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Adding fonts to 'Fonts provided by application' in info.plist Xcode 14.2
I have tried to add multiple fonts (ttf and otf) to 'Fonts provided by application' key. As soon as I navigate away from the 'Info' tab the 'Fonts provided by application' key disappears. Also, the fonts never show up in the console list. I have added them to the OS (Monterey) and the XCode project. I have repeatedly followed the instructions and been sure to follow the instructions to the letter. All fonts have been spelled correctly and the file extensions used where and when needed in the project. I am lost to understand this. Why would the 'Fonts provided by application' key disappear?
Jun ’24
Unable to add fonts to XCode project
Added fonts to MAC and added to Xcode project but fonts are not available in project. Fonts are listed in the Copy Bundle Resources. Fonts are added to Fonts provided by application (Listing dissapears whenever I leave the 'Info' page. Font spelling is correct and double checked. Fonts are listed in project navigator. Fonts do not show up when the lists runs in the console. This same scenario to place when trying to add a different fonst as well. Your help would be appreciated.
May ’24
Apple Pay guidelines clarification
Hello there, I have a couple of question about Apple Pay guidelines: • if we offer Apple Pay payment method in our app, can we disable the selection (I mean the method selection NOT the Payment button!) IF certain condition happens? E.g. the user cannot select apple pay payment method because our basket is not ready yet. • Are we forced to move the apple pay payment method on the top of our selection? E.g. Cards, Cash On Delivery, Coupon, Apple Pay --> Apple Pay, Cards, Cash On Delivery, Coupon One last technical question: • when we start the payment process we are gonna create the request and present the sheet BUT we have to call our backend for pre-authorization, is it allowed? @objc private func applePayButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) { // TODO: Is it allowed? // We need to ask to our backend a pre-authorization and THEN procced with Apple Pay flow // but this could be done ONLY after the user TAP on BUY with APPLE PAY and BEFORE // paymentAuthorizationViewController is called. // Are we compliant to do that? if PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePayments(usingNetworks: FakeData.paymentInfo()) { let request = PKPaymentRequest() request.blablabla = blabla let authorizationViewController = PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController(paymentRequest: request) if let viewController = authorizationViewController { viewController.delegate = self present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } } Thanks in advance :)
May ’24
Vision Pro Anaglyph swiping
Need to swipe 3D images in an app. This the code, but errors crop up. // // ContentView.swift // Retro3DComics // // Created by Bob Schoenburg on 5/24/24. // import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct ContentView: View { @State private var error: Error? @State private var isErrorPresented = false @State private var rzja = "" @State private var selectedImage: Int = 0 let jaimages = ["ja1", "ja2", "ja3"] var body: some View { TabView(selection: $selectedImage) { RealityView { content in do { for rzja in jaimages { ForEach(Array(zip(0..., jaimages)), id: \.0) { index, image in Image(image) .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .animation(.smooth(duration: 0.5), value: Image(image)) // .tag(index) var anaglyphMaterial = try await ShaderGraphMaterial(named: "/AnaglyphMaterial", from: "Scene.usda", in: realityKitContentBundle) let textureResource = try await TextureResource(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: rzja, withExtension: "jpeg")!) try anaglyphMaterial.setParameter(name: "inputImage", value: .textureResource(textureResource)) let entity = Entity() let model = ModelComponent(mesh: .generatePlane(width: 0.5, height: 0.3), materials: [anaglyphMaterial]) entity.components.set(model) content.add(entity) } } // .tabViewStyle(.page) .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 3.0, coordinateSpace: .local) .onEnded { value in print(value.translation) switch(value.translation.width, value.translation.height) { case (...0, -30...30): withAnimation { selectedImage += 1 if selectedImage > jaimages.count - 1 { selectedImage = 0 } } case (0..., -30...30): withAnimation { selectedImage -= 1 if selectedImage < 0 { selectedImage = jaimages.count - 1 } } case (-100...100, ...0): print("up swipe") case (-100...100, 0...): print("down swipe") default: print("default") } } ) } } //#Preview(windowStyle: .automatic) { // ContentView() //} } } } Candidate has partially matching parameter list ([(PartialRangeFrom.Element, String)], id: KeyPath<(PartialRangeFrom.Element, String), Int>, content: @escaping ((PartialRangeFrom.Element, String)) -> _)
May ’24
SF Symbol
I am trying to find the following icon. I have gone through all the icons in SF Symbols 5.1 but have been unable to locate it. Does anyone know what this icon is or how I can get it?
May ’24
App Store Rejection 4.0.0 Design: Preamble (No screenshots)
Hi everyone, This is my first app and I got rejected for a few reasons but I need help with a specific one. Guideline 4.0 - Design Your app offers Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not follow the design and user experience requirements for Sign in with Apple. Specifically: - Your app requires users to provide their name after using Sign in with Apple. This information is already provided by the Authentication Services framework. These requirements provide the consistent experience users expect when using Sign In with Apple to authenticate or log in to an account. Next Steps Please revise the Sign in with Apple experience in your app to address the issues we identified above. Resources - To learn more about App Store design requirements, see App Review Guideline 4 - Design. - For an overview of design and formatting recommendations for Sign in with Apple, review the Human Interface Guidelines. There is no screenshot provided so I have no idea which part of the app to improve and the app is incredibly basic. I've tested the UI with a bunch of people (it's essentially just drop-downs, bottom sheets and a few buttons) any advice?
