Photos & Camera

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Explore technical aspects of capturing high-quality photos and videos, including exposure control, focus modes, and RAW capture options.






Pictures won't import from iPhone to the Photo app on iMac
Since the OS was recently updated to 18.1.1 on my iPhone 15, I am no longer able to import my pictures into the Photos app on my iMac. I have to mention that my iMac is pretty old and is running OS High Sierra 10.13.6 and is not allowing me to update the OS to a newer version. Anyway, the main error message I get is: "Some items cannot be added to your Photo library because they may be an unrecognizable file format or the file may not contain valid data". Then, for each individual photo that failed to upload, the error message I get reads, "unable to read metadata. The file may be corrupt". However, videos import just fine from my iPhone to iMac. This was not a problem before the recent iPhone update. I tried closing the Photo app and reopening it. I tried restarting my iPhone and iMac but nothing seems to work. Any help would be much appreciated.
Dec ’24
Constituent active device switching very slow on iPhone 16 Pro Models on focus changes
Hi all, we are in the business of scanning documents and barcodes with the camera system of mobile devices. Since there is a wide variety of use cases, from scanning tiniest barcodes and small business cards to scanning barcodes or large documents from far distances we preferably rely on the triple camera devices, if available, with automatic constituent device switching. This approach used to be working perfectly fine. Depending on the zoom level (we prefer to use an initial zoom value of 2.0) and the focusing distance the iPhone Pro models switched through the different camera systems at light speed: from ultra-wide to wide, tele and back. No issues at all. Unfortunately the new iPhone 16 Pro models behave very different when it comes to constituent device switching based on focus distance. The switching is slow and sometimes it does not happen at all when the focusing distance changes. Especially when aiming for a at a distant object for a longer time and then aiming at a very close object that is maybe 2" away. The iPhone 15 Pro here always switches immediately to the ultra-wide camera, while the iPhone 16 Pro takes at least 2-3 seconds, in rare cases up to 10 seconds and sometimes forever to switch to the ultra-wide camera. Of course we assumed that our code is responsible for these issues. So we experimented with restricting the devices and so on. Then we stripped more and more configuration code but nothing we tried improved the situation. So we ended up writing a minimal example app that demonstrates the problem. You can find the code below. Execute it on various iPhones and aim at far distance (> 10 feet) and then quickly to very close distance (<5 inches). Here is a list of devices and our test results: iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 17.6: very fast and reliable switching iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 18.1: very fast and reliable switching iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15.3: very fast and reliable switching iPhone 16 (dual-wide camera), iOS 18.1: very fast and reliable switching iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18.1: slow switching, unreliable iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18.1: slow switching, unreliable Questions: Does anyone else have seen this issue? And possibly found a workaround? Is this behaviour intended on iPhone 16 Pro models? Can we somehow improve the switching speed? Further the iPhone 16 Pro models also show a jumping preview in the preview layer when they switch the constituent active device. Not dramatic, but compared to the other phones it looks like a glitch. Thank you very much! Kind regards, Sebastian import UIKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController { var captureSession : AVCaptureSession! var captureDevice : AVCaptureDevice! var captureInput : AVCaptureInput! var previewLayer : AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer! var activePrimaryConstituentToken: NSKeyValueObservation? var zoomToken: NSKeyValueObservation? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) checkPermissions() setupAndStartCaptureSession() } func checkPermissions() { let cameraAuthStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: switch cameraAuthStatus { case .authorized: return case .denied: abort() case .notDetermined: AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for:, completionHandler: { (authorized) in if(!authorized){ abort() } }) case .restricted: abort() @unknown default: fatalError() } } func setupAndStartCaptureSession() { .userInitiated).async{ self.captureSession = AVCaptureSession() self.captureSession.beginConfiguration() if self.captureSession.canSetSessionPreset(.photo) { self.captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo } self.captureSession.automaticallyConfiguresCaptureDeviceForWideColor = true self.setupInputs() DispatchQueue.main.async { self.setupPreviewLayer() } self.captureSession.commitConfiguration() self.captureSession.startRunning() self.activePrimaryConstituentToken = self.captureDevice.observe(\.activePrimaryConstituent, options: [.new], changeHandler: { (device, change) in let type = device.activePrimaryConstituent!.deviceType.rawValue print("Device type: \(type)") }) self.zoomToken = self.captureDevice.observe(\.videoZoomFactor, options: [.new], changeHandler: { (device, change) in let zoom = device.videoZoomFactor print("Zoom: \(zoom)") }) let switchZoomFactor = 2.0 DispatchQueue.main.async { self.setZoom(CGFloat(switchZoomFactor), animated: false) } } } func setupInputs() { if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInTripleCamera, for: .video, position: .back) { captureDevice = device } else { fatalError("no back camera") } guard let input = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) else { fatalError("could not create input device from back camera") } if !captureSession.canAddInput(input) { fatalError("could not add back camera input to capture session") } captureInput = input captureSession.addInput(input) } func setupPreviewLayer() { previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession) view.layer.addSublayer(previewLayer) previewLayer.frame = self.view.layer.frame } func setZoom(_ value: CGFloat, animated: Bool) { guard let device = captureDevice else { return } let maxZoom: CGFloat = captureDevice.maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor let minZoom: CGFloat = captureDevice.minAvailableVideoZoomFactor let zoomValue = max(min(value, maxZoom), minZoom) let deltaZoom = Float(abs(zoomValue - device.videoZoomFactor)) do { try device.lockForConfiguration() if animated { device.ramp(toVideoZoomFactor: zoomValue, withRate: max(deltaZoom * 50.0, 50.0)) } else { device.videoZoomFactor = zoomValue } device.unlockForConfiguration() } catch { return } } }
Dec ’24
Checking authorization status of AVCaptureDevice or CLLocation Manager gives runtime warnings in iOS 18
I have the following code in my ObservableObject class and recently XCode started giving purple coloured runtime issues with it (probably in iOS 18): Issue 1: Performing I/O on the main thread can cause slow launches. Issue 2: Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. Issue 3: Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. Here is the code: @Published var cameraAuthorization:AVAuthorizationStatus @Published var micAuthorization:AVAuthorizationStatus @Published var photoLibAuthorization:PHAuthorizationStatus @Published var locationAuthorization:CLAuthorizationStatus var locationManager:CLLocationManager override init() { // Issue 1 (Performing I/O on the main thread can cause slow launches.) cameraAuthorization = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: micAuthorization = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: photoLibAuthorization = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus(for: .addOnly) //Issue 1: Performing I/O on the main thread can cause slow launches. locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationAuthorization = locationManager.authorizationStatus super.init() //Issue 2: Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. locationManager.delegate = self } And also in route Change notification handler of AVAudioSession.routeChangeNotification, //Issue 3: Hangs - Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. let categoryPlayback = (AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().category == .playback) I wonder how checking authorisation status can give these issues? What is the fix here?
Dec ’24
why does tripple camera take photo faster than single camera device?
I found this phenomenon, and it can be reproduced stably. If I use a triple-camera to take a photo, if the picture is moving, or I move the phone, let's assume it moves horizontally, when I aim at an object, I press the shutter, which is called time T. At this time, the picture in the viewfinder is T0, and the photo produced is about T+100ms. If I use a single-camera to take a photo, use the same speed to move the phone to move the picture, and press the shutter when aiming at the same object, the photo produced is about T+400ms later. Let me describe the problem I encountered in another way. Suppose a pile of cards are placed horizontally on the table, and the cards are written with numbers from left to right, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6... Now aim the camera at the number 0, and then move to the right at a uniform speed. The numbers pass through the camera's viewfinder and continue to increase. When aiming at the number 5, press the shutter. If it is a triple-camera, the photo obtained will probably show 6, while if it is taken with a single-camera, the photo obtained will be about 9. This means the triple camera can capture photos faster, but why is this the case? Any explanation?
Dec ’24
How to add CIFilter to AVCaptureDeferredPhotoProxy
Hello, I m trying to implement deferred photo processing in my photo capture app. After I take a photo, I pass it through a CIFilter, now with the Deferred Photo Processing where would I pass the resulting photo through the CIFilter? Since there is no way for me to know when the system has finished processing a photo. If I have to do it in my app foreground every time, how do I prevent a scenario, where the user takes a photo, heads straight to the Photos App and sees the image without the filter?
