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Performance Regression: In iOS 18.2 3D rotation in volume rendering is not smooth as compared to iOS 18.1
We as a team of engineers work on an app intended to visualize medical images. The type of situations where the app is used involves time critical decision making for acute clinical conditions. Stability of the app and performance are of utmost importance and can directly help timely treatment action. The app we are developing uses multiple libraries and tools like vtk, webgl, opengl, webkit, gl-matrix etc. The problem specifically can be described as follows, it has been observed that when 3D volume is rendered in the app and we try to rotate the volume the rotation is slow, unresposive and laggy. Specifically, we have noticed that iOS 18.1 the volume rotation is much smoother as compared to latest iOS 18.2. Eariler, we have faced somewhat similar issue with iOS 17 but it got improved in iOS 18.1. This performance regression is affecting the user experience in our healthcare application. We have taken reference from the cornerstone.js code and you can reproduce the issue using the following example: Steps to Reproduce: Load the above mentioned test example on an iPhone running version 18.2 using safari. Perform volume rendering using the provided dataset. Measure the time taken by volume for each rotate or drag action. Repeat the same steps on an iPhone running version 18.1 for comparison. Additional Information: Device Model Tested: iPhone12, iPhone13, iPhone14 iOS Version With Issue: 18.2 18.3(Beta) I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to address this performance regression. If additional information is needed, please let me know. Thank you.
Dec ’24
CGEvent Not Working
I am trying to simulate a paste command and it seems to not want to paste. It worked at one point with the same code and now is causing issues. My code looks like this: ` func simulatePaste() { guard let source = CGEventSource(stateID: .hidSystemState) else { print("Failed to create event source") return } let keyDown = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: source, virtualKey: CGKeyCode(9), keyDown: true) let keyUp = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: source, virtualKey: CGKeyCode(9), keyDown: false) keyDown?.flags = .maskCommand keyUp?.flags = .maskCommand keyDown?.post(tap: .cgAnnotatedSessionEventTap) keyUp?.post(tap: .cgAnnotatedSessionEventTap) print("Simulated Cmd + V") } I know that there is some issues around permissions and so in my Info.plist I have this: <string>NSApplication</string> <key>NSAppleEventsUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires permission to send keyboard input for pasting from the clipboard.</string> I have also disabled sandbox. It does ask me if I want to give the app permissions but after approving it, it still doesn't paste.
Will metal-cpp-extensions headers for Appkit and MetalKit be maintained?
Hi, The metal-cpp distribution appears to only contain headers for Foundation and Quartzcore. The LearnMetalCPP download [1] provides a ZIP with an metal-cpp-extensions directory containing AppKit.hpp and MetalKit.hpp headers. First question: Are these headers distributed anywhere else more publicly? Without these headers only the renderer can be fully written in C++ as far as I can tell, i.e. no complete C++ NSApplication. Second question: Will these headers, if needed, be maintained (e.g. updated and/or extended) by Apple along side metal-cpp? [1] Thank you and regards.
Jan ’23
GPTK did not build error
Hey there, I tried to install GPTK again, since I had to reinstall the OS for irrelevant reasons. But every time I try to install the tool kit, it gives me theError: apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit 1.1 did not build error. Before that error occired, I had the Openssl error, which I fixed with the rbenv version of openssl. Is there any way to fix this error? Down bellow you'll find the full error message it gave me. The specs for my Mac are (if they are helpful in any way): M1 Pro MBP 14" with 16GB Ram and 512GB SSD. Thanks! ``Error: apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit 1.1 did not build Logs: /Users/myuser/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/00.options.out /Users/myuser/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/01.configure /Users/myuser/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/ /Users/myuser/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/wine64-build If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/homebrew-core):```
SMAPI Malware blocking in Stardew Valley on macOS
Hola. At this point, I'm at my wit's end because I've tried EVERYTHING just to be able to play a single game on my Mac, but the new update makes it impossible. So I'm just gonna ask for one game: I've been trying to play Stardew Valley, modded with SMAPI, for a week now. Despite playing the game with mods for almost 2 years, OS is refusing to open the game because SMAPI "contains malware". I tried reinstalling the mod, but no dice. It just automatically deletes the terminal and blocks the game from opening. You can imagine my frustration because the mod has been 100% safe for 2 years. No option to "Open Anyway" in Security Settings, either. I have no say in this. I've tried code signing it in Terminal (three times). Also no dice. Followed these two forums. NOTHING. Please tell me there's a way to override this??? Just let me install malware on my computer!😭
Trying to better understand CGAffineTransform.... and need a bit of guidance.
