Will this app's plan pass the review?

I'm trying to develop a map app that shows the location of concept cafes.

A concept cafe is a cafe with cute girls.

Will this app pass inspection?

You have to check guideline 1.1.4 on Objectionable Content.

You should probably indicate in the comments (if that's the case), that all the cafes you reference have signed a code of conduit and hence you meet this guideline.

What makes your app any different to, say, just using a Maps app that has those locations listed?

When I search Apple Maps for restaurants, it shows restaurants near me. Would it do the same thing your app wants to do?

If your "concept cafés" don't show up in Apple Maps, it's likely that Apple objects to that sort of content, and they wouldn't allow an app.

Any app has to have some functional use to its users. If you're just surfacing a list of cafés, then it offers nothing new.

Thank you for your post. We recommend you sign up for a session with App Review during the weekly Meet with Apple Experts event. Sign in with your Developer ID and select "Request a one-on-one App Review consultation". A member of the App Review team will help you with your questions regarding the review process and the App Review Guidelines.

Will this app's plan pass the review?