Bluetooth connection unexpectedly timing out with macOS Sequoia

After the macOS Sequoia update, my app seems to have an issue with Bluetooth communication between macOS and iOS that uses CoreBluetooth for Central-Peripheral communication.


  • The iPhone (in my case: iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 18.0 (22A3354)) acts as the Central, and the Mac (in my case: 14" MacBook Pro 2023 with macOS 15.0 (24A335)) as the Peripheral.
  • I’ve implemented a mechanism where the Central (iPhone) sends a message to the Peripheral (Mac) every 15 seconds to keep the connection alive (Because it needs to wait for notify characteristic updates).
  • I never noticed this kind of issue before, but with macOS Sequoia I get it permanently.


The connection drops unexpectedly after a period of time (sometimes 20 seconds, sometimes a few minutes) with CBErrorDomain - code 6: The connection has timed out unexpectedly.

Sample Code:

Peripheral (Mac):

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject private var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Advertisement State: \(viewModel.isStateActive ? "Active" : "Inactive")")

#Preview {

import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth

let SERVICE_UUID: CBUUID        = CBUUID(string: "76a3a3fa-b8d3-451a-9c78-bf5d7434d3cc")
let CHARACTERISTIC_UUID: CBUUID = CBUUID(string: "bffe9d64-0ee6-472b-849c-ab98182bd592")

final class ContentViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {
    @Published var isStateActive = false
    private var peripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager?
    override init() {
        if CBManager.authorization != .allowedAlways {
            print("Bluetooth Permission missing")
        peripheralManager = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
    private func setupServices() {
        let service = CBMutableService(type: SERVICE_UUID, primary: true)
        let characteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, properties: .write, value: nil, permissions: .writeable)
        service.characteristics = [characteristic]
        let data = [CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey: "Sample Service", CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey: [SERVICE_UUID]] as [String : Any]

extension ContentViewModel: CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
    func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
        switch peripheral.state {
        case .poweredOn:
            isStateActive = true
            isStateActive = false
    func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveWrite requests: [CBATTRequest]) {
        for request in requests {
            guard let value = request.value else { continue }
            let stringValue = String(decoding: value, as: UTF8.self)
            print("Write request: \(stringValue)")

Central (iPhone):

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject private var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Bluetooth State: \(viewModel.isStateActive ? "Active" : "Inactive")")
            Text("Connection state: \(viewModel.isConnected ? "Connected" : "Not connected")")
            List(viewModel.discoveredPeripherals, id: \.self) { peripheral in
                Button( ?? "Unknown Peripheral") {

#Preview {

import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth

let SERVICE_UUID: CBUUID        = CBUUID(string: "76a3a3fa-b8d3-451a-9c78-bf5d7434d3cc")
let CHARACTERISTIC_UUID: CBUUID = CBUUID(string: "bffe9d64-0ee6-472b-849c-ab98182bd592")

final class ContentViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {
    @Published var centralManager: CBCentralManager?
    @Published var discoveredPeripherals = [CBPeripheral]()
    @Published var connectedPeripheral: CBPeripheral?
    @Published var isStateActive = false
    @Published var isConnected = false
    private var characteristic: CBCharacteristic?
    private var messagesTimer: Timer?
    override init() {
        centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
    func connectToPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
        if centralManager?.isScanning == true {
        centralManager?.connect(peripheral, options: nil)
    private func startWritingMessages() {
        messagesTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 15, target: self, selector: #selector(messagesTimerFired), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
    @objc private func messagesTimerFired() {
        guard let peripheral = connectedPeripheral, let data = "Sample Data".data(using: .utf8), let characteristic = characteristic else {
            print("Error sending message")
        print("write message...")
        peripheral.writeValue(data, for: characteristic, type: .withResponse)

extension ContentViewModel: CBCentralManagerDelegate {
    func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
        switch central.state {
        case .poweredOn:
            isStateActive = true
            centralManager?.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [SERVICE_UUID], options: nil)
            isStateActive = false
    func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) {
        if !self.discoveredPeripherals.contains(peripheral) {
    func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
        isConnected = true
        connectedPeripheral = peripheral
        connectedPeripheral?.delegate = self
    func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: (any Error)?) {
        print("Failed to connect: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")
        isConnected = false
    func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: (any Error)?) {
        print("Disconnected: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")
        isConnected = false
    func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, timestamp: CFAbsoluteTime, isReconnecting: Bool, error: (any Error)?) {
        print("Disconnected: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")
        isConnected = false

