When is a Reader App not a Reader App?


Two years ago we launched a business for readers and writers. People buy a subscription through our website, where they also upload books, articles, journals, etc. They are then directed to download either the iOS or Android apps where they can read the content writers have uploaded. The App also includes social functions allowing members to leave reviews, create discussions on each piece of writing, etc. When reviewing the Apple Developer guidelines, we were confident we met the definition of a ‘Reader’ App (defined by Apple as an App whose primary purpose is to access previously purchased content, being books, magazines, music, videos, etc).

We completed the External Link Request process as a Reader App and were successfully provided the exemption authority.

However, in our latest version update (one that includes a critical bug fix stopping us from promoting the business until it is fixed) we were rejected on the basis that the reviewer considered any inclusion of additional functionality automatically made us not a Reader app. (noting the social functions had been in place since day 1 and had been reviewed over a dozen times).

I understand that the term ‘Primary purpose’ is not in itself an exact measure, but to us it is quite clear the primary purpose of our App is to access the books and other written content that the member has purchased. The social functions are secondary and developed in support of this primary purpose.

We submitted an Appeal 6 days ago (noting it as urgent due to the bug fix it includes) but have had no response.

Really at a loss on what to do. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Or some precedents (either supportive or otherwise) on a definition of a Reader App?

Appreciate any advice on how we can resolve.

Regards Yousif

Thank you for your post and appeal. We're investigating the appeal and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Thank you for your post. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

When is a Reader App not a Reader App?