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Metal default library not found
When I used metal api to build a thrid static library for producing ".a" lib.But I add my ***.metal file into my library project target, and run an example project which depend on this metal static lib. it failed at this place:id <MTLLibrary> _flibrary = [_mDevice newDefaultLibrary];//failed.erro:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ failed assertion `Metal default library not found'But when I add my ***.metal file into my example project, and it works.My question is : I do not want to show my ***.metal file for example project, what method could I using for hiding the metal file? Please show me ,thx...
Jul ’16
Swift Package with Metal
Hi, I've got a Swift Framework with a bunch of Metal files. Currently users have to manually include a Metal Lib in their bundle provided separately, to use the Swift Package. First question; Is there a way to make a Metal Lib target in a Swift Package, and just include the .metal files? (without a binary asset) Second question; If not, Swift 5.3 has resource support, how would you recommend to bundle a Metal Lib in a Swift Package?
Jun ’20
Metal Perspective Martrix issue
new to Metal, following Janie Clayton's book. Ran into a problem creating a proper Perspective Projection Matrix. I'm hoping someone with matrix experience will see this and the issue will jump out. the matrix structures: swift: struct Matrix4x4{     var X : SIMD4<Float>     var Y : SIMD4<Float>     var Z : SIMD4<Float>     var W : SIMD4<Float> metal: float4x4 projectionMatrix; the swift code that generates the projection matrix: static func perspectiveProjection(_ aspect : Float32, fieldOfView: Float32, near: Float32, far: Float32)->Matrix4x4{         var mat = Matrix4x4()         let zRange = far - near         let fovRadians = fieldOfView * Float32(Double.pi / 180.0)         let yScale = 1 / tan(fovRadians * 0.5)         let xScale = yScale / aspect         let zScale = -( far + near) / zRange         let wzScale = -2 * far * near / zRange         mat.X.x = xScale         mat.Y.y = yScale         mat.Z.z = zScale         mat.Z.w = -1         mat.W.z = wzScale         mat.W.w = 0         return mat     } how the shader applies the projection matrix : outVertex.position =  uniforms.projectionMatrix * props.modelMatrix * vert[vid].position; the result here is just the clear color. it seems that the issue is with wZScale. hard coding that to zero and the mat.W.w to 1.0, allows me to at least see my scene, skewed. messing around with those values, it seems like the objects are crushed and pushed through the camera, existing behind it. I'm basically dead in the water here, typing word for word what is in the book. it's pretty darned frustrating. I'm just learning my way around matrices.
Oct ’20
My game crashes after launch
Hello, I have created game (first one) using Unreal Engine 4. Distributed it on Android and works good. But I have problem with ios version. Game crashes after launch. It shows only splash screen for very short period of time. I have CrashLog from one of test devices. CrashLog - I tryied also build my game using xcode (I have read somewhere that it could help with crash) but build failed. Have no idea what couses crash. Any solution I found didnt work in my case. Please help me with translate CrashLog.
Mar ’21
GPU ray tracing requirements for HelloPhotogrammetry command line app
Hi, I am trying to build and run the HelloPhotogrammetry app that is associated with WWDC21 session 10076 (available for download here). But when I run the app, I get the following error message: A GPU with supportsRaytracing is required I have a Mac Pro (2019) with an AMD Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB graphics card and 96 GB RAM. According to the requirements slide in the WWDC session, this should be sufficient. Is this a configuration issue or do I actually need a different graphics card (and if so, which one?). Thanks in advance.
Sep ’21
Are OpenGL and OpenCL supported on Apple silicon?
OpenGL is deprecated for new development, and Apple's docs no longer even acknowledge the existence of OpenCL. However, many legacy MacOS apps contain modules written in those languages, and they have been building with Xcode and running on Intel Macs just fine. I need to know if they are also tacitly supported on M1 Macs, and if so, whether there is a known kill date.