extension ContentViewModel: CBPeripheralDelegate {
    func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: (any Error)?) {
        if let error = error {
            print("Error discovering services: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        guard let services = else {
            print("Error services nil")
        for service in services {
            peripheral.discoverCharacteristics([CHARACTERISTIC_UUID], for: service)
    func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: CBService, error: (any Error)?) {
        if let error = error {
            print("Error discovering characteristic: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        guard let characteristics = service.characteristics else {
            print("Error characteristics nil")
        characteristic = characteristics.first { $0.uuid == CHARACTERISTIC_UUID }
        if characteristic == nil {
            print("Error characteristic not found")


I attached sample code including the Central-Sample (for iPhone) and Peripheral-Sample (for Mac).

  • Just run the Peripheral-Sample (after granting Bluetooth permissions).
  • Then run the Central-Sample and select the Mac device in the list
  • After selecting it should connect, discover the service & characteristic and should start writing messages to it.
  • After some time the func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: (any Error)?) {should get called with timed out unexpectedly error.

Could anyone please look into this issue and advise on whether there’s a known bug or any workaround? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, as this impacts the stability of Bluetooth communication between the devices.

Thanks in advance.


I also ran the during this issue which got these errors (if this is helpful):

fehler	23:04:51.526968+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:51.526995+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:52.260924+0200	kernel	83 duplicate reports for Sandbox: managedcorespotlightd(1669) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplication
fehler	23:04:52.260946+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:04:54.343538+0200	kernel	6 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:04:54.343560+0200	kernel	Sandbox: biomesyncd(34528) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client RootDomainUserClient
fehler	23:04:54.354480+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.354758+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.355379+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
problem	23:04:54.368460+0200	apsd	Peer [pid=1059] attempts to set ultra constrained topics without ultra constrained enabled entitlement
fehler	23:04:54.371141+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:54.371165+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
problem	23:04:54.371805+0200	apsd	Peer [pid=1059] attempts to set ultra constrained topics without ultra constrained enabled entitlement
fehler	23:04:54.372571+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.372509+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.374850+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:54.374878+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:54.376128+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:54.376161+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:54.390827+0200	rapportd	### MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo failed: kMRMediaRemoteFrameworkErrorDomain:1
fehler	23:04:54.391025+0200	biomesyncd	clock vector is empty (null)
fehler	23:04:54.398667+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:04:54.398816+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
fehler	23:04:54.865756+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.865751+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:54.873079+0200	rapportd	### MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo failed: kMRMediaRemoteFrameworkErrorDomain:1
fehler	23:04:54.954067+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:54.954668+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:54.997188+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:04:54.997942+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:04:55.043282+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:55.043348+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:55.048312+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:55.048373+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:55.069772+0200	rapportd	### MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo failed: kMRMediaRemoteFrameworkErrorDomain:1
fehler	23:04:56.574791+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:56.574820+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:56.597805+0200	runningboardd	Kernel call to get coalition roles for PID 34530, resource coalition id: 7067, jetsam coalition id: 7068, failed: ret -1, errno 2.
fehler	23:04:56.604180+0200	Dock	Did not find tile from bookmark: 
fehler	23:04:56.618191+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:56.618248+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:56.629472+0200	BiomeAgent	ViewUpdate.Manager: Detected a new device but there was no change loading new devices
fehler	23:04:56.913629+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:56.913710+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:56.914493+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:56.931721+0200	DTServiceHub	[DTStoreKitService] Connection to daemon invalidated
problem	23:04:57.041043+0200	biomesyncd	observed new data from non-local site 
fehler	23:04:57.305891+0200	BiomeAgent	ViewUpdate.Manager: Detected a new device but there was no change loading new devices
fehler	23:04:57.311134+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.311155+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.314735+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.314754+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.316067+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.316087+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:04:57.318181+0200	rapportd	### MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo failed: kMRMediaRemoteFrameworkErrorDomain:1
fehler	23:04:57.370605+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.370662+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.377481+0200	containermanagerd	failed to read /Library/Preferences/Logging/ [1: Operation not permitted]
fehler	23:04:57.377572+0200	containermanagerd	failed to read /Library/Preferences/Logging/ [1: Operation not permitted]
fehler	23:04:57.436264+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.517864+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.517895+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.518013+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.518205+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.529184+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.529242+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.536695+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.536794+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.540714+0200	WindowServer	Unable to create bundle at URL (): unable to create file system representation of URL (13)
fehler	23:04:57.547111+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.547158+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.558957+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.558968+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.579418+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.612586+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.612627+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.621963+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.629738+0200	launchservicesd	CopyProcessByPid(34530,NO) failed because session 100015 didn't match expected 100014
