Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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SmartCard Pairing with PIN for user and prompted for a Password authentication for keychain access app
During SmartCard pairing the PIN prompt enables the OK button only on user provides a PIN of 6 digits. Is there a way to submit the empty PIN in this flow, where the custom CTK is used here (the custom CTK would take care of the PIN from the custom ctk code). I was able to do an empty PIN submit once the I've paired the user successfully at login, unlock and other cli tools. Is there a way to do the same during the pairing? Once the user has successfully paired with the SmartCard authentication with PIN, I was able to see most of the authentication flows was prompting for the PIN authentication like login, unlock, CLI tools like ssh, su etc., perhaps at few apps where it is still prompted with the Password instead of PIN examples, when I tried to launch Keychain Access app or Add a user from users&groups system setting. Is this expected behaviour?
When is kSecAttrService actually required when saving an item to the Keychain?
I was basically saving items into the Keychain with the following query dictionary: let query: [String: Any] = [ kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrAccount as String: key, kSecValueData as String: value, kSecAttrAccessible as String: kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock ] Where key is a String value and value is a Data that used to be a String. I was getting the following error: code: -25299 description: The specified item already exists in the keychain After a lot of digging in I saw that I needed to add kSecAttrService to the dictionary and after that it all started working. The service value is a String value. let query: [String: Any] = [ kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrService as String: service, kSecAttrAccount as String: key, kSecValueData as String: value, kSecAttrAccessible as String: kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock ] These were the articles that suggested adding the kSecAttrService parameter: But in the same code base I found that other developers were saving using a dictionary similar to the one I first provided and it works: var query: [String : Any] = [ kSecClass as String : kSecClassGenericPassword as String, kSecAttrAccount as String : key, kSecValueData as String : data ] I don't know how to explain why my first implementation didn't work even though it was similar to what was already in the code base but the second approach worked well. Regardless of the query dictionary, this is how I'm saving things: static func save(value: Data, key: String, service: String) -> KeyChainOperationStatus { logInfo("Save Value - started, key: \(key), service: \(service)") let query: [String: Any] = [ kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrService as String: service, kSecAttrAccount as String: key, kSecValueData as String: value, kSecAttrAccessible as String: kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock ] // Remove any existing key let cleanUpStatus = SecItemDelete(query as CFDictionary) let cleanUpStatusDescription = SecCopyErrorMessageString(cleanUpStatus, nil)?.asString ?? "__cleanup_status_unavailable" logInfo("Save Value - cleanup status: \(cleanUpStatus), description: \(cleanUpStatusDescription)") guard cleanUpStatus == errSecSuccess || cleanUpStatus == errSecItemNotFound else { logError("Save Value - Failed cleaning up KeyChain") return .cleanupFailed(code: cleanUpStatus) } // Add the new key let saveStatus = SecItemAdd(query as CFDictionary, nil) let saveStatusDescription = SecCopyErrorMessageString(saveStatus, nil)?.asString ?? "__save_status_unavailable" logInfo("Save Value - save status [\(saveStatus)] : \(saveStatusDescription)") guard saveStatus == errSecSuccess else { logError("Save Value - Failed saving new value into KeyChain") return .savingFailed(code: saveStatus) } return .successs }
macOS Gatekeeper gatekeeping text files?
I have something with a new individual on my team I've never seen before. They checked out our code repository from git and now anytime they try to open a .json file that is legitimately just a text file, GateKeeper tells them it cannot verify the integrity of this file and offers to have them throw this file away. I've seen this with binaries, and that makes sense. I removed the extended attribute from all executable files in our source tree, but I've never seen GateKeeper prompt on text files. I could remove the extended attribute from all files in our source tree, but I fear the next time he pulls from git he'll get new ones flagged. Is there someway around this? I've never personally seen GateKeeper blocking text files.
Can't get user info more than once upon signin ?
