I have an Xcode project written in Objc where Xcode recognizes GoogleMaps code (GMS SDK 9) and applies appropriate theme colors. I'm porting the app into Swift and Xcode does not seem recognize GMS code for theme colors. The theme otherwise works and the Swift/GMS code works (ie the app works).
I've tried 'Clean All Targets', deleting the DerivedData folder, cleaning the Xcode cache, re-installing the GMS SDK (both CocoaPod & manual methods) etc. When the Swift project is re-opened, Xcode shows the project is being re-indexed. After indexing, the rest of the code is 'colorized' - but not the GMS code.
Both StackOverflow & StackExchange rejected this question. And Apple Developer Support has not been able to help (Case ID: 102334926141).
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.