May ’24
Guideline 4.8 Design Login servies
I upload one of my app on app store connect then I get Rejection there it gave me this message that guideline 4.8 design login services. how to solve this issue on app store Can you please guide me about it. This the message i receive from app store: The app uses a third-party login service, but does not appear to offer an equivalent login option with the following features: The login option limits data collection to the user’s name and email address. The login option allows users to keep their email address private as part of setting up their account. The login option does not collect interactions with the app for advertising purposes without consent. Next Steps Revise the app to offer an equivalent login option that meets all of the above requirements. If the app already includes a login option that meets the above requirements, reply to App Review in App Store Connect, identify which login option meets the requirements, and explain why it meets the requirements. Additionally, it would be appropriate to update the screenshots in the app's metadata to accurately reflect the revised app once another login service has been implemented.
Apr ’24
Custom SF Symbols for Box Drawing?
I'm trying to find out of SF Symbols is the correct tool for job I have in mind. I'm wanting to create custom box drawing symbols, like those in the unicode block. Box drawing requires the lines from one symbol to connect to the lines of an adjacent symbol. Does SF Symbols allow for this connecting of symbols, or does it create some padding restriction around each symbol, preventing lines from connecting to one another?
Apr ’24
Performance - App Completeness
Your app or its metadata does not appear to include complete and final content. Specifically, your app description needs to describe in-app features and functionality. App Store users expect the apps they download to be ready for public use. Apps on the store shouldn't include placeholder or incomplete content or information. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app and metadata so that all of its content is complete and final. For example: Your app binary or metadata should not include "lorem ipsum" text. App metadata should not include placeholder screenshots, such as "screenshot coming soon." Provide an engaging app description that highlights the features and functionality of your app. I received this mail, I made required changes still getting this
Apr ’24
Help Understanding Margins in Custom SF Symbols
Hello! I've been struggling for a while to understand exactly how margins work for custom SF symbols. For example, I'll have two identical svg templates containing near-identical icons (each with a circle outline and a shape in the middle), see attached images. The icons are positioned in the exact same manner in the template, so that the only difference is the symbol inside the circle. When these symbols are exported from SF Symbols and put into Xcode, I noticed that one of the symbols has a slight margin to the right and to the bottom of the symbol, causing it to fall out of alignment with surrounding symbols. I've been trying to eliminate this margin in any way I can think of, but to no avail. Anyone able to offer assistance on how to remove it and/or an explanation as to why it's there?
Apr ’24
Accessing passkeys from iMessage Apps
Hi, Does anyone have a good reference list of all capabilities that are unavailable in an iMessage App vs a regular App? In particular, I'm trying to figure out whether I can 1) request a signature via passkey, and 2) send a POST request to an HTTP endpoint. Asking because I haven't been able to find code references or live apps for either. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Regards, Lyron
Apr ’24
Preview Crashes
NavigationLink(destination: ProfilePhotoSelectorView(), isActive: $viewModel.didAuthenticateUser, label: { }). Using this logic Can someone help me out with what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
Apr ’24
Problem Design
Why is the registration field always pushed down a bit? // // LoginView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct LoginView: View { @State var email = "" @State var password = "" var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { //Header HeaderView() //Login Form Form{ TextField("E-Mail Adresse", text: $email) .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) SecureField("Passwort", text: $password) .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) CreateAccountButton( title: "Anmelden", background: .blue) { //Attempt log in } .padding() } //Create ACC VStack { Text ("Neu hier?") //Show registartion NavigationLink ("Erstelle einen Account", destination: RegisterView()) } .padding(.bottom, 0) } } } } struct LoginView_Previews: PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View { LoginView() } ```// // HeaderView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct HeaderView: View { var body: some View { VStack { HStack { Text("Anmeldung") .font(.title) .fontWeight(.bold) Spacer() HStack { Image (systemName: "questionmark") Image (systemName: "gear") } .font(.title) } .padding() }```
Mar ’24
SF Symbols 4
Hello! I have SF Symbols 4 but i can't cope the icons, it says i need to install font i have already downloaded from Fonts - Apple Developer, is there fonts for sf 4
Mar ’24
App rejected because of Guideline 4.3(a) Design
I am building my 2nd React-Native app which is a very simple Notes app. The functionalities are to be able to add, edit & delete notes. And, on the home page where the user can change the orientation of the notes to be in 2 column like a grid or just a list. My app has been getting rejected for Minimal design guideline & I don't know what to do to make it more complex. My first iOS React-Native app was just a single-page Weather app, again that was pretty simple. So, my question is what do I do? OR is the trick that I just keep doing little changes and try to submit & see which one gets accepted??
Mar ’24