I have a CoreImage pipeline and one of my steps is to rotate my image about the origin (bottom left corner) and then translate it. I'm not seeing the behaviour I'm expecting, and I think my problem is in how I'm combining these two steps. As an example, I start with an identity transform (lldb) po transform333 ▿ CGAffineTransform - a : 1.0 - b : 0.0 - c : 0.0 - d : 1.0 - tx : 0.0 - ty : 0.0 I then rotate 1.57 radians (approx. 90 degrees, CCW) transform333 = transform333.rotated(by: 1.57) - a : 0.0007963267107332633 - b : 0.9999996829318346 - c : -0.9999996829318346 - d : 0.0007963267107332633 - tx : 0.0 - ty : 0.0 I understand the current contents of the transform. But then I translate by 10, 10: (lldb) po transform333.translatedBy(x: 10, y: 10) - a : 0.0007963267107332633 - b : 0.9999996829318346 - c : -0.9999996829318346 - d : 0.0007963267107332633 - tx : -9.992033562211013 - ty : 10.007960096425679 I was expecting tx and ty to be 10 and 10. I have noticed that when I reverse the order of these operations, the transform contents look correct. So I'll most likely just perform the steps in what feels to me like the incorrect order. Is anyone willing/able to point me to an explanation of why the steps I'm performing are giving me these results? thanks, mike
OCR does not work
Hi, I'm working with a very simple app that tries to read a coordinates card and past the data into diferent fields. The card's layout is COLUMNS from 1-10, ROWs from A-J and a two digit number for each cell. In my app, I have field for each of those cells (A1, A2...). I want that OCR to read that card and paste the info but I just cant. I have two problems. The camera won't close. It remains open until I press the button SAVE (this is not good because a user could take 3, 4, 5... pictures of the same card with, maybe, different results, and then? Which is the good one?). Then, after I press save, I can see the OCR kinda works ( the console prints all the date read) but the info is not pasted at all. Any idea? I know is hard to know what's wrong but I've tried chatgpt and all it does... just doesn't work This is the code from the scanview import SwiftUI import Vision import VisionKit struct ScanCardView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { @Binding var scannedCoordinates: [String: String] var useLettersForColumns: Bool var numberOfColumns: Int var numberOfRows: Int @Environment(.presentationMode) var presentationMode func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> VNDocumentCameraViewController { let scannerVC = VNDocumentCameraViewController() scannerVC.delegate = context.coordinator return scannerVC } func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: VNDocumentCameraViewController, context: Context) {} func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { return Coordinator(self) } class Coordinator: NSObject, VNDocumentCameraViewControllerDelegate { let parent: ScanCardView init(_ parent: ScanCardView) { self.parent = parent } func documentCameraViewController(_ controller: VNDocumentCameraViewController, didFinishWith scan: VNDocumentCameraScan) { print("Escaneo completado, procesando imagen...") guard scan.pageCount > 0, let image = scan.imageOfPage(at: 0).cgImage else { print("No se pudo obtener la imagen del escaneo.") controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) return } recognizeText(from: image) DispatchQueue.main.async { print("Finalizando proceso OCR y cerrando la cámara.") controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } func documentCameraViewControllerDidCancel(_ controller: VNDocumentCameraViewController) { print("Escaneo cancelado por el usuario.") controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } func documentCameraViewController(_ controller: VNDocumentCameraViewController, didFailWithError error: Error) { print("Error en el escaneo: \(error.localizedDescription)") controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } private func recognizeText(from image: CGImage) { let request = VNRecognizeTextRequest { (request, error) in guard let observations = request.results as? [VNRecognizedTextObservation], error == nil else { print("Error en el reconocimiento de texto: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.parent.presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() } return } let recognizedStrings = observations.compactMap { observation in observation.topCandidates(1).first?.string } print("Texto reconocido: \(recognizedStrings)") let filteredCoordinates = self.filterValidCoordinates(from: recognizedStrings) DispatchQueue.main.async { print("Coordenadas detectadas después de filtrar: \(filteredCoordinates)") self.parent.scannedCoordinates = filteredCoordinates } } request.recognitionLevel = .accurate let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image, options: [:]) .userInitiated).async { do { try handler.perform([request]) print("OCR completado y datos procesados.") } catch { print("Error al realizar la solicitud de OCR: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } private func filterValidCoordinates(from strings: [String]) -> [String: String] { var result: [String: String] = [:] print("Texto antes de filtrar: \(strings)") for string in strings { let trimmedString = string.