Render advanced 3D graphics and perform data-parallel computations using graphics processors using Metal.

Metal Documentation






Frames out of order using AVAssetWriter
We are using AVAssetWriter to write videos using both HEVC and H.264 encoding. Occasionally, we get reports of choppy footage in which frames appear out of order when played back on a Mac (QuickTime) or iOS device (stock Photos app). This occurs extremely unpredictably, often not starting until 20+ minutes of filming, but occasionally happening as soon as filming starts. Interestingly, users have reported the issue goes away while editing or viewing on a different platform (e.g. Linux) or in the built-in Google Drive player, but comes back as soon as the video is exported or downloaded again. When this occurs in an HEVC file, converting to H.264 seems to resolve it. I haven't found a similar fix for H.264 files. I suspect an AVAssetWriter encoding issue but haven't been able to uncover the source. Running a stream analyzer on HEVC files with this issue reveals the following error: Short-term reference picture with POC = [some number] seems to have been removed or not correctly decoded. However, running a stream analyzer on H.264 files with the same playback issue seems to show nothing wrong. At a high level, our video pipeline looks something like this: Grab a sample buffer in captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput!, didOutputVideoSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!) Perform some Metal rendering on that buffer Pass the resulting CVPixelBuffer to the AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor associated with our AVAssetWriter Example files can be found here: This includes a video file suffering this issue, the same file fixed after converting to mp4, and a screen recording of the distorted playback in QuickTime. Can anyone help point me in the right direction to solving this issue? I can provide more details as necessary.
May ’23 failed assertion `destination kernel width and filter kernel width mismatch'
Hi, I am training an adversarial auto encoder using PyTorch 2.0.0 on Apple M2 (Ventura 13.1), with conda 23.1.0 as manager. I encountered this error: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/5b8a32f9-5db2-11ed-8aeb-7ef33c48bc85/Library/Caches/ failed assertion `destination kernel width and filter kernel width mismatch' /Users/vk/miniconda3/envs/betavae/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 1 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown To my knowledge, the code broke down when running self.manual_backward(loss["g_loss"]) this block: g_opt.zero_grad() self.manual_backward(loss["g_loss"]) g_opt.step() The same code run without problems on linux distribution. Any thoughts on how to fix it are highly appreciated!
Apr ’23
Can I run CatBoost/XGBoost on my GPU(s) on my Mac?
I'm interested in using CatBoost and XGBoost for some machine learning projects on my Mac, and I was wondering if it's possible to run these algorithms on my GPU(s) to speed up training times. I have a Mac with an AMD Radeon Pro 5600M and an Intel UHD Graphics 630 GPUs, and I'm running macOS Ventura 13.2.1. I've read that both CatBoost and XGBoost support GPU acceleration, but I'm not sure if this is possible on my system. Can anyone point me in the right direction for getting started with GPU-accelerated CatBoost/XGBoost on macOS? Are there any specific drivers or tools I need to install, or any other considerations I should be aware of? Thank you.
Apr ’23
MTKView, presentDrawable afterMinimumDuration seems flakey...
I downloaded this sample: I commented out this line in //    _view.enableSetNeedsDisplay = YES; I modified the presentDrawable line in to add afterMinimumDuration:     [commandBuffer presentDrawable:drawable afterMinimumDuration:1.0/60]; I then added a presentedHandler before the above line that records the time between successive presents. Most of the time it correctly reports 0.166667s. However, about every dozen or so frames (it varies) it seems to present a frame early with an internal of 0.0083333333s followed by the next frame after around 0.24s. Is this expected behaviour, I was hoping that afterMinimumDuration would specifically make things consistent. Why would it present a frame early? This is on a new MacBook Pro 16 running latest macOS Monterrey, and the sample project upgraded to have a minimum deployment target of 11.0. Xcode latest public release 13.1.
Nov ’21
Metal Core Image passing sampler arguments
I am trying to use a CIColorKernel or CIBlendKernel with sampler arguments but the program crashes. Here is my shader code which compiles successfully. extern "C" float4 wipeLinear(coreimage::sampler t1, coreimage::sampler t2, float time) { float2 coord1 = t1.coord(); float2 coord2 = t2.coord(); float4 innerRect = t2.extent(); float minX = innerRect.x + time*innerRect.z; float minY = innerRect.y + time*innerRect.w; float cropWidth = (1 - time) * innerRect.w; float cropHeight = (1 - time) * innerRect.z; float4 s1 = t1.sample(coord1); float4 s2 = t2.sample(coord2); if ( coord1.x > minX && coord1.x < minX + cropWidth && coord1.y > minY && coord1.y <= minY + cropHeight) { return s1; } else { return s2; } } And it crashes on initialization. class CIWipeRenderer: CIFilter { var backgroundImage:CIImage? var foregroundImage:CIImage? var inputTime: Float = 0.0 static var kernel:CIColorKernel = { () -> CIColorKernel in let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "AppCIKernels", withExtension: "ci.metallib")! let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url) return try! CIColorKernel(functionName: "wipeLinear", fromMetalLibraryData: data) //Crashes here!!!! }() override var outputImage: CIImage? { guard let backgroundImage = backgroundImage else { return nil } guard let foregroundImage = foregroundImage else { return nil } return CIWipeRenderer.kernel.apply(extent: backgroundImage.extent, arguments: [backgroundImage, foregroundImage, inputTime]) } } It crashes in the try line with the following error: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Foundation._GenericObjCError.nilError If I replace the kernel code with the following, it works like a charm: extern "C" float4 wipeLinear(coreimage::sample_t s1, coreimage::sample_t s2, float time) { return mix(s1, s2, time); }
Nov ’21