Beta Problems

Hello Apple official engineer? I am a User of iOS 18 Beta & MacOS Sequoia Beta. I found some errors and uncomfortable problems of the Operating systems, so I want to notice them to you.

The iOS 18

  1. the tabs of Control center. I want to delete empty of one, but the is no way to delete. There was no control component. How should I do? -_-

  2. text of item that modified its size in the control panel protruded out of the container. the rounder container can't contain the text. The text should be more smaller or container should be changed.

  3. the responses when I touch has delay. Our family all use iPhone 12Pro or 13, when iOS 17 came out and I installed it, our phones became slower. If iOS 18 (official) assigns more processors, I think only iPhone 15 and 16 don't have lags.

Also, There are some thing problem in the MacOS Sequoia(15)

  1. it doesn't support Xcode 15(.4). I should download 16 Beta!!!

  2. it has so many lag more than iOS 18. The Mac's benefit was soft screen but it become very hard moving ^^(??)

  3. this is not sure... after I update MacOS 15, the macbook makes "zzzzzzziiiii" sound when I charge.

  4. the beta does not 100% localized. I'm Korean but many messages and systems sometimes show the english.

Pls check this contents!

Answered by DTS Engineer in 790117022


For issues that you encounter with the betas (iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia), it's important that you file bug reports via Feedback Assistant, so that the issues can be tracked and investigated by their engineering teams.

I recommend that you file a separate bug report for each issue, and then come back here and update your forums post with the feedback IDs (FBxxxxxxx).


For issues that you encounter with the betas (iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia), it's important that you file bug reports via Feedback Assistant, so that the issues can be tracked and investigated by their engineering teams.

I recommend that you file a separate bug report for each issue, and then come back here and update your forums post with the feedback IDs (FBxxxxxxx).

Beta Problems