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The fall of the app on the imageWithConfiguration
I have an old application. It worked at one time. Due to changes in the user environment, it is now possible to download applications from the AppStore. I built the app and sent it for review. And I received a report that my app crashed at startup. I tried to reproduce the fall for myself, but it didn't work out. In the crash log, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the app. Please help me and tell me what I should look for in the log or in the application. The crash location (which I found in the log): _UIPathLazyImageAsset imageWithConfiguration cl-1.crash cl-1-n.crash
Recovering Lost Password
The MacStudio has only one account on it, and that is of course an admin account. The password to this account is lost. The MacStudio has an association with my AppleID I log into with. To recover, this procedure was followed: The recovery mode was entered by holding down the power key for 15 seconds. In the options that appeared the "Forgot all passwords" option was clicked on. I entered the same credentials I log into with. The credentials were accepted. The shell was launched, and the in the shell the command "resetpasswords" entered. The message: "If you don't know the password for any user on your Mac, you can deactivate your Mac and set new passwords for all users. An internet connection will be required to reactivate your Mac". Beneath this message there was in blue text: "Deactivate Mac". I did not proceed after this because I was not sure what deactivation would mean for the files on the computer. On it there is code written in Swift that needs to be preserved. If the deactivation is done will the files be preserved, and be accessible? Or does a deactivation remove all files?
Keychain Access terminates after entering correct user password twice
Hi, I'm struggling to access Keychain Access app on a brand new mac mini m4 pro running Sequoia 15.3.1. After opening the app, I get a prompt to enter the current password; after I enter the correct password the first time, the prompt opens again. I enter the correct password again and the app terminates. I've checked Console and Keychain Access process logged: Initial auth failed: Error Code=-1000 "ACM policy evaluation succeeded, but ACM is still requesting 1:1, 3:1, 15:1 on ACMContext 111 after a retry." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=ACM policy evaluation succeeded, but ACM is still requesting 1:1, 3:1, 15:1 on ACMContext 111 after a retry., NSLocalizedDescription=Authentication failure., BiometryType=1} terminate: void _NSDisableAutomaticTerminationAndLog(NSString *) Terminating Attempting sudden termination (1st attempt) ... App termination approved I've also tried to update the password of my user but Keychain doesn't accept the new password.
Spotlight Search Broken with MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1
I used spotlight search for almost everything I do through cmd+space. However ever since i updated my laptop to MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1, the spotlight search won't give me app results: for example i type "flux" and will get just web-based results, not the app. I tried going into the spotlight settings and only enabling applications to be searched for results and got nothing. I tried the same with the Notes app, i get the same result, i get some notes i wrote as result but not the actual app. It doesn't happen on all apps for example Brave or Spotify work.
Spotlight services not fully stopping
I wish to have all spotlight services stopped on my MacBook, however with turning all options off in the settings and also the "Help Apple Improve Search" option, however the option turns back on whenever there is a restart on the laptop as well as background services running. How can I disable this permanently? I have tried to following as well: sudo mdutil -a -i off sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ sudo rm /Library/Preferences/ sudo launchctl disable system/ However with ps aux | grep -E "mds|Spotlight|corespotlightd" it still shows spotlight related services running: User1 73830 0.0 0.0 410741568 1680 s018 S+ 11:58am 0:00.00 grep -E mds|Spotlight|corespotlightd root 3170 0.0 0.0 410682288 4816 ?? Ss 20Jan25 4:28.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores root 3168 0.0 0.0 427023376 14864 ?? Ss 20Jan25 33:53.97 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds User1 593 0.0 0.1 434378432 45456 ?? S 20Jan25 14:00.32 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/corespotlightd What else can I try in order to stop these and to stay shut off after turning my laptop on and off again?
Enabling Just-In-Time compiler on "Emulators" on AppStore and/or enabling hypervisor to the iPad
Hello, why is apple won’t adding Just-In-Time compiler to ”Emulators” in the app store. And/or hypervisor for newer devices. i feel like UTM (which is a PC Emulator) or other Apps that emulate need JIT to work properly, and will consume significantly less battery to emulate/virtualize, And will have a noticeably better performance than just not enabling JIT, and by the way jit is already being used on iPadOS/iOS 18.3/18.3.1 and newer/older version of that so being enabled by the choice of the developer of the App is more convenient than doing it with tools. and by the why apple wont let emulators on iPads and newer iPhones do hypervisor, it’s better than JIT but requires a good cpu, like making it available to people with newer/powerful devices, hypervisor is better than JIT by a lot and removing it in iPadOS/iOS 18.4 was an unnecessary choice?, becuase it had a better potential in virtualization instead of emulating, and I feel like enabling it In M1-M2 iPads and A14-18pro and newer devices is just better from having it disabled, to unlock the fullest potential of the iPad it needs to have a app or something to do instead of just running high graphics games/or Apps.