fehler	23:04:57.630774+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.630821+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.645433+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.645574+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.652714+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.652826+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.654192+0200	WindowServer	0[SetFrontProcessWithInfo]: CPS: The requested process (pid = 34530) presents 0 windows, is not a UI element and is frontable. Denying the request.
fehler	23:04:57.655056+0200	tccd	Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=com.bastian.Peripheral-Sample, pid=34530, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Users/bastian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Peripheral-Sample-edzktenbyxaohvavolxlavxlwkkn/Build/Products/Debug/}, requesting={TCCDProcess:, pid=826, auid=55, euid=55, binary_path=/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd},
fehler	23:04:57.709112+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.709362+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.732333+0200	tccd	TCCDProcess: identifier=com.bastian.Peripheral-Sample, pid=34530, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Users/bastian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Peripheral-Sample-edzktenbyxaohvavolxlavxlwkkn/Build/Products/Debug/ attempted to call TCCAccessRequest for kTCCServiceAccessibility without the recommended entitlement
fehler	23:04:57.738102+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.738168+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.739839+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.739897+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.744312+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.744376+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.745577+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.745641+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.754178+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:04:57.754304+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:04:57.798593+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.798599+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.798717+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.801891+0200	Peripheral-Sample	NSBundle file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/ principal class is nil because all fallbacks have failed
fehler	23:04:57.824980+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.825041+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.843234+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.843230+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:57.853539+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.853601+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.858752+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.858812+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.892298+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.892354+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.900834+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:57.900886+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:04:57.907680+0200	bluetoothd	Can't create stream folder at  with error Error Domain=BiomeStorageError Code=2 "Unsupported path" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported path}, protectionClass: BMDataProtectionClassC isUnlocked: 1
fehler	23:04:57.907758+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to get contents of directory: /private/var/db/biome/streams/restricted/Device.Wireless.BluetoothGATTSession/local, error: Error Domain=BiomeStorageError Code=2 "Unsupported path" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported path}
fehler	23:04:57.907872+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to get contents of directory: /private/var/db/biome/streams/restricted/Device.Wireless.BluetoothGATTSession/local, error: Error Domain=BiomeStorageError Code=2 "Unsupported path" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported path}
fehler	23:04:57.907917+0200	bluetoothd	Root/system processes are unable to access Biome user data directory.
fehler	23:04:57.907983+0200	bluetoothd	Root/system processes are unable to access Biome user data directory.
problem	23:04:57.910523+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to open lockfile : Error Domain=BiomeStorageError Code=2 "Unsupported path" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported path}
fehler	23:04:57.910583+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to assign a frameStore for: 
fehler	23:04:57.910624+0200	bluetoothd	Error saving biome store event
fehler	23:04:58.018349+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:58.018419+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:58.021732+0200	imklaunchagent	IMKLaunchAgent -requestIMKXPCEndpointInvalid: received notification Request for Endpoint Invalid (from pid_t: 34530) for bundleID: 
fehler	23:04:58.066301+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:58.066415+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:04:58.088309+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:58.088763+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:04:58.099186+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:04:58.099289+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:05:00.059673+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:00.351140+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:00.592876+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:05:00.593337+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
problem	23:05:01.011895+0200	kernel	trying to get apparently bogus resource handle 0
problem	23:05:01.225747+0200	kernel	trying to get apparently bogus resource handle 0
fehler	23:05:01.788767+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:02.302483+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:03.260338+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:05:03.260565+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
fehler	23:05:03.303225+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:05:03.303503+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
fehler	23:05:03.366317+0200	kernel	2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:03.397770+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:03.398310+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:03.425698+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:05:03.425853+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:05:03.600995+0200	kernel	Sandbox: swift-plugin-server(34537) deny(1) file-read-data /Applications/
fehler	23:05:03.613711+0200	kernel	Sandbox: swift-plugin-server(34537) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/bastian/.CFUserTextEncoding
fehler	23:05:03.940618+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:03.940701+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:03.940948+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:03.958945+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:03.959089+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:03.974709+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:03.974766+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.028053+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.028045+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.028280+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.035233+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.035284+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.045327+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.045494+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.060889+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.060940+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.124438+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.124458+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.124676+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:04.152254+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.152398+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.167814+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.167874+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.194863+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.194921+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.197959+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( arm64e err=-67049
