	08:28:05.447444-0700	apsd	SetupConnection: env=development portName=
default	08:28:05.447570-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.447945-0700	apsd	Found existing connection  for port name: 
default	08:28:05.448035-0700	apsd	Setting connection  on peer: 
default	08:28:05.448062-0700	apsd	Replacing xpc conn (null) with  for  ()
default	08:28:05.448276-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.448678-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:28:05.448717-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:28:05.448978-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.449949-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbe1d8d0   found 
default	08:28:05.449992-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:28:05.450021-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:28:05.450165-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 65928
default	08:28:05.450315-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbe1d8d0   found 
default	08:28:05.450598-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 65928
default	08:28:05.450787-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbe1d8d0   found 
default	08:28:05.451111-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone
default	08:28:05.451180-0700	apsd	peer(65928) received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
default	08:28:05.463005-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbb3d7c0   found 
default	08:28:05.463049-0700	apsd	 informed that  acknowledges incoming message with guid  tracingUUID (null)
default	08:28:05.463156-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - APSIncomingMessageRecordDeleteMessageForGUID 
default	08:28:10.346045-0700	apsd	Invalidating timer 
default	08:28:10.346153-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:28:10.348077-0700	apsd	Canceling system wake for simpletimer [2024-06-04 08:40:16 -0700]
default	08:28:10.348123-0700	apsd	Request to schedule wake 0 date 2024-06-04 08:40:16 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier com.apple.apsd(push.apple.com)-NonCellular unique identifier 
default	08:28:10.348210-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:29:10 -0700]
default	08:28:10.348205-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 1 timers
default	08:28:10.348366-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:28:10.348619-0700	apsd	Resuming push keep alive timer in normal mode with action PCActionMaintainPushKeepAliveInterval
default	08:28:10.348614-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:28:10.348659-0700	apsd	Last timer interruption was early: []. Expected fire time was []. {lastKeepAliveWasUntracked: NO}
default	08:28:10.348690-0700	apsd	WiFi growth algorithm-IPv4: received action PCActionMaintainPushKeepAliveInterval while in stage RefinedGrowth
default	08:28:10.348747-0700	apsd	{keep alive interval = 1800, state = RefinedGrowth, next recalibration date = (null)}: adjustGrowthAlgorithmMode. {lastMode: Defaults, currentMode: Defaults}
default	08:28:10.348957-0700	apsd	Push is connected? NO  networkIsHistoricallyUsable? YES  isBadLQ? NO -- choosing pollInterval = MAX(1800, 1800)
default	08:28:10.349020-0700	apsd	 created 
default	08:28:10.349061-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:58:10 -0700]
default	08:28:10.349180-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:28:10.349366-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 3 timers
default	08:28:10.349400-0700	apsd	 Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2024-06-04 08:57:55 -0700 with leeway of 0
default	08:28:10.349440-0700	apsd	Request to schedule wake 1 date 2024-06-04 08:57:55 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier com.apple.apsd(push.apple.com)-NonCellular unique identifier 
default	08:28:10.349487-0700	apsd	 calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(NO) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
default	08:28:10.349541-0700	apsd	Last system wake date (2024-05-31 09:27:12 -0700) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
default	08:28:10.349570-0700	apsd	 Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
default	08:28:10.349606-0700	apsd	 Calculated minimum fire date [2024-06-04 08:58:10 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2024-06-04 08:58:10 -0700], start date [2024-06-04 08:28:10 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
default	08:28:10.349641-0700	apsd	updating timer guidance to 2024-06-04 08:58:10 -0700
default	08:28:10.349875-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning YES  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer   firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:28:10.349905-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning NO  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer (null)  firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:28:10.349947-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning YES  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer   firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:28:10.349968-0700	apsd	 _adjustPollTimerIfNecessary  rightStyle NO  isRunning NO  isInReconnectMode NO   intervalTimer (null)  firingIsImminent NO - should Adjust? NO
default	08:28:47.452595-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbb3d7c0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone
