Screen Time Crash. IOS 18 Dev Beta 1

I have experienced a consistent bug with screen time in IOS 18 DB1. It just doesn’t work, but the limits still function. I cannot access screen time settings (it just crashes) nor can I disable screen time from within a blocked app itself. Have not found any workaround.

I have logged a feedback report, FB13932765 (Unable to open screen time settings, it just crashes)

I Hope this can be looked at and resolved by the next update.

Thanks, Felix

I understand, and this is an issue we're aware of (FB13932765 ), but we're not aware of any recommended workaround so far. If you find something that helps you avoid the issue, please share it with the community by coming back and posting it here.

Same issue here. Unfortunately I have set my X app to 2hrs. Now I can’t skip for the day and I can’t increase the screen time as it crashes

Having same issue, and my kids screen time is no longer set.
it doesn’t allow me to save the set up of screen when trying to access theirs under Family settings, either. Please rush update for this fix.

Still happening after beta 2 I'm afraid

I am still logged out of my apps, every time I go to access the screen time settings I get kicked out of the settings app.

Yes, Screen time app itself is crashing. I am locked out my IG & all the social media apps for so long. I was hopeful that it will be fixed on Beta 2, but they still haven't fixed this feature.

It's annoying and discouraging that Apple engineers didn't test one of test features and pushed a buggy release with no way to reverting to the IOS17 without resetting your phone. I wouldn't try developer ios ever again.

Screen Time Crash. IOS 18 Dev Beta 1