Nov ’24
PHPhotoLibrary availability detection/notification
Hi, I'm having difficulties figuring out how I can reliably detect if the macOS system PHPhotoLibrary is available. If I place the system Photo Library on an external drive and then eject it, other apps on startup, such as Photos, will tell me that the library isn't available. How can I replicate this behavior? The only API I can find for this detection on startup is "PHPhotoLibrary.shared().unavailabilityReason". However this always returns nil. Another strange behavior is if I register a PHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver class on startup when the library is available and then eject the drive, I do get a notification via photoLibraryDidBecomeUnavailable, but then directly after the call the app is terminated. This prevents the app to perform any kind of graceful termination. Is this the expected behavior? It would make sense that it's up to the developer to decide what happens if the library becomes unavailable. Thanks
Nov ’24
Any information about background replacement in the system video effects?
In the docs it looks like something allows you to set a background replacement image in the Control Center controls (like on a Mac). However, I can't find any documentation on it, beyond this reference in the Apple docs. Does anyone have any advice to enable backgrounds in the camera system wide?
Nov ’24
CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource causes issues in iOS 18 / macOS 15
There seems to be an issue in iOS 18 / macOS 15 related to image thumbnail generation and/or HEIC. We are transcoding JPEG images to HEIC when they are loaded into our app (HEIC has a much lower memory footprint when loaded by Core Image, for some reason). We use Image I/O for that: guard let source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(inputURL, nil), let destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(outputURL, UTType.heic.identifier as CFString, 1, nil) else { throw <error> } let primaryImageIndex = CGImageSourceGetPrimaryImageIndex(source) CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource(destination, source, primaryImageIndex, nil) When we use CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource, we get the following warnings on the console: createImage:1445: *** ERROR: bad image size (0 x 0) rb: 0 CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex:5195: *** ERROR: CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex[0] - 'HJPG' - failed to create thumbnail [-67] {alw:-1, abs: 1 tra:-1 max:4620} writeImageAtIndex:1025: ⭕️ ERROR: '<app>' is trying to save an opaque image (4620x3466) with 'AlphaPremulLast'. This would unnecessarily increase the file size and will double (!!!) the required memory when decoding the image --> ignoring alpha. It seems that CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource is trying to extract/create a thumbnail, which fails somehow. I re-wrote the last part like this: guard let primaryImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(source, primaryImageIndex, nil), let properties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, primaryImageIndex, nil) else { throw <error> } CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, primaryImage, properties) This doesn't cause any warnings. An issue that might be related has been reported here. I've also heard from others having issues with CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex.
Nov ’24
How to Capture 48MP Photos with Ultra-Wide Camera During AR Session on iPhone 16 Pro?
Hello Developers, I am working on an app where I need to capture 48MP high-resolution photos using the ultra-wide camera of the iPhone 16 Pro while an AR session is running. The goal is to take these photos without interrupting or impacting the AR session, which uses the main wide-angle camera. Despite extensive testing and various approaches, we have been unable to achieve the desired functionality. What We Have Tried So Far 1. Using AVCaptureMultiCamSession: • We attempted to leverage AVCaptureMultiCamSession to simultaneously use the wide-angle camera for ARKit and the ultra-wide camera for photo capture. • However, this approach resulted in resource conflicts, with errors such as Cannot Record (OSStatus error -16409) and dropped frames. Additionally, the ultra-wide camera feed would frequently freeze or stop. 2. Dedicated AVCaptureSession for the Ultra-Wide Camera: • We separated the ultra-wide camera into its own AVCaptureSession while letting ARKit exclusively use the wide-angle camera. • This setup showed initial promise, but the ultra-wide camera feed would still stop running after a very short time (under one second). • Debugging logs indicated potential system-level interruptions, possibly due to resource prioritization by iOS. 3. Notification-Based Monitoring: • We implemented monitoring for session interruptions (AVCaptureSession.wasInterruptedNotification), but this provided limited insights into the exact cause of the session stopping. • We suspect iOS is de-prioritizing the ultra-wide camera session due to resource management policies or conflicts with ARKit. 