Hi, I know it's been discussed before, but I'm testing the Sign in with Apple feature, and I only get the user info on the first try. Now, I know that you're supposed to go to the account settings, and look for the list of accounts that you used your Apple account to sign in with, and it used to work a few months back. But for the last few weeks I haven't been able to get the user info, even after deleting the entry from my Sign In With Apple app list. Has there been a recent change to Apple security policy that prevents such a move from working ? Or am I doing something wrong ? Thank you
About Configure Sign in with Apple for Email Communication
In response to inquiries from users, we have confirmed the following phenomenon. If you select "Private email address" in the flow of new user registration with Apple ID, you will not receive the verification code email when performing two-factor authentication. ■User impact If you use your Apple ID to link an external account without making your email address public, you will not receive the authentication code during two-factor authentication and will not be able to proceed. The date and time of the impact is currently unknown. ◎Impact 1: New registration If you select "Private email address" in the flow of registering a new user with Apple ID, the verification code will not be received during two-factor authentication and registration will not be completed. ◎Impact 2: Login of existing account When two-factor authentication is required for an existing account registered with Apple ID set to "Private email address," the verification code is not received and the user cannot log in. →If you have not registered a login method other than Apple ID for the relevant account, there is no other way to log in. ■About workarounds ・I thought that I could avoid this issue by canceling the private setting of my Apple ID, but I was unable to do so. →There is currently no workaround found for existing users who are experiencing this issue. ・However, the scope of influence is limited. ■Cause investigation status Premise: For an Apple ID whose email address is not made public, the two-factor authentication authentication code email follows the following route. ①CDC/GIGYA (SendGrid) Apple's email server (relay server to hide the user's real email address) User mailbox →Since '1' are working, the problem seems to have occurred after the connection from ② or ③. (At this stage, we cannot determine who is at fault: the user, MIRAIZ, or Apple. We are currently investigating.) ◎Hypothesis ・Is there something wrong with Apple's mail server? ・Is it not delivered because the user's mailbox is full? ■Questions, research, and responses we would like to receive Please check the following two points and reply. 1st point As shown in the attached image, there seems to be no problem with the SPF settings. Is it possible to check to see if any errors have occurred with Apple's mail server? 2nd point Are there any cases where you still can't receive emails even if you deactivate your Apple ID? I would like to know if there are any patterns in which emails are not being delivered in terms of past inquiries or overall specifications
Sign in with Apple
Hey there, I’m currently exploring the possibility of integrating Sign in with Apple into my iOS app and backend. Regarding the iOS app, I’ve read that when a user is signed in, you always need to call getCredentialState on the app’s launch. Is this true? If so, how is it possible to sign the user out then? I intend to incorporate SwiftData and CloudKit into my application. In light of this, I’m curious about your approach to user management. Specifically, I’m wondering if you would store the user’s data in a Redis database after successful authentication on the backend. Or, would you separate the user data and save it using SwiftData/ CloudKit?
App Tracking Transparency - Pre-Modal Explanation
Hi, I hope someone is able to help me with this query: Is there a mandatory requirement to display a view before presenting the App Tracking Transparency modal to explain to the user why the app is asking for tracking? I see there are a few apps which do this, but I don't see any mention of this as a mandatory requirement within the app store review guidelines. The modal can be customised with a description detailing why the app is asking for tracking and I believe this may be sufficient to pass an app store review. The guidelines also mention that the app must provide access to information about how and where the data will be used. We have these details in our privacy policy which is accessible from within the app. Is this sufficient or do we need a pre-modal view which contains a direct link the the privacy policy. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.
