Simulator crash Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) WatchDog: 0x8BADF00D


My app often crashes when I use simulators. I would like some help with reading the crash report that is generated. Especially with the part below Thread 0 Crashed. Based on other posts I understand that the 0x8BADF00D in the crash report is a WatchDog crash that basically says that WatchDog terminated the app because the main thread was blocked for a significant time. Many processes can block the main thread so it's hard to find out what it is in our specific case. Can someone help me reading through the crash report?

Background information The application is Xamarin Native and I use Rider as an IDE. When I use Visual Studio, the simulators run just fine. No crash occurs while using my app on a device.

The crash happens on multiple simulators with different OS versions. I already deleted XCode cache, erased content and settings of several simulators and deleted iOS DeviceSupport files.

Simulator crash Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) WatchDog: 0x8BADF00D