fehler	23:05:04.199887+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( x86_64 err=-67049
fehler	23:05:04.202325+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.202373+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.214812+0200	Xcode	LAUNCH: Failed to launch because the container was null or didn't support translocation, container=0x3d64fdfac
fehler	23:05:04.221134+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.221187+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.224370+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( arm64e err=-67049
fehler	23:05:04.226967+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( x86_64 err=-67049
fehler	23:05:04.229487+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.229537+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:04.236408+0200	Xcode	Failed to get unit 5640 from store 
fehler	23:05:04.412867+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:04.413248+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:04.413343+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:04.413606+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:04.413691+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:04.413897+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:04.486788+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.487025+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:04.494517+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:05:04.494713+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:05:04.573889+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.578646+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.582026+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.585278+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.588466+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.591516+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.594547+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.597529+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.600616+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.603748+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:04.613341+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.620172+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.623667+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.626847+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.630187+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.633135+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.636581+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.639473+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:04.709027+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Could not find localization for key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:04.709099+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:04.739037+0200	swcd	Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 UserInfo={Line=231, Function=}
fehler	23:05:05.605837+0200	CoreDeviceService	[C188 IPv6#2a696429.64210 tcp, local: fd04:9368:4ff2::2.65254, definite, attribution: developer, prohibit joining] is already cancelled, ignoring cancel
fehler	23:05:05.609348+0200	CoreDeviceService	[C189 IPv6#2a696429.64210 tcp, local: fd04:9368:4ff2::2.65254, definite, attribution: developer, prohibit joining] is already cancelled, ignoring cancel
fehler	23:05:05.610531+0200	CoreDeviceService	[C189 IPv6#2a696429.64210 tcp, local: fd04:9368:4ff2::2.65254, definite, attribution: developer, prohibit joining] is already cancelled, ignoring cancel
fehler	23:05:05.646224+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:05.646394+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:05.654215+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( arm64e err=-67049
fehler	23:05:05.658546+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( x86_64 err=-67049
fehler	23:05:05.665648+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:05.665754+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:05.709984+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:05.710102+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:05.715584+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( arm64e err=-67049
fehler	23:05:05.718564+0200	***	SecStaticCodeIterateArchinectures( x86_64 err=-67049
fehler	23:05:05.723038+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:05.723138+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:05.735624+0200	mds	Failed to get unit 7576 from store 
fehler	23:05:05.954181+0200	modelmanagerd	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:05.956449+0200	modelmanagerd	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:06.330342+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.330472+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.330949+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.357719+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:06.371608+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.371620+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.371646+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:06.381685+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.381942+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:06.387423+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:06.420525+0200	kernel	1 duplicate report for Sandbox: swift-plugin-server(34537) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/bastian/.CFUserTextEncoding
fehler	23:05:06.420540+0200	kernel	Sandbox: nesessionmanager(648) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)
fehler	23:05:06.429900+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:06.430550+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:06.455125+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:06.455310+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7" (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=rsa_pub_crypt failed, ccerr=-7}
fehler	23:05:06.548598+0200	kernel	1 duplicate report for Sandbox: nesessionmanager(648) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)
fehler	23:05:06.548609+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:06.550642+0200	kernel	1 duplicate report for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:06.550651+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:06.550704+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:06.568605+0200	webinspectord	XPC Connection Failed for Application: 34323 - PID:34323 -
fehler	23:05:06.574311+0200	kernel	3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:06.574322+0200	kernel	Sandbox: webinspectord(19565) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/folders/s3/jkl1m97914g8_jg4_dbx_2zr0000gn/C/
fehler	23:05:06.583154+0200	kernel	3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: webinspectord(19565) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/folders/s3/jkl1m97914g8_jg4_dbx_2zr0000gn/C/
fehler	23:05:06.583165+0200	kernel	Sandbox: webinspectord(19565) deny(1) mach-lookup***.mapdb
fehler	23:05:06.583580+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: disconnect event invalidation received for service***.mapdb