Random Apple ID Accounts
Recently, I have decided to delete all my Twitter accounts, but it turns out an Apple ID was used for one of them, I am unable to delete this account due to that fact because I do not have access to the “email” required. Twitter support says contact email provider, given that I used an Apple ID as the email, am I supposed to contact Apple support instead?
Unauthorized Access, Reinstalling software does not work
Hello! I am new here but could really use some support. For the last year or so I have been bugged by the feeling that my devices were not completely managed by myself. After this week I have seen my computer and devices do things on their own without me touching the keyboard. SO I am hoping someone here can help me get rid or at least get to the root of the problem as I do not know what else I can do! SO far I know they are accessing all my devices remotely but am unsure how they do it since someone times there is no wifi around, I'm thiniking bluetooth maybe or perhaps another form of devices talking and sharing info with each other. Any support helps!!!
Multiple IPSW for same version
Hi Team, I just want to know the reasoning behind why there are two IPSW with same version and different build IDs. Example:,3 Version: 18.3 BuildIDs: 22D64 and 22D63 Also, in future, on what devices this kind of two buildIDs will be created?
App made for iPhone only..
Hello all my app got rejected for this reason: "The app crashed during review. Apps that crash negatively impact users. Steps leading to crash: when tapping "Take Photo" option Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) OS version: iPadOS 18.3.1" In my info.plist I set only iPhone -Portrait. I do not want my app on iPad what can I do? Do I make an iPad version also? Thanks
Error with downloading SAP
Hi! I am a 3rd year accounting student trying to install an SAP gui onto my brand new Macbook Air. Every time I download the app, it refuses to open and pops up with this error. "CODESIGNING 1 Taskgated Invalid Signature" I have Java installed for it and have followed my professor's directions, so it should be working. Can someone help me?
I got charged the annual developer renewal fee twice, then my account got suspended
So I got charged the annual developer fee on December 2024, and then again this February 2025. Worse, a few days after getting charged twice, I received an email from Apple saying my developer account subscription has been suspended due to failure in paying the annual fee. I already submitted a support ticket to Apple, but I haven't gotten a response yet. Is there something else I can do? Would appreaciate any help. Thanks!
Crash in AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess in iOS 18 with swift 6
I am facing an issue in iOS 18 that works fine in iOS 17 and earlier. This happens when you set the project to use Swift 6, if you set swift 5 this will work ok. The app has the Privacy - Camera Usage Description key in the Info.plist. It is a wrapper that implements UIViewControllerRepresentable to create the UIViewController. This wrapper is within a view that gets pushed when the user presses a button (see snippet code below). Sometimes, I get a popup asking for permission to access the camera, and the app crashes immediately. Other times, I don’t see the popup, and the app crashes right away. I tried adding Task { @MainActor } within the requestAccess closure, but it did not resolve the issue. It does not matter the code within the closure; it crashes even if the closure is empty. The crash trace shows _dispatch_assert_queue_fail (see the attached image). Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. The following code will crash if run as is. ***** Please add the Privacy - Camera Usage Description key in the Info.plist to prevent this issue. import SwiftUI import AVFoundation struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Text("Hello, world!") ViewControllerWrapper() } } } struct ViewControllerWrapper: UIViewControllerRepresentable { func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ViewController { ViewController() } func updateUIViewController(_ viewController: ViewController, context: Context) {} } class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { _ in } } }
Add Vibration Feedback When a Call is Answered
I would love to see a feature where the iPhone vibrates when a call is answered by the other person. This would be helpful for users who are walking or holding their phone away from their ear while waiting for the call to connect. The vibration would provide a subtle yet effective notification that the call has been picked up, reducing unnecessary screen-checking. This feature could be optional and toggled in settings under Sounds & Haptics > Call Feedback for users who prefer it.
Can't Access App Store Connect
Hi, I am a new user here, I have created my apple developer account and purchased an apple developer membership for a year. I have received my web order details and also the invoice few days ago but when I try to go to App Store Connect it won't let me in. I have contacted the apple developer support 3 days ago but I did not received any response yet. It's frustrating. I do not know much how to navigate on these apple products and devices so I am kind of lost here. Your help or advice, would be greatly appreciated. Btw, I believed I have already enrolled in this apple developer membership because every time I tried to click enrol it leads me to another purchase membership page which I have already paid, so I ended up clicking the withdraw membership instead of clicking the purchase tab. Thank you in advance to those who are able to address this concern.