default	08:28:47.452733-0700	apsd	peer(65928) received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
default	08:29:10.353238-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:29:10.353296-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:29:10.353949-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:29:37.663487-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe1d8d0
default	08:29:37.663774-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:29:37.663827-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:29:37.663913-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:30:31.654540-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:30:31.654565-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:30:31.654824-0700	apsd	Not canceling system wake for [2024-06-04 08:30:16 -0700], which is in the past
default	08:30:31.654902-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 1 timers
default	08:30:31.654916-0700	apsd	PersistentTimer  has fired
default	08:30:31.654963-0700	apsd	Invalidating timer 
default	08:30:31.655025-0700	apsd	Timer fired. Delaying notification 1 seconds. Last system wake: 
default	08:30:31.655066-0700	apsd	 created 
default	08:30:31.655096-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:30:32 -0700]
default	08:30:31.655196-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:30:31.655309-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:30:31.655386-0700	apsd	 calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(NO) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
default	08:30:31.655411-0700	apsd	 Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
default	08:30:31.655441-0700	apsd	 Calculated minimum fire date [2024-06-04 08:30:32 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2024-06-04 08:30:32 -0700], start date [2024-06-04 08:30:31 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
default	08:30:32.664716-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:30:32.664753-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:30:32.665240-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 1 timers
default	08:30:32.665286-0700	apsd	PersistentTimer  has fired
default	08:30:32.665375-0700	apsd	Invalidating timer 
default	08:30:32.665467-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 08:31:32 -0700]
default	08:30:32.665632-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:30:32.665826-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:30:32.666040-0700	apsd	Calling out with reason PCEventPushKeepAlive to delegate 
default	08:30:32.666106-0700	apsd	: received PCEventPushKeepAlive call back, keepAliveV2SupportedOnInterface: NO
default	08:30:32.666136-0700	apsd	: performing keepAlive for interface NonCellular. Should use dual channel? NO
default	08:30:32.666161-0700	apsd	 calculated current connection quality. {Quality:0, Interface: NonCellular}
default	08:30:32.666182-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats max keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:30:32.666203-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats min keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:30:32.666225-0700	apsd	 Setting server stats expected keep alive interval for (null) to 0
default	08:30:32.666248-0700	apsd	 Setting usingServerStatsAggressively for (null) to NO
default	08:30:32.666309-0700	apsd	: Sending keep alive message via conn:  onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces. Current link quality: 
default	08:30:32.666336-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:30:32.666364-0700	apsd	: informed of pending outgoing data checking if filters should update -- protocol connection 
default	08:30:32.666493-0700	apsd	APSPowerLog: {event: , dict: }
default	08:30:32.666614-0700	apsd	Returned from callout
default	08:30:32.685601-0700	apsd	: Outstanding data received:  (length 2) onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:30:32.685789-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 2, parameters 
default	08:30:32.685874-0700	apsd	: Received keep-alive response (null) on interface NonCellular: 
default	08:30:32.685971-0700	apsd	Resuming push keep alive timer in normal mode with action PCActionGrowPushKeepAliveInterval
default	08:30:32.686060-0700	apsd	Last timer interruption was on time: []. Expected fire time was []. {lastKeepAliveWasUntracked: NO}
default	08:30:32.686125-0700	apsd	WiFi growth algorithm-IPv4: received action PCActionGrowPushKeepAliveInterval while in stage RefinedGrowth
default	08:30:32.686184-0700	apsd	{keep alive interval = 1800, state = RefinedGrowth, next recalibration date = (null)}: adjustGrowthAlgorithmMode. {lastMode: Defaults, currentMode: Defaults}
default	08:30:32.686506-0700	apsd	Push is connected? NO  networkIsHistoricallyUsable? YES  isBadLQ? NO -- choosing pollInterval = MAX(1800, 1800)
default	08:30:32.686626-0700	apsd	 created 
default	08:30:32.686696-0700	apsd	Started simple timer  with fire date [2024-06-04 09:00:32 -0700]
default	08:30:32.686868-0700	apsd	 created preventSleepTimer  and fireTimer  on queue 
default	08:30:32.687220-0700	apsd	Enabling power monitoring for  - 3 timers
default	08:30:32.687342-0700	apsd	 Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2024-06-04 09:00:17 -0700 with leeway of 0