Nov ’21
How to fully apply parallel computing on CPU and GPU of M1max
Project is based on python3.8 and 3.9, containing some C and C++ source How can I do parallel computing on CPU and GPU of M1max In deed, I buy Mac m1max for the strong GPU to do quantitative finance, for which the speed is extremely important. Unfortunately, cuda is not compatible with Mac. Show me how to do it, thx. Are Accelerate(for CPU) and Metal(for GPU) can speed up any source by building like this: Step 1: download source from github Step 2: create a file named "site.cfg"in this souce file, and add content: [accelerate] libraries=Metal, Acelerate, vecLib Step 3: Terminal: NPY_LAPACK_Order=accelerate python3 build Step 4: pip3 install . or python3 install ? (I am not sure which method to apply) 2、how is the compatibility of such method? I need speed up numpy, pandas and even a open souce project, such as 3、just show me the code 4、when compiling C++, C source, a lot of errors were reported, which gcc and g++ to choose? the default gcc installed by brew is 4.2.1, which cannot work. and I even tried to download gcc from the offical website of ARM, still cannot work. give me a hint. thx so much urgent
Dec ’21
Display USDZ 3D model on website without AR
I am trying to build a website where I would like to render the USDZ 3D model on the browser without the AR feature. The user should be able to interact with the 3D model using a pointing device (mouse). If the user wants to see the 3D model in AR she/he can do so by loading the page on a compatible device where the 3D model can be projected in AR. I am looking for an answer to how to display the USDZ 3D model on the browser without the AR feature.
Jan ’22
Metal Ray Tracing, RealityKit, SwiftUI Problems
First of all, I apologize for such a general question, but my code is far too long to post. However, I have narrowed down my problems and am seeking advice for any solutions/workarounds that may help me. I recently updated my physics simulation code from using Metal Performance Shaders for ray tracing to using the (fairly) new Metal ray tracing routines directly. A few notes on my program: I perform the ray tracing entirely in a separate thread using Compute Kernels -- there is no rendering based on the ray tracing results. The compute kernels are called repeatedly and each ends with a waitUntilCompleted() command. The main thread is running a SwiftUI interface with some renderings that use RealityKit to display the scene (i.e., the vertices), and the rays that traverse the scene using Metal Ray Tracing. This is purely a Mac program and has no IOS support. So, the problem is that there seems to be some conflict between RealityKit rendering and the ray-tracing compute kernels where I will get a "GPU Soft Fault" when I run the "intersect" command in Metal. After this soft-fault error, my Ray Tracing results are completely bogus. I have figured out a solution to this which is to refit my acceleration structures semi-regularly. However, this solution is inelegant and probably not sustainable. This problem gets worse the more I render in my RealityKit display UI (rendered as a SwiftUI view) so I am now confident that the problem is some "collision" between the GPU resources needed by my program and RealityKit. I have not been able to find any information on what a "GPU Soft Fault" actually is although I suspect it is a memory violation. I suspect that I need to use fences to cordon off my ray tracing compute kernel from other things that use Metal (i.e., RealityKit), however I am just not sure if this is the case or how to accomplish this. Again, I apologize for the vague question, but I am really stuck. I have confirmed that every Metal buffer I pass to my compute kernel is correct. I did this confirmation by making my object a simple cube and having only one instance of this cube. Something happens to either corrupt the acceleration structure data or to make it inaccessible during certain times when RealityKit needs to use the GPU. Any advice would be appreciated. I have not submitted a bug report since I am still not sure if this is just my lack of advanced knowledge of multiple actors requiring GPU use or if there is something more serious here. Thanks in advance, -Matt
Feb ’22
Unreal Engine / Path tracer
I‘am architect in switzerland. In our office we use since 20 years only apple computers. And we love them! For our visualisations we also use twinmotion and unreal engine. One key feature the pathe tracer are not supportet for mac os. Some people say thats because apple wont support hardware accelarated gpu. Now im wondering if its on your roadmap? Or are you in discoussion with the decelopers from epic? Would be great to have this feature :) best Kevin
Mar ’22
Blank scene with xcode connected and "Metal -> API Validation" turned off.
I'm not sure which combination of iOS/XCode/Mac OS is causing this issue, but all of a sudden when I try to run our SceneKit app and the "Scheme -> Diagnostics -> Metal -> API Validation" setting is turned off the scene won't render and the console is just full of the following errors: Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Invalid Resource (00000009:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorInvalidResource) [SceneKit] Error: Main command buffer execution failed with status 5, error: Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=9 "Invalid Resource (00000009:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorInvalidResource)"  ) If you run the app outside of xcode it's fine, also enabling the "API Validation" option stops the issue. One of my schemes has this option disabled since the project began and never had an issue before. Just throwing this out there incase someone else has spent hours of their life trying to figure out why this is not working for them. Also you can just create a new SceneKit project and turn that diagnostic option off and the app won't render anything.