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "") if parent.useLettersForColumns { let pattern = "^[A-J]\\d{1,2}$" // Letras de A-J seguidas de 1 o 2 dígitos if trimmedString.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) != nil { print("Coordenada válida detectada (letras): \(trimmedString)") result[trimmedString] = "Valor" // Asignación de prueba } } else { let pattern = "^[1-9]\\d{0,1}$" // Solo números, de 1 a 99 if trimmedString.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) != nil { print("Coordenada válida detectada (números): \(trimmedString)") result[trimmedString] = "Valor" } } } print("Coordenadas finales después de filtrar: \(result)") return result } } }
How to customize VNDocumentCameraViewController
Hi, I’m learning MAUI and was trying to use VNDocumentCameraViewController provided by Vision Kit to scan documents and it is working fine but I realized that I was not able to customize some of the options provided by default like, disabling the auto scan option. Is there any way to disable the auto scan option or are there any other alternatives with the same founctionalities as VNDocumentCameraViewController that are more customizable?
Jan ’25
Vision to detect corners and or 3 lines.
End goal: to detect 3 lines, and 2 corners accurately. Trying contours but they are a bit off. Is there a way or settings in contours to detect corners and lines more accurately, maybe less an sharper edged/corner contours? Or some other API or methods please? I would love an email please ;) thank you. 2. also an overlay/scale issue
Jan ’25
How to create CGContext with 10 bits per component?
I’m trying to create a CGContext that matches my screen using the following code let context = CGContext( data: pixelBuffer, width: pixelWidth, // 3456 height: pixelHeight, // 2234 bitsPerComponent: 10, // PixelEncoding = "--RRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBB" bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, // 13824 space: CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.extendedSRGB)!, bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.none.rawValue | CGImagePixelFormatInfo.RGBCIF10.rawValue | CGImageByteOrderInfo.order16Little.rawValue ) But it fails with an error CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: RGB 10 bits/component, integer 13824 bytes/row kCGImageAlphaNone kCGImageByteOrder16Little kCGImagePixelFormatRGBCIF10 Valid parameters for RGB color space model are: 16 bits per pixel, 5 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst 32 bits per pixel, 8 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst 32 bits per pixel, 8 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast 32 bits per pixel, 8 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst 32 bits per pixel, 8 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast 32 bits per pixel, 10 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNone|kCGImagePixelFormatRGBCIF10|kCGImageByteOrder16Little 64 bits per pixel, 16 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast 64 bits per pixel, 16 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast 64 bits per pixel, 16 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast|kCGBitmapFloatComponents|kCGImageByteOrder16Little 64 bits per pixel, 16 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast|kCGBitmapFloatComponents|kCGImageByteOrder16Little 128 bits per pixel, 32 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast|kCGBitmapFloatComponents 128 bits per pixel, 32 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast|kCGBitmapFloatComponents See Quartz 2D Programming Guide (available online) for more information. Why is it unsupported if it matches the 6th option? (32 bits per pixel, 10 bits per component, kCGImageAlphaNone|kCGImagePixelFormatRGBCIF10|kCGImageByteOrder16Little)
Jan ’25
Operation not permitted loading image in SDL2 with Xcode
Hello, I am making a project in SDL, and with that I am using SDL_Image. I am doing all of this on Xcode. I've been able to initialize everything just fine, but issues spring up when I try to load an image. When I give the code a path to look for an image: Unable to load image! IMG_Error: Couldn't open [Insert image path here]: Operation not permitted I get that error. Keep in mind "Unable to load image" is a general error I put in the code should loading said image fail, the specific error which I called with IMG_GetError() is what we really need to know. I've seen before that this might occur if a program does not have full disk access. Because of this, I've tried giving Xcode full disk access, but this didn't work and I still got the same error.