default	08:30:32.687391-0700	apsd	Request to schedule wake 1 date 2024-06-04 09:00:17 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier com.apple.apsd(sandbox.push.apple.com)-NonCellular unique identifier 
default	08:30:32.687485-0700	apsd	 calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(NO) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
default	08:30:32.687571-0700	apsd	Last system wake date (2024-05-31 09:27:12 -0700) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
default	08:30:32.687612-0700	apsd	 Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
default	08:30:32.687895-0700	apsd	 Calculated minimum fire date [2024-06-04 09:00:32 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2024-06-04 09:00:32 -0700], start date [2024-06-04 08:30:32 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
default	08:30:32.688024-0700	apsd	 updating wifi keepAliveInterval 1800.000000  growAttempts 47
default	08:30:32.688076-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for KeepAliveSucceeded
default	08:30:32.688287-0700	apsd	: AWD for KeepAliveSucceeded returned
default	08:30:32.688327-0700	apsd	: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
default	08:30:37.690669-0700	apsd	 wifi is historically cheap? YES  awakePercentage = 0.000000,  wifiGrowAttemptDelta 47  wifiKeepAliveInterval 1800.000000
default	08:30:37.690754-0700	apsd	 _toggleWiFiAutoAssociateIfNecessary disabling wifi auto association highEnoughPushCost NO  wifiHistoricallyOK YES  serverLoadIsOK YES criticalReliability NO  serverSupportsDualMode YES  _dualMode 0 enableDualMode NO disableCostDrivenDualMode NO isPiggybacking NO isWoWEnabled NO
default	08:30:37.690790-0700	apsd	: Received delegate call: shouldUseDualMode is set to NO
default	08:30:37.690823-0700	apsd	 resetting consecutive failures because we have at least one connection
default	08:30:37.690849-0700	apsd	: handleDualModeState isDualChannelAllowed NO
default	08:30:37.690871-0700	apsd	 dual channel is no longer allowed
default	08:30:37.690897-0700	apsd	 NonCellular is connected; to be consistent, closing the wwan connection
default	08:30:37.690921-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:30:37.690959-0700	apsd	 courierConnection  asked us to disconnect stream on interface WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:30:37.690989-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
default	08:30:37.691274-0700	apsd	: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
default	08:30:37.691303-0700	apsd	 _disconnectStream for interface: WWAN with reason: 5
default	08:30:37.691329-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.691370-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.691453-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.691498-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.691591-0700	apsd	: Setting is connected 0 on interface WWAN with reason 5
default	08:30:37.691653-0700	apsd	Connection closed development WWAN
default	08:30:37.691699-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:30:37.691750-0700	apsd	 courierConnection  asked us to disconnect stream on interface WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:30:37.691796-0700	apsd	: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
default	08:30:37.692003-0700	apsd	: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
default	08:30:37.692039-0700	apsd	 _disconnectStream for interface: WWAN with reason: 5
default	08:30:37.692076-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.692105-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.692131-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.692174-0700	apsd	: Removing 0 unsent items from the of queue
default	08:30:37.692257-0700	apsd	: Setting is connected 0 on interface WWAN with reason 5
default	08:30:37.692316-0700	apsd	Connection closed development WWAN
default	08:30:37.692358-0700	apsd	 WiFi's connection manager is running. To be consistent, stopping WWAN's manager
default	08:30:37.692393-0700	apsd	PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
default	08:30:37.692451-0700	apsd	APSUserCourier  adjusting connection. Connected on 1 interfaces. Current link quality: 
default	08:30:37.692492-0700	apsd	 _hasListeningTopics NO
default	08:30:37.692528-0700	apsd	 _hasListeningTopics YES
default	08:30:37.692565-0700	apsd	 calling _connectStream with interface preference None
default	08:30:37.692601-0700	apsd	 attempting to _connectStream. currently onInterface NonCellular consecutiveFailures 0 preference None shouldUseDualChannel NO. Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:30:37.713809-0700	apsd	opened keychain, keychain status 0x7
default	08:30:37.715044-0700	apsd	Failed to talk to secd after 4 attempts.
default	08:30:37.715229-0700	apsd	kSecUseSystemKeychainAlways… present, using system keychain
default	08:30:37.715250-0700	apsd	using system keychain XPC
default	08:30:37.715275-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cba44ca0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.securityd.systemkeychain
default	08:30:37.715900-0700	apsd	cleaning up unpooled xpc conn 0x7fd5cba44ca0
default	08:30:37.715936-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cba44ca0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:30:37.715959-0700	apsd	got event: Connection invalid
default	08:30:37.716243-0700	apsd	 _connectStream - caller is ensuring that we are connected. We are so there's nothing to do here. - Connected on 1 interfaces.