fehler	23:05:06.583795+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: store  or url  was nil: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named***.mapdb was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named***.mapdb was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction.}
fehler	23:05:06.584114+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: Database mapping failed, process cannot lookup***.mapdb port by name.
fehler	23:05:06.591401+0200	runningboardd	RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 676-19964-62923 (target:[xpcservice:19964])(501)>{vt hash: 0}[uuid:1405C0D9-A9A0-419C-9F7D-6DD0A51C0180]:34323:34323](WebProcess34323))
fehler	23:05:06.651789+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:06.653565+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:06.653796+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: disconnect event invalidation received for service***.mapdb
fehler	23:05:06.653902+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:06.654025+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: store  or url  was nil: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named***.mapdb was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named***.mapdb was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction.}
fehler	23:05:06.654304+0200	webinspectord	LaunchServices: Database mapping failed, process cannot lookup***.mapdb port by name.
fehler	23:05:06.655499+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Missing parameter(s). key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:06.655898+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:06.736139+0200	mDNSResponder	quic_conn_copy_info_block_invoke [C1508.] [2a66687a6f713925-01f950d5de8a1294e040818b8af4d1f3194ff1ce] not yet connected
fehler	23:05:06.909445+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization _localizedStringForKey:tables:localizations:bundle:] Could not find localization for key: , tables: , localizations: , bundle: 
fehler	23:05:06.909528+0200	siriknowledged	-[AFLocalization localizedStringForKey:gender:table:bundle:languageCode:]_block_invoke Missing localization strings for key: , table: InfoPlist, languageCode: 
fehler	23:05:07.050223+0200	siriinferenced	Unable to fetch details for . Error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 UserInfo={_LSLine=1734, _LSFunction=}
fehler	23:05:07.050327+0200	siriinferenced	Unable to fetch details for . Error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 UserInfo={_LSLine=1734, _LSFunction=}
fehler	23:05:08.993987+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:05:08.995132+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
fehler	23:05:09.418157+0200	PerfPowerServices	Invalid reference to SMCAccumChannelInfo
fehler	23:05:09.418220+0200	PerfPowerServices	Fail to fetch channelInfo for key 1110458704
fehler	23:05:09.418271+0200	PerfPowerServices	-[PLSMCAgent readKeyViaOSAccum:toOutput:]: 1110458704 key call to sampleKey failed, returning kSMCReturnError
fehler	23:05:09.569631+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:10.054277+0200	duetexpertd	Data type not yet set for stream System, please switch to APIs that take eventDataClass as a parameter.
fehler	23:05:10.054430+0200	duetexpertd	Event class '' missing from NSKeyedUnarchiver allowedClasses
fehler	23:05:10.209496+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:10.771752+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:12.304230+0200	kernel	1 duplicate report for Sandbox: webinspectord(19565) deny(1) mach-lookup***.mapdb
fehler	23:05:12.304261+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:14.888725+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:14.899171+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:14.901818+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:14.966187+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:14.966187+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:05:15.003928+0200	bluetoothd	isLowLatencyBLEHID: device is NULL
fehler	23:05:15.022519+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.023298+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.024450+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.025608+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.026160+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.038289+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:15.065196+0200	bluetoothd	isLowLatencyBLEHID: device is NULL
fehler	23:05:15.065968+0200	bluetoothd	isLowLatencyBLEHID: device is NULL
fehler	23:05:15.066366+0200	bluetoothd	Invalid interval range : 0x0000000C - 0x0000000C. (status=65535)
fehler	23:05:15.066442+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to update connection parameters with status=101
fehler	23:05:15.067364+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.067496+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.067795+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.068387+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.068830+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:05:15.265477+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.266506+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.267357+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.268150+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.269088+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.270756+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.271816+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.272787+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.274068+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.275145+0200	Private sandbox for : quicklook-thumbnail-secure
fehler	23:05:15.278805+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.281424+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.282371+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.283535+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.284497+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.285677+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.286859+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:15.287704+0200	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:16.037663+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:16.751143+0200	modelmanagerd	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:16.752440+0200	modelmanagerd	Private sandbox for : 
fehler	23:05:17.038670+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:17.974668+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:17.975162+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:17.989608+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:17.993819+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.999614+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.003493+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.009917+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.022928+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.023313+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.023483+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.026473+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.026561+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.032296+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.035797+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.037311+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.038944+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:18.040258+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.049776+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.056405+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.061064+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.072563+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.078146+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.082694+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.092703+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