Apr ’22
Apple's Metal Simulation fails on SIGABRT on MTLTextureUsageShaderRead
I've downloaded Apple's metal simulator example from here and tried simulating an iphone 11 with 11.5 and 12 using iOS, and iPad 9th gen. I get the error below when running the simulator on all the above devices. -[MTLDebugRenderCommandEncoder validateCommonDrawErrors:]:5252: failed assertion `Draw Errors Validation Fragment Function(blendFragmentShader): Shader reads texture (prevColor[1]) whose usage (0x04) doesn't specify MTLTextureUsageShaderRead (0x01) The error occurs in the drawBox:rendererEncoder at the code below when boxIndex = 1 for(MTKSubmesh *submesh in _meshes[boxIndex].submeshes)   {     [renderEncoder drawIndexedPrimitives:submesh.primitiveType                  indexCount:submesh.indexCount                   indexType:submesh.indexType                  indexBuffer:submesh.indexBuffer.buffer               indexBufferOffset:submesh.indexBuffer.offset];   } I'm using a Macbook pro, macos 12.2 and Xcode 13.3. I hoped that this example would be an easy way to get experience with metal, but I've not got the experience I need to interpret what I should change to address the "doesn't specify MTLTextureUsageShaderRead" error. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jun ’22
iOS app on MacOS M1 - Window Resize or Full Screen
MacOS M1 machines can run iOS applications. We have an iOS application that runs a fullscreen metal game. The game can also run across all desktop platforms via Steam. In additional to Steam, we would like to make it available through the AppStore on MacOS. We'd like to utilise our iOS builds for this so that the Apple payment (micro-transactions) and sign-in processes can be reused. While the app runs on MacOS, it runs in a small iPad shaped window that cannot be resized. We do not want to add iPad multitasking support (portrait orientation is not viable), but would like the window on MacOS to be expandable to full screen. Currently there is an option to make it full screen, but the metal view (MTKView) delegate does not receive a drawableSizeWillChange event for this, meaning the new resolution of the window cannot be received. Is there another method of retrieving a window size change event in this context? What is the recommended way of enabling window resizing on MacOS but not iPad for a single iOS app?
Jun ’22
Problems with mesh shaders that dispatch large amount of threadgroups
I was familiarising myself with the Metal mesh shaders and run into some issues. First, a trivial application that uses mesh shaders to generate simple rectangular geometry hangs the GPU when dispatching 2D grids of mesh shader threadgroups, but it's really weird as it is sensitive to the grid shape. E.g. // these work! meshGridProperties.set_threadgroups_per_grid(uint3(512, 1, 1)); meshGridProperties.set_threadgroups_per_grid(uint3(16, 8, 1)); meshGridProperties.set_threadgroups_per_grid(uint3(32, 5, 1)); // these (and anything "bigger") hang! meshGridProperties.set_threadgroups_per_grid(uint3(16, 9, 1)); meshGridProperties.set_threadgroups_per_grid(uint3(32, 6, 1)); The sample shader code is attached. The invocation is trivial enough: re.drawMeshThreadgroups( MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1), threadsPerObjectThreadgroup: MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1), threadsPerMeshThreadgroup: MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1) ) For apple engineers: a bug has been submitted under FB10367407 Mesh shader code: 2d_grid_mesh_shader_hangs.metal I also have a more complex application where mesh shaders are used to generate sphere geometry: each mesh shader thread group generates a single slice of the sphere. Here the problem is similar: once there more than X slices to render, some of the dispatched mesh threadtroups don't seem to do anything (see screenshot below). But the funny thing is that the geometry is produced, as it would occasionally flicker in and out of existence, and if I manually block out some threadgroups from running (e.g. by using something like if(threadgroup_index > 90) return; in the mesh shader, the "hidden" geometry works! It almost looks like different mesh shaders thread group would reuse the same memory allocation for storing the output mesh data and output of some threadgroups is overwritten. I have not submitted this as a bug, since the code is more complex and messy, but can do so if someone from the Apple team wants to have a look.
Jun ’22
Cannot create a shared texture with iosurface on Apple silicon mac.