4. Adjusting Camera Configurations: • We attempted to simplify both ARKit and AVCaptureSession configurations by reducing features like depth data and by using lower session presets for video capture. However, the core issue persisted. The Core Problem • The ultra-wide camera session frequently stops or freezes when used alongside ARKit. • Capturing high-resolution 48MP photos during the AR session is critical to the functionality of our app. Question Has anyone successfully implemented a similar setup? Specifically: • Capturing 48MP photos with the ultra-wide camera while ARKit is actively using the main camera. • Avoiding conflicts between ARKit and AVCaptureSession for the ultra-wide camera. Any insights, suggestions, or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help! 😊
Nov ’24
How to get the actual distance of the depth map image subject from the true depth camera
I was able to obtain the depth map image using AVCapturePhotoOutput from the delegate method func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) I convert the depth map to kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32 format and get the pixel values of the depth map using the below code func convertDepthData(depthMap: CVPixelBuffer) -> [[Float32]] { let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(depthMap) let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(depthMap) var convertedDepthMap: [[Float32]] = Array( repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: width), count: height ) CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(depthMap, CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 2)) let floatBuffer = unsafeBitCast( CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(depthMap), to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float32>.self ) for row in 0 ..< height { for col in 0 ..< width { if floatBuffer[width * row + col].isFinite{ convertedDepthMap[row][col] = floatBuffer[width * row + col] } } } CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(depthMap, CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 2)) return convertedDepthMap } Is this the right way of accessing the depth float values from a depth map. And what will be the unit for it. Because some times the depth values are in range of 0.7 when I keep the device close to the subject around 15 to 30 cm.
Nov ’24
Depth map is always in hdis format instead of hdep. Unable to capture depth map in kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat format even after setting the activeDepthDataFormat for AVCapture device
I'm trying to capture the depth map image using true depth camera in iPhone 15 plus. I was able to setup the AVCapture session with AVCaptureDeviceInput as builtInTrueDepthCamera and AVCapturePhotoOutput with isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled set as true. I also manually made the activeDepthDataFormat of AVCapture device to kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16 or kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32. Finally I have enabled isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled, embedsDepthDataInPhoto , embedsPortraitEffectsMatteInPhoto and embedsSemanticSegmentationMattesInPhoto in AVCapturePhotoSettings before capturing the photo using capturePhoto(with: photoSettings, delegate: self) method. I have checked manually printing the activeDepthDataFormat of AVCapture device. First before setting it by default it is Optional('dpth'/'hdis' 640x 480, { 2- 30 fps}, photo dims:{}, fov:73.699, system exposure bias range:-2.0-2.0) After forcing it to kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16 or kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32 the format is Optional('dpth'/'hdep' 160x 120, { 2- 30 fps}, photo dims:{}, fov:73.699, system exposure bias range:-2.0-2.0) But when I receive the captured photo in func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) The depth map is Optional(hdis 640x480 (high/abs) calibration:{intrinsicMatrix: [2723.07 0.00 2016.00 | 0.00 2723.07 1512.00 | 0.00 0.00 1.00], extrinsicMatrix: [1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00] pixelSize:0.001 mm, distortionCenter:{2016.00,1512.00}, ref:{4032x3024}}) Here it shows hdis instead of hdep, why is it capturing disparity map instead of true depth map. The depth quality is high and depth data accuracy is absolute. Here is my code import UIKit import AVKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController, AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var previewView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var resultLbl: UILabel! private var session = AVCaptureSession() private var captureDevice: AVCaptureDevice? private var inputDevice: AVCaptureDeviceInput? private var photoOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput? private var photoSettings: AVCapturePhotoSettings? private var cameraPreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. self.setupCaptureSession() } func setupCaptureSession(){ captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInTrueDepthCamera, for: .video, position: .unspecified) guard let captureDevice else{ print("ERROR::UNABLE TO SET TRUE DEPTH CAMERA ") return } session.beginConfiguration() do{ inputDevice = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) guard let inputDevice else{ print("ERROR: UNABLE TO SET UP INPUT DEVICE") return } if session.canAddInput(inputDevice){ session.addInput(inputDevice) } } catch{ print(error) } photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput() guard let photoOutput else{ print("ERROR: UNABLE TO SET UP PHOTO OUTPUT") return } if session.canAddOutput(photoOutput){ session.addOutput(photoOutput) } session.sessionPreset = .photo photoOutput.