Japanese Katakana and Sign up With Apple
We have an app that has failed during the app review for the Japanese market but has been accepted in several other markets successfully. We need the user's name in native Katakana format as we need it to be displayed in our restaurant Point of Sale systems for workers to be able to read and understand. We use 'Sign up with Apple', but when doing so, if this returns an anglicised given and family name, we have to request the customer supply their Katakana format name so that our in-store systems and staff can process and fulfil their orders. When the App Review process automatically tests the app, it uses "Apple John" as a customer's name. Since this is not a Japanese name, we ask for it again in the correct format, or we cannot allow the user to register. This contravenes Apple's rules, and thus, our app is rejected. If the Apple identity used belonged to a user more typical of the target market, it would work as required. Does anyone else have this issue, and how did you work around it? Tim
Importing a PEM-based RSA Private Key and its Certificate
This post is an extension to Importing Cryptographic Keys that covers one specific common case: importing a PEM-based RSA private key and its certificate to form a digital identity. If you have questions or comments, start a new thread in Privacy & Security > General. Tag your thread with Security so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Importing a PEM-based RSA Private Key and its Certificate I regularly see folks struggle to import an RSA private key and its corresponding certificate. Importing Cryptographic Keys outlines various options for importing keys, but in this post I want to cover one specific case, namely, a PEM-based RSA private key and its corresponding certificate. Together these form a digital identity, represented as a SecIdentity object. IMPORTANT If you can repackage your digital identity as a PKCS#12, please do. It’s easy to import that using SecPKCS12Import. If you can switch to an elliptic curve (EC) private key, please do. It’s generally better and Apple CryptoKit has direct support for importing an EC PEM. Assuming that’s not the case, let’s explore how to import a PEM-base RSA private key and its corresponding certificate to form a digital identity. Note The code below was built with Xcode 16.2 and tested on the iOS 18.2 simulator. It uses the helper routines from Calling Security Framework from Swift. This code assumes the data protection keychain. If you’re targeting macOS, add kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain to all the keychain calls. See TN3137 On Mac keychain APIs and implementations for more background to that. Unwrap the PEM To start, you need to get the data out of the PEM: /// Extracts the data from a PEM. /// /// As PEM files can contain a large range of data types, you must supply the /// expected prefix and suffix strings. For example, for a certificate these /// are `"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----` and `-----END CERTIFICATE-----`. /// /// - important: This assumes the simplest possible PEM format. It does not /// handle metadata at the top of the PEM or PEMs with multiple items in them. func dataFromPEM(_ pem: String, _ expectedPrefix: String, _ expectedSuffix: String) -> Data? { let lines = pem.split(separator: "\n") guard let first = lines.first, first == expectedPrefix, let last = lines.last, last == expectedSuffix else { return nil } let base64 = lines.dropFirst().dropLast().joined() guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64) else { return nil } return data } IMPORTANT Read the doc comment to learn about some important limitations with this code. Import a Certificate When adding a digital identity to the keychain, it’s best to import the certificate and the key separately and then add them to the keychain. That makes it easier to track down problems you encounter. To import a PEM-based certificate, extract the data from the PEM and call SecCertificateCreateWithData: /// Import a certificate in PEM format. /// /// - important: See ``dataFromPEM(_:_:_:)`` for some important limitations. func importCertificatePEM(_ pem: String) throws -> SecCertificate { guard let data = dataFromPEM(pem, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"), let cert = SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil, data as NSData) else { throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: Int(errSecParam), userInfo: nil) } return cert } Here’s an example that shows this in action: let benjyCertificatePEM = """ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC4TCCAcmgAwIBAgIBCzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAfMRAwDgYDVQQDDAdNb3Vz ZUNBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjAeFw0xOTA5MzAxNDI0NDFaFw0yOTA5MjcxNDI0NDFa MB0xDjAMBgNVBAMMBUJlbmp5MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOQe5ai68FQhTVIgpsDK+UOPIrgKzqJcW+wwLnJRp6GV V9EmifJq7wjrXeqmP1XgcNtu7cVhDx+/ONKl/8hscak54HTQrgwE6mK628RThld9 BmZoOjaWWCkoU5bH7ZIYgrKF1tAO5uTAmVJB9v7DQQvKERwjQ10ZbFOW6v8j2gDL esZQbFIC7f/viDXLsPq8dUZuyyb9BXrpEJpXpFDi/wzCV3C1wmtOUrU27xz4gBzi 3o9O6U4QmaF91xxaTk0Ot+/RLI70mR7TYa+u6q7UW/KK9q1+8LeTVs1x24VA5csx HCAQf+xvMoKlocmUxCDBYkTFkmtyhmGRN52XucHgu0kCAwEAAaMqMCgwDgYDVR0P AQH/BAQDAgWgMBYGA1UdJQEB/wQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMCMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA A4IBAQAyrArH7+IyHTyEOrv/kZr3s3h4HWczSVeiO9qWD03/fVew84J524DiSBK4 mtAy3V/hqXrzrQEbsfyT7ZhQ6EqB/W0flpVYbku10cSVgoeSfjgBJLqgJRZKFonv OQPjTf9HEDo5A1bQdnUF1y6SwdFaY16lH9mZ5B8AI57mduSg90c6Ao1GvtbAciNk W8y4OTQp4drh18hpHegrgTIbuoWwgy8V4MX6W39XhkCUNhrQUUJk3mEfbC/yqfIG YNds0NRI3QCTJCUbuXvDrLEn4iqRfbzq5cbulQBxBCUtLZFFjKE4M42fJh6D6oRR yZSx4Ac3c+xYqTCjf0UdcUGxaxF/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- """ print(try? importCertificatePEM(benjyCertificatePEM)) If you run this it prints: Optional(<cert(0x11e304c10) s: Benjy i: MouseCA>) Import a Private Key To import a PEM-base RSA private key, extract the data from the PEM and call SecKeyCreateWithData: /// Import an 2048-bit RSA private key in PEM format. /// /// Don’t use this code if: /// /// * If you can switch to an EC key. EC keys are generally better and, for /// this specific case, there’s support for importing them in Apple CryptoKit. /// /// * You can switch to using a PKCS#12. In that case, use the system’s /// `SecPKCS12Import` routine instead. /// /// - important: See ``dataFromPEM(_:_:_:)`` for some important limitations. func importRSA2048PrivateKeyPEM(_ pem: String) throws -> SecKey { // Most private key PEMs are in PKCS#8 format. There’s no way to import // that directly. Instead you need to strip the header to get to the // `RSAPrivateKey` data structure encapsulated within the PKCS#8. Doing that // in the general case is hard. In the specific case of an 2048-bit RSA // key, the following hack works. let rsaPrefix: [UInt8] = [ 0x30, 0x82, 0x04, 0xBE, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x82, 0x04, 0xA8, ] guard let pkcs8 = dataFromPEM(pem, "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"), pkcs8.starts(with: rsaPrefix) else { throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: Int(errSecParam), userInfo: nil) } let rsaPrivateKey = pkcs8.dropFirst(rsaPrefix.count) return try secCall { SecKeyCreateWithData(rsaPrivateKey as NSData, [ kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA, kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate, ] as NSDictionary, $0) } } IMPORTANT This code only works with 2048-bit RSA private keys. The comments explain more about that limitation. Here’s an example that shows this in action: let benjyPrivateKeyPEM = """ -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQDkHuWouvBUIU1S IKbAyvlDjyK4Cs6iXFvsMC5yUaehlVfRJonyau8I613qpj9V4HDbbu3FYQ8fvzjS pf/IbHGpOeB00K4MBOpiutvEU4ZXfQZmaDo2llgpKFOWx+2SGIKyhdbQDubkwJlS Qfb+w0ELyhEcI0NdGWxTlur/I9oAy3rGUGxSAu3/74g1y7D6vHVGbssm/QV66RCa V6RQ4v8MwldwtcJrTlK1Nu8c+IAc4t6PTulOEJmhfdccWk5NDrfv0SyO9Jke02Gv ruqu1FvyivatfvC3k1bNcduFQOXLMRwgEH/sbzKCpaHJlMQgwWJExZJrcoZhkTed l7nB4LtJAgMBAAECggEBAKOPF6ED776SZgrliEog/dmXrhABB6jXybytyw+CRkuP dXhrRmr+isZ9Y0gTzMN4+dILVgW4EozzoP0/sgZ04oWwDqQS30eU2qzRRzMbo+3k oYsZXeu3nhxcYppwXIDsfAEd/ygMFzaadRPKYhrFykR2rA/dpLYCvW2tfm5SuULp RxnKykFlVi8yVT64AovVm0XGOy/QTO5BBbUdftvZY9QCjGn/IEL8QFEz0rxZsb2L s0HgVMUcB1My38RksZQRKLMWCtqLqWnez3oCnPka+dxFQj5RU//vNtRoVh1ExbmW txHz48v00AKQvaudC4ujIspZlY8+UPdYQT0TNjhsfoUCgYEA+7yEvyCgRtYwUNm6 jHTg67LoSldHwENOry63qGZp3rCkWBkPXle7ulgRtuw+e11g4MoMMAgkIGyIGB/Z 6YvnQGmJCTMw+HHIyw3k/OvL1iz4DM+QlxDuD79Zu2j2UIL4maDG0ZDskiJujVAf sFOy4r36TvYedmd7qgh9pgpsFl8CgYEA5/v8PZDs2I1wSDGllGfTr6aeQcxvw98I p8l/8EV/lYpdKQMFndeFZI+dnJCcTeBbeXMmPNTAdL5gOTwDReXamIAdr93k7/x6 iKMHzBrpQZUMEhepSd8zdR1+vLvyszvUU6lvNXcfjwbu7gJQkwbA6kSoXRN+C1Cv i5/w66t0f1cCgYBt02FWwTUrsmaB33uzq4o1SmhthoaXKsY5R3h4z7WAojAQ/13l GwGb2rBfzdG0oJiTeZK3odWhD7iQTdUUPyU0xNY0XVEQExQ3AmjUr0rOte/CJww9 2/UAicrsKG7N0VYEMFCNPVz4pGz22e35T4rLwXZi3J2NqrgZBntK5WEioQKBgEyx L4ii+sn0qGQVlankUUVGjhcuoNxeRZxCrzsdnrovTfEbAKZX88908yQpYqMUQul5 ufBuXVm6/lCtmF9pR8UWxbm4X9E+5Lt7Oj6tvuNhhOYOUHcNhRN4tsdqUygR5XXr E8rXIOXF4wNoXH7ewrQwEoECyq6u8/ny3FDtE8xtAoGBALNFxRGikbQMXhUXj7FA lLwWlNydCxCc7/YwlHfmekDaJRv59+z7SWAR15azhbjqS9oXWJUQ9uvpKF75opE7 