Trying to call [MTLDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:iosurface:plane:] on an Apple Silicon mac, where the descriptor specifies MTLStorageModeShared, I am getting a failed assertion error: -[MTLDebugDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:iosurface:plane:]:2387: failed assertion `Texture Descriptor Validation IOSurface textures must use MTLStorageModeManaged I don't really understand why we have this limitation, MTLStorageModeShared textures are supported on Apple silicon (despite the documentation in which claims overwise.
Jul ’22
View and Projection Matrix in Metal for a First Person Camera
So I'm trying to make a simple scene with some geometry of sorts and a movable camera. So far I've been able to render basic geometry in 2D alongside transforming set geometry using matrices. Following this I moved on to the Calculating Primitive Visibility Using Depth Testing Sample ... also smooth sailing. Then I had my first go at transforming positions between different coordinate spaces. I didn't get quite far with my rather blurry memory from OpenGL, all dough when I compared my view and projection matrix with the ones from the OpenGL glm::lookAt() and glm::perspective() functions there seemed to be no fundamental differences. Figuring Metal doing things differently I browsed the Metal Sample Code library for a sample containing a first-person camera. The only one I could find was Rendering Terrain Dynamically with Argument Buffers. Luckily it contained code for calculating view and projection matrices, which seemed to differ from my code. But I still have problems Problem Description When positioning the camera right in front of the geometry the view as well as the projection matrix produce seemingly accurate results: Camera Positon(0, 0, 1); Camera Directio(0, 0, -1) When moving further away though, parts of the scene are being wrongfully culled. Notably the ones farther away from the camera: Camera Position(0, 0, 2); Camera Direction(0, 0, -1) Rotating the Camera also produces confusing results: Camera Position: (0, 0, 1); Camera Direction: (cos(250°), 0, sin(250°)), yes I converted to radians My Suspicions The Projection isn't converting the vertices from view space to Normalised Device Coordinates correctly. Also when comparing two first two images, the lower part of the triangle seems to get bigger as the camera moves away which also doesn't appear to be right. Obviously the view matrix is also not correct as I'm pretty sure what's describe above isn't supposed to happen. Code Samples MainShader.metal #include <metal_stdlib> #include <Shared/Primitives.h> #include <Shared/MainRendererShared.h> using namespace metal; struct transformed_data {     float4 position [[position]];     float4 color; }; vertex transformed_data vertex_shader(uint vertex_id [[vertex_id]],                                       constant _vertex *vertices [[buffer(0)]],                                       constant _uniforms& uniforms [[buffer(1)]]) {     transformed_data output;     float3 dir = {0, 0, -1};     float3 inEye = float3{ 0, 0, 1 }; // position     float3 inTo = inEye + dir; // position + direction     float3 inUp = float3{ 0, 1, 0};          float3 z = normalize(inTo - inEye);     float3 x = normalize(cross(inUp, z));     float3 y = cross(z, x);     float3 t = (float3) { -dot(x, inEye), -dot(y, inEye), -dot(z, inEye) };     float4x4 viewm = float4x4(float4 { x.x, y.x, z.x, 0 },                               float4 { x.y, y.y, z.y, 0 },                               float4 { x.z, y.z, z.z, 0 },                               float4 { t.x, t.y, t.z, 1 });          float _nearPlane = 0.1f;     float _farPlane = 100.0f;     float _aspectRatio = uniforms.viewport_size.x / uniforms.viewport_size.y;     float va_tan = 1.0f / tan(0.6f * 3.14f * 0.5f);     float ys = va_tan;     float xs = ys / _aspectRatio;     float zs = _farPlane / (_farPlane - _nearPlane);     float4x4 projectionm = float4x4((float4){ xs,  0,  0, 0},                                     (float4){  0, ys,  0, 0},                                     (float4){  0,  0, zs, 1},                                     (float4){  0,  0, -_nearPlane * zs, 0 } );          float4 projected = (projectionm*viewm) * float4(vertices[vertex_id].position,1);     vector_float2 viewport_dim = vector_float2(uniforms.viewport_size);     output.position = vector_float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);     output.position.xy = projected.xy / (viewport_dim / 2);     output.position.z = projected.z;     output.color = vertices[vertex_id].color;     return output; } fragment float4 fragment_shader(transformed_data in [[stage_in]]) {return in.color;} These are the vertices definitions let triangle_vertices = [_vertex(position: [ 480.0, -270.0, 1.0], color: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),                          _vertex(position: [-480.0, -270.0, 1.0], color: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]),                          _vertex(position: [   0.0,  270.0, 0.0], color: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])] // TO-DO: make this use 4 vertecies and 6 indecies let quad_vertices = [_vertex(position: [ 480.0,  270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]),                      _vertex(position: [ 480.0, -270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]),                      _vertex(position: [-480.0, -270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]),                      _vertex(position: [-480.0,  270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]),                      _vertex(position: [ 480.0,  270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]),                      _vertex(position: [-480.0, -270.0, 0.5], color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])] This is the initialisation code of the depth stencil descriptor and state _view.depthStencilPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormat.depth32Float _view.clearDepth = 1.0 // other render initialisation code let depth_stencil_descriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor() depth_stencil_descriptor.depthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.lessEqual depth_stencil_descriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = true; depth_stencil_state = try! _view.device!.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: depth_stencil_descriptor)! So if you have any idea on why its not working or have some code of your own that's working or know of any public samples containing a working first-person camera, feel free to help me out. Thank you in advance! (please ignore any spelling or similar mistakes, english is not my primary language)
Aug ’22
iOS app crashed on iOS 16
Hi team, We have an iOS app. Since July 15, 2022, our users met a kind of app crash due to an invalid memory fetch. The time is when Apple released iOS 16 beta officially. After Sep 12, crash count started to increase drastically. The time is Apple released iOS 16 officially. Crash backtrace can be seen as follows. Thread 14 Crashed: 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00000001f8810930 _platform_memmove + 96 1 CoreGraphics 0x00000001adb64104 CGDataProviderCreateWithCopyOfData + 20 2 CoreGraphics 0x00000001adb4cdb4 CGBitmapContextCreateImage + 172 3 VisionKitCore 0x00000001ed813f10 -[VKCRemoveBackgroundResult _createCGImageFromBGRAPixelBuffer:cropRect:] + 348 4 VisionKitCore 0x00000001ed813cc0 -[VKCRemoveBackgroundResult createCGImage] + 156 5 VisionKitCore 0x00000001ed8ab6f8 __vk_cgImageRemoveBackgroundWithDownsizing_block_invoke + 64 6 VisionKitCore 0x00000001ed881474 __63-[VKCRemoveBackgroundRequestHandler performRequest:completion:]_block_invoke.5 + 436 7 MediaAnalysisServices 0x00000001eec58968 __92-[MADService performRequests:onPixelBuffer:withOrientation:andIdentifier:completionHandler:]_block_invoke.38 + 400 8 CoreFoundation 0x00000001abff0a14 __invoking___ + 148 9 CoreFoundation 0x00000001abf9cf2c -[NSInvocation invoke] + 428 10 Foundation 0x00000001a6464d38 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 16 11 Foundation 0x00000001a64362fc -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithEvent:sequence:replyInfo:] + 520 12 Foundation 0x00000001a6a10f44 __88-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:]_block_invoke_5 + 188 13 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001f89053e4 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 124 14 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001f88f8580 _xpc_connection_call_reply_async + 88 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b340205c _dispatch_client_callout3 + 20 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b341ff58 _dispatch_mach_msg_async_reply_invoke + 344 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b340956c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b340a214 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 436 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b3414e10 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 652 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f88a4df8 _pthread_wqthread + 288 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f88a4b98 start_wqthread + 8 Last but not the least. The users who met this kind of app crash use iOS16+. We think this crash is related to iOS 16 SDK. We're appreciate that you can provide some clues how to fix this kind of crash.
Oct ’22
Spatial framework, Rotation3D eye target up (look at), Quaternion flip
Hi, I want to begin by saying thank you Apple for making the Spatial framework! Please add a million more features ;-) I'm using the following code to make an object "look at" another point, but at a particular rotation the object "flips" its rotations. See a video here: I shake the mouse cursor when it happens to make it obvious to you. import Spatial let lookAtRotation = Rotation3D(eye: Point3D(position), target: Point3D(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), up: Vector3D(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0)) myObj.quaternion = lookAtRotation.quaternion So my question is why is this happening, and how can I fix it? thx
Oct ’22