.098474+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.102847+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.112956+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.118457+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.122914+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.133344+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.139154+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.143843+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.154422+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.160280+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.165733+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.242069+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.242144+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.251987+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.253623+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:18.258050+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.262027+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.275716+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.281253+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.286231+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.298115+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.303792+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:18.308322+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:19.039021+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:20.042802+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:20.362063+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:21.046643+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:21.226583+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:22.047286+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:23.047091+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:24.051731+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:25.054856+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:25.462836+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to write value to attribute handle 0x001B with result 241 (status=65535)
fehler	23:05:25.462847+0200	bluetoothd	Transaction 375 timed out waiting on response
fehler	23:05:26.056097+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:27.056148+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:28.058001+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:28.208013+0200	kernel	7 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:28.208039+0200	kernel	Sandbox: swcd(1231) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)
fehler	23:05:29.058429+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:30.058665+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:30.512833+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:31.059730+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:31.655997+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:31.787978+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:31.914347+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:05:31.966545+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:31.966644+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:31.972497+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:31.972584+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:32.060589+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:32.493882+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:32.493966+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:32.498579+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:32.498657+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:05:33.060559+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:34.063882+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:35.064569+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:36.064140+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:37.064735+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:38.066000+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:39.065902+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:40.065161+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:40.477060+0200	bluetoothd	Transaction 377 timed out waiting on response
fehler	23:05:40.477055+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to write value to attribute handle 0x001B with result 241 (status=65535)
fehler	23:05:40.666014+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:41.067678+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:42.067575+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:42.124877+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:43.070633+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:44.071955+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:45.072294+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:46.073832+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:47.075850+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:48.076571+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:49.077749+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:50.078032+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:50.817859+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:05:51.078069+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:52.082184+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:52.598364+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:05:53.083887+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:54.084636+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:55.086307+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:55.286773+0200	trustd	tcp_input [C22.1.1.1:3] flags=[R] seq=1204654793, ack=0, win=0 state=LAST_ACK rcv_nxt=1204654793, snd_una=4257032092
fehler	23:05:55.288852+0200	trustd	tcp_input [C22.1.1.1:3] flags=[R] seq=1204654793, ack=0, win=0 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=1204654793, snd_una=4257032092
fehler	23:05:55.464077+0200	bluetoothd	Transaction 378 timed out waiting on response
fehler	23:05:55.464071+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to write value to attribute handle 0x001B with result 241 (status=65535)
fehler	23:05:55.873725+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.873786+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.873841+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.873879+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.882617+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.882715+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:05:55.902689+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.912993+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.920788+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.938138+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.947846+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.954952+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.968240+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.976277+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:55.982541+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:56.019867+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:56.027167+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:56.032175+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:05:56.091573+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:57.092204+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:58.101676+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:05:59.106028+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:00.112210+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:00.970752+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:06:01.113032+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
problem	23:06:01.638493+0200	apsd	Peer [pid=1059] attempts to set ultra constrained topics without ultra constrained enabled entitlement
