Beta 3 - Visual Voicemail

I no longer have visual voicemail in Beta 3. I did not see that on the change log

I had the same issue. Resetting network settings (Settings->General->Reset->Reset Network Settings) fixed it for me.

This did not work for me on a 7 plus.

Also did not work for me. Also on 7+

ssame here my visual voicemail has also gone iPhone 7 Plus uk o2

Simply restarting the device seemed to fix it for me (EE UK)

I went to AirPlane mode for 30 seconds - solved it.

I had the issue as well. Didn't do any resets. Just dialed in to my visual voicemail and listened to one message. Then hung up and then all of my visual voicemails showed up.

I also have the same problem with not being able to access voicemail. I've reset my password and I'm still unable to listen to or view messages. I've reset, pulled the SIM, reset network settings, etc. No joy.

If anyone finds something that works, please let us know.


I had to call my provider as resetting my voicemail password online just further broke voicemail for me. But after provider reset and a restart of the phone I was able to get the passcode set up and access visual voicemail on the phone.

I just went to O2 and checked how to switch it on - switch divert to Visual Voicemail on dial 1750 free from your iPhone and to switch it off dial 1760. Once I did this, I then called my number whilst on plane mode, left a vm, then I went went back off of Plane Mode waited a few seconds and visual voicemail has returned.. so it looks like whilst updating to Beta 3 visual voicemail gets switched off at the network level, so try this with your carrier to see if it fixes your issues..

I was able to restore the functionality by removing by SIM card, rebooting the phone, and reinstering it.

I fixed the issue by changing the password in settings and the rebooting my phone. settings->phone->change voicemail password Device: iPhone 7 version: iOS 11 beta 3 Carrier: T-mobile

This DID work for me for a 7 Plus on AT&T.

Thanks. I had tried restart, restart with wifi off, restart without SIM. Reseting network settings and restarting worked for me.

iPhone 6, EE.

Resetting Network Settings worked on Virgin Mobile

Visual Voicemail not working for me, o2. I've tried restarting and dialing 1750 etc with no success.

Am trying to avoid resetting network settings for the time being - presumably that means entering all my wifi passwords again ?

This worked for me for iPhone 7+ on TMobile.

Worked for me on a 7+ UK EE Network

Also just listened to a voicemail and hung up. All the other old visual voicemails were restored.

Resetting the network settings worked for me on AT&T.

I just restarted my phone and it fixed it. I did not need to reset any settings. Simply turned off and turned it back on and there it was. iPhone 7+ T-Mobile

Yep same issue at this end. O2 on SE... just updated and tried everything to bring it back but still nothing. I will call o2 in the morning.

Worked for me iphone 7 plus

I tried everything from resetting my network settings, to rebooting etc. However going to Airplane Mode for one minute and then back worked perfectly. Thanks for the suggestion!


This fixed it for me! (Airplane mode) 🙂

Beta 3 - Visual Voicemail