Jan ’25
CGContextAddArc not respecting clipping rects for open paths
macOS 15.2, MBP M1, built-in display. The following code produces a line outside the bounds of my clipping region when drawing to CGLayers, to produce a clockwise arc: CGContextBeginPath(m_s.outContext); CGContextAddArc(m_s.outContext, leftX + radius, topY - radius, radius, -startRads, -endRads, 1); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(m_s.outContext, col.fRed(), col.fGreen(), col.fBlue(), col.fAlpha()); CGContextSetLineWidth(m_s.outContext, width); CGContextStrokePath(m_s.outContext); Drawing other shapes such as rects or ellipses doesn't cause a problem. I can work around the issue by bringing the path back to the start of the arc: CGContextBeginPath(m_s.outContext); CGContextAddArc(m_s.outContext, leftX + radius, topY - radius, radius, -startRads, -endRads, 1); // add a second arc back to the start CGContextAddArc(m_s.outContext, leftX + radius, topY - radius, radius, -endRads, -startRads, 0); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(m_s.outContext, col.fRed(), col.fGreen(), col.fBlue(), col.fAlpha()); CGContextSetLineWidth(m_s.outContext, width); CGContextStrokePath(m_s.outContext); But this does appear to be a bug.
Jan ’25
Converting JPG to JP2 using ImageMagicK library on iOS
I am trying to convert a JPG image to a JP2 (JPEG 2000) format using the ImageMagick library on iOS. However, although the file extension is changing to .jp2, the format of the image does not seem to be changing. The output image is still being treated as a JPG file, and not as a true JP2 format. Here is the code (IBAction)convertButtonClicked:(id)sender { NSString *jpgPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Example" ofType:@"jpg"]; NSString *tempFilePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Converted.jp2"]; MagickWand *wand = NewMagickWand(); if (MagickReadImage(wand, [jpgPath UTF8String]) == MagickFalse) { char *description; ExceptionType severity; description = MagickGetException(wand, &severity); NSLog(@"Error reading image: %s", description); MagickRelinquishMemory(description); return; } if (MagickSetFormat(wand, "JP2") == MagickFalse) { char *description; ExceptionType severity; description = MagickGetException(wand, &severity); NSLog(@"Error setting image format to JP2: %s", description); MagickRelinquishMemory(description); } if (MagickWriteImage(wand, [tempFilePath UTF8String]) == MagickFalse) { NSLog(@"Error writing JP2 image"); return; } NSLog(@"Image successfully converted."); } @end
Dec ’24
NSScreen frame location with multiple monitors
I have a Mac Studio 2023 M2 Max Running Sonoma 14.6.1 Developing in XCode 16.1 It seems that the NSScreen frame settings may be incorrect. The frame settings received from NSScreen.screens don't seem to match up with the Desktop arrangement settings in the Settings. Apologies in advance for this long post! for screen in NSScreen.screens { let name = screen.localizedName Globals.logger.debug("Globals initializeScreens - screen \(i) '\(name, privacy: .public)'") Globals.logger.debug("Globals initializeScreens - '\(screen.debugDescription, privacy: .public)'") } This is what I receive in the log: Globals initializeScreens - '<NSScreen: 0x600000ef4240; name="PHL 346E2C"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{0, 0}, {3440, 1440}}; visibleFrame={{0, 0}, {3440, 1415}}>' Globals initializeScreens - screen 2 'Blackmagic (1)' Globals initializeScreens - '<NSScreen: 0x600000ef42a0; name="Blackmagic (1)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{-3840, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{-3840, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' Globals initializeScreens - screen 3 'Blackmagic (4)' Globals initializeScreens - '<NSScreen: 0x600000ef4360; name="Blackmagic (4)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{-1920, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{-1920, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' Globals initializeScreens - screen 