MT0GzblkKAYu/3uhTENCjQg+9RFfu5w37E5RTWHD2hANV0YqXUlmH3d+f5uO0xN7 7bpqwYuYzSv1hBfU/yprDco6 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- """ print(try? importRSA2048PrivateKeyPEM(benjyPrivateKeyPEM)) If you run this it prints: Optional(<SecKeyRef algorithm id: 1, key type: RSAPrivateKey, version: 4, 2048 bits (block size: 256), addr: 0x600000c5ce50>) Form a Digital Identity There are two common ways to form a digital identity: SecPKCSImport SecItemCopyMatching SecPKCSImport is the most flexible because it gives you an in-memory digital identity. You can then choose to add it to the keychain or not. However, it requires a PKCS#12 as input. If you’re starting out with separate private key and certificate PEMs, you have to use SecItemCopyMatching. Note macOS also has SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate, but it has some seriously limitations. First, it’s only available on macOS. Second, it requires the key to be in the keychain. If you’re going to add the key to the keychain anyway, you might as well use SecItemCopyMatching. To form a digital identity from a separate private key and certificate: Add the certificate to the keychain. Add the private key to the keychain. Call SecItemCopyMatching to get back a digital identity. Here’s an example of that in action: /// Imports a digital identity composed of separate certificate and private key PEMs. /// /// - important: See ``dataFromPEM(_:_:_:)`` for some important limitations. /// See ``importRSA2048PrivateKeyPEM(_:)`` for alternative strategies that are /// much easier to deploy. func addRSA2048DigitalIdentityPEMToKeychain(certificate: String, privateKey: String) throws -> SecIdentity { // First import the certificate and private key. This has the advantage in // that it triggers an early failure if the data is in the wrong format. let certificate = try importCertificatePEM(certificate) let privateKey = try importRSA2048PrivateKeyPEM(privateKey) // Check that the private key matches the public key in the certificate. If // not, someone has given you bogus credentials. let certificatePublicKey = try secCall { SecCertificateCopyKey(certificate) } let publicKey = try secCall { SecKeyCopyPublicKey(privateKey) } guard CFEqual(certificatePublicKey, publicKey) else { throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: Int(errSecPublicKeyInconsistent)) } // Add the certificate first. If that fails — and the most likely error is // `errSecDuplicateItem` — we want to stop immediately. try secCall { SecItemAdd([ kSecValueRef: certificate, ] as NSDictionary, nil) } // The add the private key. do { try secCall { SecItemAdd([ kSecValueRef: privateKey, ] as NSDictionary, nil) } } catch let error as NSError { // We ignore a `errSecDuplicateItem` error when adding the key. It’s // possible to have multiple digital identities that share the same key, // so if you try to add the key and it’s already in the keychain then // that’s fine. guard error.domain == NSOSStatusErrorDomain, error.code == errSecDuplicateItem else { throw error } } // Finally, search for the resulting identity. // // I originally tried querying for the identity based on the certificate’s // attributes — the ones that contribute to uniqueness, namely // `kSecAttrCertificateType`, `kSecAttrIssuer`, and `kSecAttrSerialNumber` — // but that failed for reasons I don't fully understand (r. 144152660). So // now I get all digital identities and find the one with our certificate. let identities = try secCall { SecItemCopyMatching([ kSecClass: kSecClassIdentity, kSecMatchLimit: kSecMatchLimitAll, kSecReturnRef: true, ] as NSDictionary, $0) } as! [SecIdentity] let identityQ = try identities.first { i in try secCall { SecIdentityCopyCertificate(i, $0) } == certificate } return try secCall(Int(errSecItemNotFound)) { identityQ } } IMPORTANT This code is quite subtle. Read the comments for an explanation as to why it works the way it does. Further reading For more information about the APIs and techniques used above, see: Importing Cryptographic Keys On Cryptographic Keys Formats SecItem: Fundamentals SecItem: Pitfalls and Best Practices Calling Security Framework from Swift TN3137 On Mac keychain APIs and implementations Finally, for links to documentation and other resources, see Security Resources. Revision History 2025-02-13 Added code to check for mismatched private key and certificate. 2025-02-04 First posted.
Unit tests and persistent tokens
