Subscription Paywall Stuck on 'Loading Subscription': Works in Debug, Stuck in TestFlight/Production

Fellow Developers,

I'm encountering a strange issue with subscriptions. My paywall properly fetches the products in debug mode when my device is connected to Xcode using a StoreKit Configuration file synced to the app in App Store Connect. However, when I test the app on TestFlight or in production, the paywall only shows "Loading Subscription."

I use the SwiftUI:

SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: { $ }) {
    // Subscription paywall content here

Since it works flawlessly with the StoreKit Configuration file in debug mode, I believe I can rule out issues with my SubscriptionManager logic or naming typos.

Subscriptions are approved in App Store Connect.

What could I be missing here? Thank you!

Subscriptions are approved in App Store Connect.

Do you mean that the status of your subscriptions is Approved in App Store Connect? For more information about status, see In-app purchase statuses.

SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: { $ })

Can you add logs to inspect the values of the product identifiers you are using in your app? Compare these values to the ProductID column of your in-app purchases in App Store Connect.

<What could I be missing here? Thank you!> Confirm the following:

If the status of your subscriptions is Approved in App Store Connect, they are available in App Store Connect in the country associated with your account on your device, file a bug report using Feedback Assistant, then post the Feedback number here.


Tax information was not up-to-date after transferring my Apple Developer Program from an Individual to an Organization account.

It now works. Thank you very much.

Subscription Paywall Stuck on 'Loading Subscription': Works in Debug, Stuck in TestFlight/Production