Is Signal actually selling private conversations?
This is a warning to anyone who uses the Signal app. There is a chance they are selling transcripts of phone calls and/or messages sent using their app. How do I know? What proof do I have? It's not 100% certainty but it's compelling. Recently I was on a Signal phone call with a friend and a certain college came up as a very brief topic for discussion. This college had only come up once before a week earlier in a message sent through Signal. Before that, going back about 10 years at least, I hadn't spoken with anyone about that college. Not a single person. I also do not live anywhere near the college in question. (The other person does.) So why does this matter? Simply that, immediately after that Signal call, I received a spam SMS message (not in Signal) from what I can only call a shadowy startup called ReUp Education, claiming to offer me a free service that is allegedly tied to that same college. The phone number that I received the SMS on was the one I registered with Signal and the SMS referred to me by name. (Note, the other person did not receive an SMS spam even though they live near said college.) There was no reason other than the Signal call and Signal message for me to be on ReUp's radar or for ReUp to associate me with that college. So I looked into ReUp; their "office" address appears to be a shared mailbox at what appears to be a shared office in Austin Texas. They do not answer phone calls or return messages, they do not answer emails. Their customer service does not respond to inquiries. They appear to be a defunct startup except that there is a ReUp website. This raises the question of whether scammers have taken over their site and are impersonating a defunct startup. The real question though is, who was it that sold my name, phone number and my "interest" in a particular college to them, and by what means? The ReUp spam SMS arrived right after the Signal phone call, not after the Signal message from a week earlier. Thus it is logical to deduce that the phone call was the trigger leading to the SMS, and that means the phone call audio was being transcribed (presumably on a server somewhere) and the transcript or part of it was sold to ReUp. The instantaneous arrival of the spam SMS after the call suggests it was all automated. But how can I be sure the Signal app was the culprit? Checking my phone at the time, I found I had two other apps installed with audio recording permission: the NIOSH decibel meter and SoundHound (I used it to identify a single song, then never again used it). NIOSH was likely running in the background. SoundHound probably was not because I hadn't run it in two months and I believe I rebooted the phone in the meantime. If either of these apps was able to record the Signal phone call while in the background, maybe I could consider them as having means and motive to record and sell my phone call. But according to this response to my other question, it seems they can't (unless Apple is hiding something): Even if the NIOSH app was able to record and upload the Signal phone call, one has to ask about motive. That app is provided by a federal agency of the US government. Would a government agency really sell a phone call transcript to dubious entities? More likely they'd silently send it to the NSA. But that's a tangent. What about malware, you ask? I had reinstalled iOS 15 on the phone only a couple months earlier. I'm not running sketchy software on the phone. It's just mainstream apps, the most exotic being NIOSH. I don't visit shady websites where I might get hacked through Safari. I don't click on links in SMS spam. I don't open email attachments. The case for malware is weak. My phone is also not jailbroken. Therefore by process of elimination, only the Signal app is a likely culprit. But there were two Signal apps in use: The one on my phone and the one on my friend's device. The fact that I received the spam SMS, referring to me by name, in which "ReUp" claimed to offer a free service involving a college that is 1500+ miles away from me, whereas the person I was speaking to did not receive a spam SMS despite their living near that college, suggests it's the Signal app on my phone that uploaded the audio and transcribed it, tagging it with my details in particular. So I tried to contact Signal. All I wanted was a denial from them that they are not selling transcripts of calls and other user data. It turns out, just like ReUp, Signal does not answer phone calls, they do not return calls, they do not answer emails. Their "customer service" agent responded 1 month after I contacted them and the response was boilerplate from a bot. My interested being piqued, I looked into Signal's financials. People have always said that Signal is a nonprofit and doesn't seek to make money. People say it's encrypted and safe. Or at least that seems to be the mantra from every tech journalist and every computer security expert. A chorus of people are conditioning us to let our guard down. But it turns out, Signal is very profitable. They bring in nearly $37 million per year despite their phone and messaging service being completely free to users. Signal's CEO makes roughly $520k per year. The CTO makes $670k. Here are some details:,824506840/ Are they selling user audio transcripts and/or messages in order to bring in that $37 million? If so they wouldn't be any different than other Silicon Valley tech companies. People have always said, if the product is free, you're the product. That appears to be the case with Signal.
I can't pay developer program
Hello all guys! As the title says, "I can't pay developer program". I've been trying for over 15 days and haven't been able to pay. This suffering is unreal. We proceed to the payment page for the dev program, add the card details and while based on the email we receive, the purchase appears to be completed, my card is never charged and of course the process never progresses. I can't really understand what's happening. Any help are welcome. Thanks in advance