I'd like to implement unit tests that exercise keys made available via a persistent token interface. However, when attempting to list available tokens by passing kSecAttrAccessGroupToken as the kSecAttrAccessGroup to SecItemCopyMatching from a unit test, -34018 is returned. It succeeds without the kSecAttrAccessGroup, which makes sense given the unit test binary does not have Keychain Group. The Xcode UI indicates "Capabilities are not supported" for the unit test binary when attempting to add a Keychain Sharing capability to enable use of persistent tokens. This feels like a dead end but begs the question is there any way to implement unit tests to exercise a persistent token interface? It seems like the only path may be write unit tests that drive an independent app that handles the interactions with the persistent token.
Issue with DCAppAttestService for offloaded app
Hi, When calling generateAssertion on DCAppAttestService.shared, it gives invalidKey error when there was an update for an offloaded app. The offloading and reinstall always works fine if it is the same version on app store that was offloaded from device, but if there is an update and the app tries to reuse the keyID from previous installation for generateAssertion, attestation service rejects the key with error code 3 (invalid key) for a significant portion of our user. In our internal testing it failed for more than a third of the update attempts. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: install v1 from app store generate key using DCAppAttestService.shared.generateKey Attest this key using DCAppAttestService.shared.attestKey Send the attestation objection to our server and verify with apple servers Generate assertions for network calls to backend using DCAppAttestService.shared.generateAssertion with keyID from step 2 Device offloads the app (manually triggered by user, or automatically by iOS) A new version v2 is published to App Store Use tries to open the app Latest version is download from the App Store App tries to use the keyID from step 2 to generate assertions DCAppAttestService throws invalidKey error (Error Code=3) Step 7 is critical here, if there is no new version of the app, the reinstalled v1 can reuse the key from step 2 without any issues Is this behaviour expected? Is there any way we can make sure the key is preserved between offloaded app updates? Thanks
iOS 18 - Intermittent keychain issue
Hi, We're encountering an intermittent issue where certain users are unexpectedly logged out of our app and unable to log in again. We believe we've narrrowed down the issue to the Keychain due to the following reasons: We use a keychain item to determine if the member is logged in or not. Failure to retrieve the value leads the app to believe the member is logged out. API error logs on the server show 3 missing values in fields that are each populated from items stored in the keychain. Additional Notes: The issue is hard to reproduce and seems to affect only a subset of users. In some cases, uninstalling and reinstalling the app temporarily resolves the problem, but the issue recurs after a period of time. The behavior appears to have coincided with the release of iOS 18. We’re using the “kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked” accessibility attribute. Given that our app doesn’t perform background operations, we wouldn’t expect this to be an issue. We’re also considering changing this to "kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly" to see if this might resolve the issue. We're the keychain-swift library to interact with the keychain. We are currently adding extensive logging around our keychain implementation to confirm our findings but are looking for any additional input. Questions: Has anyone encountered similar keychain behavior on iOS 18? Are there known changes or stability issues with the keychain in iOS 18 that might lead to such intermittent “item not found” errors? Any recommended workarounds or troubleshooting steps that could help isolate the problem further? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Conditional Display of Passkey Provider in macOS \ iOS
Hello, I've developed a macOS app with an AutoFill Credential Provider extension that functions as a passkey provider. In the registration flow, I want my app to appear as a passkey provider only when specific conditions are met. Is there a way to inspect the request from the web before the passkey provider selection list is displayed to the user, determine whether my app can handle it, and then use that result to instruct the OS on whether to include my app in the passkey provider selection list? Alternatively, is there a way to predefine conditions that must be met before my app is offered as a passkey provider in the selection list? Thanks!
