Use personal Reduction Code in apple ios application ?

Good morning,

I am in the process of setting up a new release of my application, in fact I recently submitted a release using stripe as a means of payment for subscriptions which was refused by telling me that it must go through Apple IAP.

Currently everything has been migrated to IAP, my subscriptions are offered by period (1 month, 6 months, etc.), and with discount vouchers that I manage until now with my server (managarial/marketing choice).

The approach used to manage this is to offer two subscriptions on Apple Connect for each period: for example 1 month => there is one subscription with $3 and one with $2.

With respect to my server verifications (has the user validated their discount voucher or not), I display the appropriate subscription to them.

Could you please tell me that this approach will not impact me on my next review? while knowing that currently all subscriptions now go through IAP Apple and my work on the server side only manages the display of the appropriate products and whether or not the user has validated their reduction voucher.

Tank you.

Use personal Reduction Code in apple ios application ?