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = photoOutput.isDepthDataDeliverySupported print("IS DEPTH ENABLED:: \(photoOutput.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled)") session.commitConfiguration() let availableFormats = captureDevice.activeFormat.supportedDepthDataFormats let depthFormat = availableFormats.filter { format in let pixelFormatType = CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(format.formatDescription) return (pixelFormatType == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16 || pixelFormatType == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32) }.first session.beginConfiguration() try! captureDevice.lockForConfiguration() captureDevice.activeDepthDataFormat = depthFormat captureDevice.unlockForConfiguration() session.commitConfiguration() self.setupPreviewLayer() } func setupPreviewLayer(){ cameraPreviewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: session) cameraPreviewLayer?.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill if let cameraPreviewLayer{ self.previewView.layer.addSublayer(cameraPreviewLayer) cameraPreviewLayer.frame = self.previewView.bounds } .userInteractive).async { self.session.startRunning() } } @IBAction func captureBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) { photoSettings = AVCapturePhotoSettings(format: [AVVideoCodecKey:AVVideoCodecType.jpeg]) guard let photoSettings else{ print("ERROR: UNABLE TO SETUP PHOTO SETTINGS") return } guard let photoOutput else{ print("ERROR: UNABLE TO SET UP PHOTO OUTPUT") return } photoSettings.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = photoOutput.isDepthDataDeliverySupported photoSettings.embedsDepthDataInPhoto = true photoSettings.embedsPortraitEffectsMatteInPhoto = true photoSettings.embedsSemanticSegmentationMattesInPhoto = true photoOutput.capturePhoto(with: photoSettings, delegate: self) } func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) { print(photo.depthData) switch photo.depthData?.depthDataQuality { case .low: print("Depth quality is low") case .high: print("Depth quality is high") case nil: print("Depth quality is nil") } switch photo.depthData?.depthDataAccuracy { case .relative: print("Depth accuarcy is relative") case .absolute: print("Depth accuarcy is absolute") case nil: print("Depth accuarcy is nil") } if let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation(){ if let image = UIImage(data: imageData){ UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil) } } } }
Nov ’24
PHLivePhotoEditingContext.saveLivePhoto results in AVFoundation error -11800 "The operation could not be completed" reason An unknown error occurred (-12815)
When trying to edit some Live Photos, calling PHLivePhotoEditingContext.saveLivePhoto results in the following error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12815), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x300d05380 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12815 "(null)"}} I was able to replicate it on my device by taking a new Live Photo. Not sure what's wrong with that one specifically, not all Live Photos replicate the issue. I've submitted FB15880825 with a sysdiagnose and a Photos Diagnostics as well. Any ideas what's going on here? It's impacting multiple customers. Thanks!
Nov ’24
Need the information of minimum focus distance of different cameras in each iPhone model
Our app involves using the camera to scan barcodes or QR codes, with a working distance of about 5 cm. However, we’ve noticed variations in the focus distance of camera lenses across different iPhone models. Currently, we mainly use two types of lenses: wide-angle and ultra-wide-angle. • For iPhone 13 and earlier models, we use the wide-angle lens. • For iPhone 13 Pro and later models, we use the ultra-wide-angle lens. We are not certain if this setup is correct since we don’t have all iPhone models to test.
There is a users have reported focus issues on his iPhone 15. We would like to ask if there’s a resource where we can find the minimum focus distance of different cameras in each iPhone model. This is to verify whether our current configuration is accurate. Alternatively, if such data is not readily available, could apple tam advise which camera should be used on various iPhone models for scenarios with a working distance of approximately 5 cm? Thank you!
