Explore best practices for creating inclusive apps for users of Apple accessibility features and users from diverse backgrounds.

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Is it possible to customize the appearance of the focused element when Full Keyboard Access is enabled?
When Full Keyboard access is enabled, the currently focused element is indicated by a thick border (first screenshot below). If the focused element is inside a focus group, e.g. a UIScrollView, then the thick border encloses the entire focus group, and the focused element is indicated by a change in background color instead (second screenshot below). These two types of focus state seem to use the tintColor of the element. We were advised that the change in background color does not meet WCAG standards since the contrast ratio between the non-focused state and the light blue focused state is not high enough. Apart from changing the tintColor, is there any other way to customize the focused appearance of an element? It would be ideal if we could apply a border to the focused element even when it's contained in a focus group, rather than just changing the background color.
Nov ’23
Important Accessibility Option - Native Keyboard Input
I want to trigger a "pinch" where I can select whatever it is I'm looking at via pressing spacebar on a bluetooth keyboard that is paired with the apple vision pro. Is this feasible in Xcode or Unity (VisionOS development) where I not only have access to see native keyboard presses, but also can see the gaze position (or what it's currently highlighting/focusing on) without accessing it through an interaction event. If keyboard press, then select item being gazed at. We wont have "pinch" available for people with hand/arm impairments that will trigger an interaction event, and there are an array of accessibility devices that send keyboard commands that would be able to aid in this. Apple should have this ability in it's native settings, specifically with using keyboard commands as well. This app would demonstrate that ability without it being native yet, and any help would be greatkly appreciated :)
Mar ’24
xcstrings file in not being updated
I'm using Xcode 15.2 and have migrated my (macOS) project to use an xcstrings file a while back. Now when I check the xcstrings file, all items are marked as "stale". When I add new localized strings in code, they don't show up in the xcstrings file. The xcstrings file is built correctly (into .lproj/Localizable.strings) when building. Where can I check which source files are checked to update xcstrings status? "xcstringstool" appears to have a "sync" feature which reads "stringsdata" files, but there is no information in the xcstringstool help on where the stringsdata files come from. If I create a new project I can see a "stringsdata" file being generated for each source file in the intermediate build products folder.
Feb ’24
Accessibility inspector Audit with simulator
I'm experiencing an issue with the Accessibility Inspector. It's worked fine. Since the update, I'm unable to perform an audit while in the Simulator. I have the following message: "Select a target app to view Accessibility warnings and audit information." However, VoiceOver and Dynamic Type functionalities are working fine. The audit only works when I test on my iPhone. How can I connect the target for the audit? Thank you. Accessibility Inspector V5 Simuator 15.2
Feb ’24
Localization in Xcode info
I have now finished my app I am learning with for different translations in different localizations and have placed the strings in the StringCatalog. I still have one question about the localization: In my project info I have added the item Localization and added the value German. So far I have told the AppStore that the app language is German. Can I delete this localization item in the info now? Or what does this entry do (see screenshot)? Due to the different languages in the StringCatalog, I now have the languages of the StringCatalog in the project settings under Localizations. This is always followed by Resources 0 Files Localized. What is this all about?
Jan ’24
`AXObserverCallback`: Get notification timestamp
Hi, I'm currently registering notifications on numerous AXUIElementRefs. I would like to find a timestamp of when each event occurs, however, I cannot find a reliable way to do so. Getting a timestamp when the callback is called isn't reliable because the order of callback execution is arbitrary. I know the run loop API is mostly open sourced, and this is a bit of a reach, but is it possible to hook into the CFRunLoopSourceSignal call from the AXObserverRef? Somewhere in the Apple API stack these notifications are being triggered. My question is, do they record the timestamp and are there any public or private APIs to gather this information? My goal is to reliably gather in what order certain events happen (e.g. window move, focus, etc.).
Jan ’24
WeatherKit localization options
I am working on an app that pulls data from weatherKit, including the conditionCode property, the content of which is displayed to the user. I wish to localize the data pulled from weatherKit but when pulling data from: weatherkit.apple.com/api/v1/weather/de/{latitude}/{longitude} The conditionCode and other strings is in english. Same is true if the language parameter is set to es, ja or something else. Am I doing something wrong or is localization yet to be supported in weatherKit? I can't find any documentation on this.
Oct ’22
Website banner language issue
Hello everyone ! I currently experience an issue with the language of our website banners. Despite having translations set in Localizable Information for titles in English, French, German and Italian, the banners aren't adapting to the user's chosen language. The title always displays in French, while subtitle ("Open in the app") remains in English, irrespective of the user's language preference. Would anyone know how can I make sure that our banners dynamically translate according to the user's language choice? Is there a setting somewhere in the apple product page that I'm missing? Thanks
Jan ’24
Accessibility Identifier lost on Xcode 15.1 and iOS 17.2
We recently updated to Xcode 15.1 and start using iOS 17.2 simulator and ran into a blocker issue with out UITests. Setting accessibility identifier on a UIButton with image no longer works. It seems iOS automatically set the label to the file name used for the button and ignore (overwrite) the id and value we set in code. iOS 17.0 with Xcode 15.1 still works. I spent 2 days on this and still cannot find a solution. Anyone had similar issue? I did file a feedback https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/13515676 Thanks!