Local Authentication & localized reason string
In a project I was using Local Authentication to authenticate a user. When I got a request to support smartcard/PIV token authentication (which Local Authentication does not support), I had to switch to Authorization Services, which works pretty. There's only one issue I have. Local Authentication's evaluatePolicy:localizedReason:reply: requires a reason in the form "&lt;appname&gt;" is trying to &lt;localized reason&gt;. The app is currently translated into 41 languages and I would like to use the localized strings for the AuthorizationEnvironment of Authorization Services as well. The problem is that Local Authentication prefixes the localized string with something like "&lt;appname&gt;" is trying to and Authorization Services does not do this. Is there a way to get this prefix from somewhere so I can manually add it to the (partially) localized string? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you, Marc
Intermittent Failures Launching App from Universal Links using ASWebAuthenticationSession
I'm developing an iOS app that utilizes Universal Links and ASWebAuthenticationSession to deep-link from a website to the app itself. This implementation adheres to the recommendations outlined in RFC 8252, ensuring that the app opening the ASWebAuthenticationSession is the same app that is launched via the Universal Link. Problem:  While most users can successfully launch the app via Universal Links,a few percent of users experience instances where the app fails to launch, and the user is redirected to the browser. What I've Tried:  ASWebAuthenticationSession Configuration: I've double-checked the configuration of callbackURLScheme and presentationContextProvider.  Universal Links: Verified the apple-app-site-association file and associated domains entitlement.  Network Conditions: Tested on various network environments (Wi-Fi, cellular) and devices. Questions:  What are the potential causes for this behavior?  Has anyone else encountered a similar issue and found a solution?  Are there any debugging techniques or ways to generate more detailed logs? I haven't been able to determine which device or OS version is causing this problem. Thank you.
Screen recording detect in MACOs Apps
Hi, My MACOS app has sensitive content and dont want user to take screenshot or to record the screen. I tries window.sharingType=none. With this user can still record the screen. I know that user can record with external device. But we dont want him to record using screen capture. Can you please tell me how to detect when screen recording is active in MACOs apps? or how to prevent screen recording in MACOs apps. Thanks
Feb ’25
EndpointSecurity app missing TCC authorization
Hi! I am trying to run the demo app(SampleEndpointApp) from the WWDC2020 presentation(link). Here are the steps I followed in order to run the app: I submitted a request for the Endpoint Security entitlement and got the approval from the Apple Support team. Created an identifier and assigned Endpoint Security capability. Updated the Bundle Identifier in ViewController.m and in the Extension target. Built and copied the app bundle to /Application folder. Ran the app, clicked "Install Extension" and got the confirmation message that everything went well. Looking into the logs, I see the following : (libEndpointSecurity.dylib) Failed to open service: 0xe00002d8: Caller lacks TCC authorization for Full Disk Access I keep getting the same message even after granting SampleEndpointApp Full Disk Access in Privacy & Security. System : macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 Could you please assist me with this issue? Andrei
Jan ’25
Where to add the apple-app-site-association files for web-credential capability - Domain or subdomain?
I want to implement webauthn using WKWebView for my mac application. I want to host the asaa file in the rpid. Below are my site configuration - Main domain - Subdomain which has the sign-in view and where webauthn kicks in - RPID - Where shall i host the asaa file at domain( or subdomain(
Jan ’25