4 'Blackmagic (2)' Globals initializeScreens - '<NSScreen: 0x600000ef43c0; name="Blackmagic (2)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{5360, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{5360, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' Globals initializeScreens - screen 5 'Blackmagic (3)' Globals initializeScreens - '<NSScreen: 0x600000ef4420; name="Blackmagic (3)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{3440, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{3440, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' It looks like the frame settings for Blackmagic (2) and Blackmagic (4) are switched. The setup has five monitors. Four are using the USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapters. The output for these are streamed into a rack of A/V equipment using BlackMagic Design mini converters and monitors. My Swift application allows users to open four movies, one for each of the AV Adapters. The movies can then be played back in sync for later processing by the A/V equipment. Here are some screen captures that show my display settings. Blackmagic (1) and Blackmagic (2) are to the left of the main screen. Blackmagic (3) and Blackmagic(4) are to the right of the main screen. The desktop is hard to see but is correct. The wallpaper settings are all correct. The wallpaper is correctly ordered when displayed on the monitors. After opening the movies and using the NSScreen frame settings, the displays are incorrectly ordered. Test B and Test D are switched, which is what I would expect given the NSScreen frame values. Any ideas? I've tried re-arranging the desktops, rebooting, etc. but no luck. The code that changes the screen location is similar to this post on Stack Overflow public func setDisplay( screen: NSScreen ) { Globals.logger.log("MovieWindowController - setDisplay = \(screen.localizedName, privacy: .public)") Globals.logger.debug("MovieWindowController - setDisplay - '\(screen.debugDescription, privacy: .public)'") let dx = CGFloat(Constants.midX) let dy = CGFloat(Constants.midY) var pos = NSPoint() pos.x = screen.visibleFrame.midX - dx pos.y = screen.visibleFrame.midY - dy Globals.logger.debug("MovieWindowController - setDisplay - x = '\(pos.x, privacy: .public)', y = '\(pos.y, privacy: .public)'") window?.setFrameOrigin(pos) } The log show just what I would expect given the incorrect frame values. MovieWindowController - setDisplay = Blackmagic (1) MovieWindowController - setDisplay - '<NSScreen: 0x6000018e8420; name="Blackmagic (1)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{-3840, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{-3840, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' MovieWindowController - setDisplay - x = '-3840.000000', y = '-12.500000' MovieWindowController - setDisplay = Blackmagic (2) MovieWindowController - setDisplay - '<NSScreen: 0x6000018a10e0; name="Blackmagic (2)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{5360, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{5360, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' MovieWindowController - setDisplay - x = '5360.000000', y = '-12.500000' MovieWindowController - setDisplay = Blackmagic (3) MovieWindowController - setDisplay - '<NSScreen: 0x6000018cc8a0; name="Blackmagic (3)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{3440, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{3440, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' MovieWindowController - setDisplay - x = '3440.000000', y = '-12.500000' MovieWindowController - setDisplay = Blackmagic (4) MovieWindowController - setDisplay - '<NSScreen: 0x6000018c9ce0; name="Blackmagic (4)"; backingScaleFactor=1.000000; frame={{-1920, 0}, {1920, 1080}}; visibleFrame={{-1920, 0}, {1920, 1055}}>' MovieWindowController - setDisplay - x = '-1920.000000', y = '-12.500000' Am I correct? I think this is driving me crazy! Thanks in advance! Edit: The mouse behavior is correct in moving across the displays!
Nov ’24