Nov ’24
How can I use iPhone true depth front camera to detect if the captured depth map of a face is a true 3d face or spoofed 2d image
I'm trying to implement anti-spoofing in iOS app using iphone true depth front camera. I have checked the following questions still can't find a proper working solution. I trained a coreML model using 22000 depth human face images and 22000 non-human face(objects,food etc) images. The accuracy of the model is very less. When testing out with flat 2d images shown on a smartphone screen I found that I get depth map even for flat 2D images like this. Even though the image is flat how does it give the depth map for the person shown in the flat 2D picture so the model thinks that it is a real face instead of a spoofed one. I implemented depth capture by following this documentation and I made sure that I get depth map instead of disparity map My next approach was to use NCNN framework to implement anti-spoofing by using the model used in the Mini-vision android anti-spoofing sample. I rewrote their library in iOS by using the objective C++ wrapper for C++ as the sample was only available for android app. And I tested by feeding 80x80 UI-Image in a open cv matrix format it's accurracy is less than the android one. How can I solve this problem.
Nov ’24
Captured photos in wrong orientation
I'm building a custom camera screen that displays the camera image on a preview layer and then captures an image, using AVCaptureSession. When the picture is captured, I immediately load it into a UIImageView in order to display it to the user for approval. I've actually done this many times before, but this is the first time I've tried to do it in an app that supports interface rotation. If I hold the phone in Portrait mode and capture a picture, everything works as expected. When the user rotates the phone into Landscape orientation, I detect this and I replace the preview layer (AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer) with a new one, specifying connection.videoRotationAngle in order to make the image appear in the right orientation. I'm a little surprised that this is necessary, and it's not a smooth transition, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that when I capture the image, it is in the wrong orientation. I tried rotating it myself, but this doesn't seem to make any difference. What am I doing wrong?
Nov ’24
LockedCameraCaptureManager sessionContentUpdates sometimes is not called
Within my app, I have: for try await update in LockedCameraCaptureManager.shared.sessionContentUpdates { It seems that the first time my app opens from LockedCameraCapture (after enabling camera permissions etc...) this update is never called and the user will not see their capture (.added or .initial) If I then try to take another picture/video through my LockedCameraCapture control, it takes the video, opens the app as before, but this time sessionContentUpdates is called twice, once for the first video and once for the second video! After that it doesn't seem to occur again and all works perfectly! My device is: iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18.2 developer beta Has anyone experienced this?
Nov ’24
How to change PHLivePhoto EXIF metadata
I have an app that allows the user to change a photo’s EXIF metadata. To do this, I request a content editing input, get the full size image, modify its properties, create a content editing output, write the output image to the rendered content URL, then call performChanges on the PHPhotoLibrary creating an asset change request for that asset setting its content editing output. This works as expected for regular photos but Live Photos get turned off converted to a regular photo. To address this, I’m doing something similar by changing the properties of the .photo image in the Live Photo. I detect when the content editing input has a Live Photo, create a Live Photo editing context, set a frame processor that returns the frame’s image after setting its properties to the updated properties when the frame type is photo, then I create the content editing output and save the Live Photo to that output. It modifies the Live Photo successfully, but the metadata is not updated. If you get the full size image again the properties are the original properties. If you look at the EXIF metadata using an app like Metapho it remains unchanged. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks! let imageURL = contentEditingInput.fullSizeImageURL! let inputImage = CIImage(contentsOf: imageURL, options: [.applyOrientationProperty: true])! var metadata: [AnyHashable: Any] = // Edit the metadata as desired... let editingContext = PHLivePhotoEditingContext(livePhotoEditingInput: contentEditingInput)! editingContext.frameProcessor = { frame, error -> CIImage? in // Edit only the still photo if frame.type == .photo { return frame.image.settingProperties(metadata) } return frame.image } let contentEditingOutput = try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in let editingOutput = PHContentEditingOutput(contentEditingInput: contentEditingInput) editingOutput.adjustmentData = adjustmentData editingContext.saveLivePhoto(to: editingOutput) { success, error in if success { continuation.resume(returning: editingOutput) } else { continuation.resume(throwing: error!) } } } try await PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges { let request = PHAssetChangeRequest(for: asset) request.contentEditingOutput = contentEditingOutput }
Nov ’24