Jan ’24
How to correctly add accessibility permissions to a program
I'm writing a program that requires accessibility permissions, and I use AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions to confirm and direct the user to the accessibility interface for authorization. According to conventional implementation, after the accessibility interface is opened, the system will automatically add the corresponding program, and the user only needs to turn on the permissions. But now, with accessibility turned on, I don't see my program loading automatically. Next, I tried to add it manually, click + on the accessibility interface, select the program I built and then add it. But when I clicked Add, my program was not successfully added. The accessibility interface still did not see my program being loaded, and the user could not open permissions for it. I think this has nothing to do with whether it is a development version, because I tried other debug programs developed and compiled with xcode and they were able to be added normally. So I want to know, what are the reasons why it cannot be added? Which parts should I check from?
Dec ’23
Unable to open dependencies file after Localization
Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a React Native app and need assistance with localization. Specifically, I've added an InfoPlist.strings file for NSUserTrackingUsageDescription and created language-specific files for each supported language. However, when I try to build the app in Xcode (version 15.0.1), I encounter the following error: error: unable to open dependencies file (/Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myproject-bxfjslkrewxnfcgmeelilvixy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/myproject.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/myproject.build/DerivedSources/Users/myname/projects/project-folder/ios/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.d) (in target 'myproject' from project 'myproject') Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Dec ’23
Issues with String Catalogs comments and git
Hello, I migrated a project to use String Catalogs (Localizable.xcstrings) instead of Localized.strings and Localized.stringsdict files. So far so good, but since I use a lot localized strings in my project, there are quite some localizations used more than once in different contexts and thus with different comments. For example: Source file 1: String(localized: "Something", comment: "Button title for context1") Source file 2: String(localized: "Something", comment: "Column title for context2") This results to a Localized.xcstrings file with this content: { "sourceLanguage" : "en", "strings" : { "Something" : { "comment" : "Column title for context2\nButton title for context1" } }, "version" : "1.0" } The main problem with this is, that the order of the concatenated comment changes randomly during each build. After the next Xcode build (without any code changes), the same Localized.xcstrings file might look like this: { "sourceLanguage" : "en", "strings" : { "Something" : { "comment" : "Button title for context1\nColumn title for context2" } }, "version" : "1.0" } This leads to false positives when trying to commit changes to a git repository, which is quite annoying. Am I the only one, having issues with comments in String Catalogs and git?
Dec ’23
Serbian language fallback
We want to implement Serbian (latin) language in our app. The idea is pretty simple: if user device's preferred language is Serbian (no matter, latin or cyrillic) – we use Serbian latin, which we have in our app. The problem is that it looks like this idea is unimplementable. If we use sr_Latn as code for Serbian latin in our Info.plist, and device's preferred language is just Serbian (which is Cyrillic in iOS) – the fallback in app will be English (default language), not Serbian latin. Reverse is the same: if we implement Serbian latin as sr (just Serbian), then user select Serbian latin (sr_Latn) as device's preferred language – then app language will be English, not Serbian. In the source code published on one of the forum's answer I see that it is expected fallback (unfortunately undocumented). This code is old one, but looks like behavior still persist. Is there any way to implement one Serbian for all cases?
Dec ’23
Seeing "Cannot use inflection engine" in console.
I am seeing the following log in the console in Xcode Version 15.0.1 (15A507): Cannot use inflection engine (Checking that the token is the correct type): I am able to reproduce the issue using Apple's own sample code, "Building a Localized Food-Ordering App" associated with WWDC21 Session 10109: What's New In Foundation, simply by building and running the sample code. That log message immediately appears a few times in the console when running that sample project. I'm assuming given it is happening in Apple's own sample project, that this is merely console noise and basically something out of my control.
Dec ’23
Localised DMG background
Hello. We are currently creating our dmg with hdiutil and I was wondering if it would be possible to have localized resources in it. Right now, we have a single background image for every locale. Would it be possible to have different background image based on user locale, also with default background image as a backup in case we don't have users locale? The use case for this is the Quebec's Bill 96 Law 14, stating that products sold in Quebec have to be localised in Canadian french. Thank you.
Dec ’23
[Error] Live captioning in MacBook Pro M3 Sonoma
Hi all, it's been already few weeks since i bought my new Macbook pro m3. Everything works great but i have some issues in Accessibility settings, i need live captions because i have hearing issues, i tried to download them many times, also called accessibility support and they didn't help me to fix it. After enabling live captions option the live captioning window showing up with "Downloading language" then in less than one second changing to "Error in downloading" I cannot upload an image here because of error "An error occured while uploading this image. Please try again later." Example: https://i.imgur.com/EMKB0Go.jpg Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried to create a new user, safe mode, and change network, support agent also had an access to my mac and made some troubleshooting actions but didn't work. By the way It works on my iPhone perfectly. Also i would like to connect my MFI hearing device without connecting extra accessories, like to my iphone but seems it's not supporting by Cochlear for MacOS, yet. (Nucleus 7) But it's works great on ipadOS, iOS and watchOS, but not in macOS... what a nonsense. Please help
Nov ’23