problem	23:06:01.639029+0200	apsd	Peer [pid=1059] attempts to set ultra constrained topics without ultra constrained enabled entitlement
fehler	23:06:01.644167+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:06:01.644191+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:06:01.645740+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(-1) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:06:01.645761+0200	runningboardd	memorystatus_control error: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_CONVERT_MEMLIMIT_MB(0) returned -1 22 (Invalid argument)
fehler	23:06:01.648969+0200	rapportd	### MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo failed: kMRMediaRemoteFrameworkErrorDomain:1
fehler	23:06:01.788193+0200	kernel	102 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:06:01.788223+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup
fehler	23:06:02.122059+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:03.068007+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:06:03.127154+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:04.128103+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:05.135194+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:06.140103+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:07.141745+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:08.141459+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:09.142940+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:10.146264+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:10.565336+0200	bluetoothd	Transaction 379 timed out waiting on response
fehler	23:06:10.565332+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to write value to attribute handle 0x001B with result 241 (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:11.122174+0200	managedappdistributiond	Simulator is not supported
fehler	23:06:11.152406+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:12.155900+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:13.162559+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:13.365003+0200	bluetoothd	Failed to send report. Error: (null)
fehler	23:06:13.365675+0200	bluetoothd	updateDeviceRSSIAndPERStats -- No previous stored HID Latency data for LM Handle 94 (0x005e)
fehler	23:06:13.367475+0200	bluetoothd	Could not disable phy statistics for address  result 101
fehler	23:06:13.367491+0200	bluetoothd	BD_VSC_PHY_STATISTIC failed with result 101
fehler	23:06:13.367547+0200	bluetoothd	Connection timed out to device "B17569CC-74F1-C257-0BF0-5C2DF58003AD"
fehler	23:06:13.368299+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.368736+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.369012+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.369612+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.370188+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.370507+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.370976+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.371397+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.372574+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.373204+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.373517+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.373991+0200	bluetoothd	Couldn't find active session 0x000000062E92C570! (status=65535)
fehler	23:06:13.390624+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:06:13.390889+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:06:13.391247+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:06:13.391779+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:06:13.392092+0200	bluetoothd	BundleID does not exist, return default
fehler	23:06:13.481319+0200	pairedsyncd	Fatal error: pairing store path was nil for PSDFileManager.
fehler	23:06:17.052476+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:06:17.053021+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:06:17.086088+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:06:17.086206+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:06:17.163865+0200	PerfPowerServices	Invalid reference to SMCAccumChannelInfo
fehler	23:06:17.163980+0200	PerfPowerServices	Fail to fetch channelInfo for key 1110458704
fehler	23:06:17.164017+0200	PerfPowerServices	-[PLSMCAgent readKeyViaOSAccum:toOutput:]: 1110458704 key call to sampleKey failed, returning kSMCReturnError
fehler	23:06:18.126878+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:06:18.127033+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:06:18.144165+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.151173+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.156325+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.159547+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:06:18.164920+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:06:18.164979+0200	socketfilterfw	Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info
fehler	23:06:18.170408+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.178896+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.184961+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.200161+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.205732+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.210181+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.220537+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.226241+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.230863+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.241480+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.247067+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:18.251626+0200	nesessionmanager	No Mach-O UUIDs found for app rule
fehler	23:06:19.891146+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.891212+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.891916+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.932502+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.932502+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.939135+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:19.939138+0200	cfprefsd	Couldn't open parent path due to [2: No such file or directory]
fehler	23:06:20.112247+0200	WindowServer	Clearing datagram buffer for cid 0x78b1f. Client state: Data count: 16388 connectionIsUnresponsive: 0 clientMayIgnoreEvents: 1 clientIsSuspended: 0
fehler	23:06:20.125664+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:06:20.126115+0200	trustd	SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67808 "RSA signature verification failed, no match" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=RSA signature verification failed, no match}
fehler	23:06:20.144577+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:06:20.144761+0200	ContextStoreAgent	Simulating crash. Reason: 
fehler	23:06:20.187048+0200	kernel	Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup

Ok, I found out that this issue occurs more often when Magic Mouse and Magic Keyboard are connected via Bluetooth.

It looks like Sequoia broke Bluetooth connections in general:

I have exactly this issue with bluetooth on my remote keyboards too. Any fix ?

Same. Feels like a mouse lag. Mostly encountered it when doing drag and drop, and highlighting a bunch of text.

My Logitech MX Keys Mini for Mac keyboard seems to fall a sleep intermittently and wakes back up after less than a second.

Very painful to deal with. Power cycling the keyboard feels like it helps for a bit. Definite possibility I'm an optimist and this has no effect on the problem.

Hopefully we see an update soon.

My Logitech Mx3 Master mouse seems to be working fine, same with magic keyboard after Sequoia 15.1 update.

The problem is my Sony XM4 headset. There is a constant micro pauses and interruptions of the music making it completely unusable. Works fine when I pair them to my other devices so only my macbook pro M2 Max.

Bluetooth connection unexpectedly timing out with macOS Sequoia