App archive wrong runner

I am facing a serious and urgent issue. I am trying to build my app for an update on the Store, but in Xcode, instead of archiving the expected Runner application, the archive is successfully created, yet it is not associated with the correct Runner. As a result, I am unable to upload and distribute the app to the Store after the build.

I have been stuck on this issue for two days, trying every possible solution, but I cannot identify what is wrong or causing the problem. Could someone please assist or guide me on how to resolve this? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you in advance.

Please check the screenshots:

I managed to find a solution, just add this to your PodFile, under post_install:

unless == 'Runner'
    config.build_settings['SKIP_INSTALL'] = "YES"

This fixed my problem 100%

App archive wrong runner