Xcode not recognizing GoogleMaps theme colors with Swift

I have an Xcode project written in Objc where Xcode recognizes GoogleMaps code (GMS SDK 9) and applies appropriate theme colors. I'm porting the app into Swift and Xcode does not seem recognize GMS code for theme colors. The theme otherwise works and the Swift/GMS code works (ie the app works).

I've tried 'Clean All Targets', deleting the DerivedData folder, cleaning the Xcode cache, re-installing the GMS SDK (both CocoaPod & manual methods) etc. When the Swift project is re-opened, Xcode shows the project is being re-indexed. After indexing, the rest of the code is 'colorized' - but not the GMS code.

Both StackOverflow & StackExchange rejected this question. And Apple Developer Support has not been able to help (Case ID: 102334926141).

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Can you clarify what you mean by GoogleMaps theme colors? Is this a color scheme applied to Google's Map when integrated into your app? Or are you referring to the syntax highlighting Xcode provides, and you're not seeing that syntax highlighting only in this one scenario?

I'm referring to the syntax highlighting Xcode provides, and I'm not seeing that syntax highlighting only in this one scenario

Thank you for that clarification. The best thing to do here is to take your current project, and strip down as much as you can to minimize the size and remove any proprietary code of yours, while generally aiming to preserve the Xcode project file configuration that you have as much as possible., Once you have that, see if it continues to reproduce, and please attach this simplified project to a bug report along with screenshots of what you're seeing for the lack of syntax highlighting. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for our reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

I now have 2 stripped down versions - one ObjC and one Swift. They produce the same results. I have attached a screen-cap herein that shows the 'theme' discrepancy. The left side being the Objc version shows the proper theme colors, the right side being Swift does not. Note that any terms using "GMS" show the discrepancy of concern.

However, the GMS SDK requires an API Key to make things work. I have my key hardwired in the App Delegate file in both versions. I'm admonished by Google 'Don't share this key with anyone!'. Before I submit the code, I would like to know how to handle that.

Please reply...

TIA, Jeff

Written by JakeAce in 796184022
I have my key hardwired in the App Delegate file in both versions. I'm admonished by Google 'Don't share this key with anyone!'. Before I submit the code, I would like to know how to handle that.

I appreciate you taking the time to do this reduction. As to your key question, just put it a random value, or remove it entirely. A runnable project that functionally accesses their map resources isn't important to the goals of this bug report.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Thank you for your help. The files (zipped) are now uploaded to the Feedback Assistant. Here's the URL for the issue: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/14399508 This my first time doing such, so please let me know if I have done this correctly.

TIA, Jeff

Xcode not recognizing GoogleMaps theme colors with Swift