Beta 3 - Visual Voicemail

I no longer have visual voicemail in Beta 3. I did not see that on the change log

I tried the reset network settings and have been trying for 2 days! Airplane mode for 1 minute did the trick! Thanks!!

Having same issue on new iphone x with sprint. They say its an apple problem. I've tried all the solutions and still have no visual voicemail or answers form either company. Running ios 11.2 beta 3 on Iphone X with Sprint.

I have the same issue which started today. I have ATT and have tried everything. When I restored the phone to factory settings it was fine. As soon as i restored from icloud the same thing happens. The airplane mode toggle did not work.

Just spent hours dealing with AT&T until I came to the developer forum. Here's what finally worked for me:

  • Turned on Airplane Mode and walked away for a few minutes. Came back and found VVM was back on... but didn't have messages from this weekend.
  • Went to Settings - Phone - Change Voicemail Password. Was told it couldn't authorize access.
  • Did Reset Network Settings...Lo and Behold, we have old voicemail, new voicemail, and calling to leave a voicemail worked fine.

I have no idea why the Airplane Mode thing triggers it

Had the exact same issue and your steps resolved it 100%. — iOS 11.2 beta 4 iPhone 7+ on TMobile

Glad it helped, Jake! It's literally mind-boggling how none of the "regular" steps to fix Voicemail work, but flipping "Airplane Mode" suddenly cures all.

Weirdly enough, when I reinstalled the IPSW for 11.2b4 it broke voicemail again. Followed the steps and everything was back up and running.

This also helped with iPhone 7. Airplane mode, siri off, network reset and hard reset. Thank you guys very much. I did a back up restore to an older version - pre beta, to fix this last time this happened and this procedure saved my info. Thanks

Thank You

I had same problem, turn Airplane mode on for about 30 seconds and turn it back of, the problem was solved.


Same issue on iPhone X on Orange France using 11.2 beta 4

Airplane mode switch fix the issue for one day only. THe issue comes back to following day.


I logged a bug report to Apple.


Same issues on an iPhone 8 Plus (AT&T) and an iPhone SE (Verizon) Tried your fix and bam they both are back in under a minute. Thank you!!!!

On T-Mobile with iPhone X, going into airplane mode for 30 seconds worked for me.

Beta 3 - Visual Voicemail