Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)


So I updated my mac to 15.0 Sequoia Developer Beta and couldn't run Xcode 15.4 because of the Mac version mismatch, so I installed Xcode 16 beta and archived my app, but of course I cannot publish it to App Store because Apple doesn't let you do it with beta soft.

So, I downloaded Xcode 15.4 (current latest stable build) and managed to run it following this fix: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69994916/how-can-i-run-older-xcode-version-on-new-macos-version

But, now when I create a new archive and submit it for review I am getting: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: https://developer.apple.com/news/releases.

I tried deleting derived data and build folders, building new archives, but to no avail.

Has anybody encountered this before?

Answered by hopye in 791628022

I had to create virtual machine with Sonoma , install Xcode 15, then from the main machine with Sequoia but running Xcode 15, ( can be the same done in Xcode 16 this part ) create a provisioning profile, export developer profile from Xcode , export the two certificates I saw on my system keychain access regarding to apple developer. On the virtual machine (Sonoma), import the certificates exported from the keychain , add it to System ( not to login ) , in Xcode, import the developer profile, in the App general, instead of Xcode managing the provisioning profile, select to import and select the provision profile you made at developer.apple.com ( be sure to select iOS , on the devices show all and select all Macs and phones.. and everything ;) Then create the Archive, right click + show in finder. copied the xarchive to my sequoia os machine, and upload from there

It might be worth checking that you are running the right copy of the xcode tools.

I have the same issue as you, you able to fix this ?


im having the same, was trying this fix here https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/117438

by Go to Organizer Right-Click on your app archive -> show in Finder Right-Click on the .xcarchive -> Show package content Go to Products/Applications/"AppName".app/ Open the info.plist Find the BuildMachineOSBuild and change it to the latest public MacOS release (18F132 for macOS 10.14.5)

Same problem here after updating to Xcode 16 and downgrading afterwards Maybe, we need to install an older macOS? https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/xcode.2428826/

Was able to solve the problem. This problem was caused by macOS 15.0, which I already installed. It did not matter, which xCode version I used. So I organized a cloud access to a Mac (with macOS Sonoma and xCode 15.4) (https://www.macincloud.com), cloned the project from GitHub and archived and sent it to Apple Store connect again. Now, was able to send it to Apple to check it.

Accepted Answer

I had to create virtual machine with Sonoma , install Xcode 15, then from the main machine with Sequoia but running Xcode 15, ( can be the same done in Xcode 16 this part ) create a provisioning profile, export developer profile from Xcode , export the two certificates I saw on my system keychain access regarding to apple developer. On the virtual machine (Sonoma), import the certificates exported from the keychain , add it to System ( not to login ) , in Xcode, import the developer profile, in the App general, instead of Xcode managing the provisioning profile, select to import and select the provision profile you made at developer.apple.com ( be sure to select iOS , on the devices show all and select all Macs and phones.. and everything ;) Then create the Archive, right click + show in finder. copied the xarchive to my sequoia os machine, and upload from there

TLDR, no need to manage provisioning profile:

  1. Share your project folder with the virtual machine
  2. Open the project in xcode 15.4 in the virtual machine, do not change anything
  3. Click Product->Archive
  4. Once done, copy the archive to your physical machine
  5. Open the project in your physical machine, and click Window->Organizer, and distribute your app.

If your project doesn't require additional build configurations, you can also use xcode cloud build to simplifiy things.

Any fix without having to do a virtual machine? Since i dont have enough SSD left? Cant believe theres no easier solution to this yet

Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)