default	08:31:32.674715-0700	apsd	SimpleTimer  has fired
default	08:31:32.674777-0700	apsd	Invalidating simple timer 
default	08:31:32.675451-0700	apsd	Disabling power monitoring for  - 2 timers
default	08:33:09.204449-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbb3a7e0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbb3a7e0
default	08:33:09.204818-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 66175
default	08:33:09.205085-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclientv2' for 66175
default	08:33:09.205375-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-client-cert-access' for 66175
default	08:33:09.205635-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.205847-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.iokit.interactive-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.206013-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 66175
default	08:33:09.206172-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 66175
default	08:33:09.206332-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclient' for 66175
default	08:33:09.206367-0700	apsd	SetupConnection: env= portName=
default	08:33:09.206585-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.207067-0700	apsd	Found existing connection  for port name: 
default	08:33:09.207108-0700	apsd	Setting connection  on peer: 
default	08:33:09.207154-0700	apsd	Replacing xpc conn (null) with  for  ()
default	08:33:09.207416-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 66175
default	08:33:09.207664-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.208349-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:33:09.208389-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:33:09.208587-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.212063-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cbb3a7e0   found 
default	08:33:09.212332-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 66175
default	08:33:09.213416-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cc9065d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cc9065d0
default	08:33:09.213797-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 66175
default	08:33:09.214020-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclientv2' for 66175
default	08:33:09.214251-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-client-cert-access' for 66175
default	08:33:09.214508-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.214788-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.iokit.interactive-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.215054-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 66175
default	08:33:09.215250-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 66175
default	08:33:09.215423-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.secure-apsclient' for 66175
default	08:33:09.215465-0700	apsd	SetupConnection: env=development portName=
default	08:33:09.215631-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.215925-0700	apsd	Found existing connection  for port name: 
default	08:33:09.215960-0700	apsd	Setting connection  on peer: 
default	08:33:09.215985-0700	apsd	Replacing xpc conn (null) with  for  ()
default	08:33:09.216166-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.216483-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:33:09.216531-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:33:09.216732-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.217951-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cc9065d0   found 
default	08:33:09.218041-0700	apsd	 policy state {clamshelled: NO, inFullWake: YES, wasInFullWake: NO, inDarkWake: NO, deviceModelBasedDowngrading: YES, powerMode: 0, smartPowerNapeState: 0}
default	08:33:09.218086-0700	apsd	: completed transaction - calculated change None {initialFilterByTopicName: (null)}
default	08:33:09.218334-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.dark-wake-push' for 66175
default	08:33:09.218472-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cc9065d0   found 
default	08:33:09.218717-0700	apsd	successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 66175
default	08:33:09.218837-0700	apsd	Looking up connection on peer: cc9065d0   found 
default	08:33:09.219099-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cc9065d0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone
default	08:33:09.219182-0700	apsd	peer(66175) received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
default	08:33:51.218882-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbb3a7e0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone
default	08:33:51.219012-0700	apsd	peer(66175) received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
default	08:34:37.674366-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe1d8d0
default	08:34:37.674721-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:34:37.674783-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:34:37.674889-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe1d8d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:38:05.433522-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Saving database.
default	08:38:05.433593-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Destroying database.
default	08:38:05.438050-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Closed database.
default	08:38:05.438097-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Reopening database
default	08:38:05.438182-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Initializing database on thread: 
default	08:38:05.439264-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling auto vacuum.
default	08:38:05.440984-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling WAL journal mode.
default	08:38:05.441037-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling Foreign Key support.
default	08:39:37.634495-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe4ef60] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cbe4ef60
default	08:39:37.634864-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:39:37.634927-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:39:37.635047-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cbe4ef60] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:44:37.638739-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cba1e9f0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.apsd.peer.0x7fd5cba1e9f0
default	08:44:37.638987-0700	apsd	Failed entitlement check 'com.apple.private.aps-connection-initiate' for 472
fault	08:44:37.639029-0700	apsd	Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement
default	08:44:37.639100-0700	apsd	[0x7fd5cba1e9f0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	08:48:05.448554-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Saving database.
default	08:48:05.448676-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Destroying database.
default	08:48:05.453473-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Closed database.
default	08:48:05.453521-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Reopening database
default	08:48:05.453645-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Initializing database on thread: 
default	08:48:05.454145-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling auto vacuum.
default	08:48:05.455873-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling WAL journal mode.
default	08:48:05.455935-0700	apsd	APSMessageStore - Enabling Foreign Key support.

Thank you all in advance for any information regarding this issue and we will provide any additional information if needed.

I would like to clarify the issue you are describing first:

  • the failing push notifications are being sent to Mac devices
  • the issue is only happening on production builds of your app, when the notifications are sent in the Production environment
  • you have confirmed that the app tokens you are using for the production builds belong to the production builds of the app, and not mistakingly using tokens from the development builds
  • the push notifications you are sending are of "alert" type, and not silent or background notifications
  • on the devices you are seeing this problem, the users have not declined the app authorization to send notifications

If all these check out, I would like you to try one thing: when you send a push notification, and it does not appear (also, no errors from the push notification console when you send them), try turning off the WiFi connection on the Mac (or unplug the wired connection if that is how it is connected to the network), and turn it back on after a few seconds. Does the missing notifications sent just before get shown then?

Let me know, and we will see what the next steps should be for diagnosing the issue.

Push notification not working with production environment