Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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Passkey Registration Fails with “UnexpectedRPIDHash” on iOS — Domain & Associated Domains Confirmed Correct
I’m implementing Passkey registration on iOS using ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider. On the server side, I’m using a WebAuthn library that throws the error UnexpectedRPIDHash: Unexpected RP ID hash during verifyRegistrationResponse(). Domain: (publicly routable, valid SSL certificate, no warnings in Safari) Associated Domains in Xcode**: AASA file: { "applinks": { "apps": [] }, "webcredentials": { "apps": [ "" ] } } Xcode Configuration: Team ID: H33XH8JMV6 Bundle ID: com.reactivex.pebblepath Associated Domains: Logs: iOS clientDataJSON shows "origin": "". Server logs confirm expectedOrigin = "" and expectedRPID = "". Despite this, the server library still errors out: finishRegistration error: UnexpectedRPIDHash. I’ve verified that: The domain has a valid CA-signed SSL cert (no Safari warnings). The AASA file is reachable at The app’s entitlements match I’ve removed old passkeys from Settings → Passwords on the device and retried fresh. I’m testing on a real device with iOS 16+; I am using a Development provisioning profile, but that shouldn’t cause an RP ID mismatch as long as the domain is valid. Every log indicates that the domain and origin match exactly, but the WebAuthn library still throws UnexpectedRPIDHash, implying iOS is embedding a different (or unrecognized) RP ID hash in the credential. Has anyone else encountered this with iOS passkeys and a valid domain/AASA setup? Is there an extra step needed to ensure iOS recognizes the domain for passkey registration? Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Jan ’25
SecKeyCreateRandomKey with EC key type generates broken keypair
Why does the following code generate a public key that can't be parsed by openssl? import Security import CryptoKit func generateKeys() throws -> (privateKey: SecKey, publicKey: SecKey) { let query: [String: Any] = [ kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String: 256, kSecAttrIsPermanent as String: false ] var error: Unmanaged<CFError>? guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(query as CFDictionary, &error) else { throw error!.takeRetainedValue() } let publicKey = SecKeyCopyPublicKey(privateKey)! return (privateKey, publicKey) } extension SecKey { func exportBase64EncodedKey() -> String { var error: Unmanaged<CFError>? guard let data = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(self, &error) else { fatalError("Failed to export key: \(error!.takeRetainedValue())") } return (data as Data).base64EncodedString(options: [.lineLength64Characters]) } } func printPublicKey() { let keyPair = try! generateKeys() let encodedPublicKey = keyPair.publicKey.exportBase64EncodedKey() var header = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" var footer = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" var pemKey = "\(header)\n\(encodedPublicKey)\n\(footer)\n" print(pemKey) } printPublicKey() when parsing the key I get this: openssl pkey -pubin -in new_public_key.pem -text -noout Could not find private key of Public Key from new_public_key.pem 404278EC01000000:error:1E08010C:DECODER routines:OSSL_DECODER_from_bio:unsupported:crypto/encode_decode/decoder_lib.c:102:No supported data to decode. Replacing kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom with kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA and a bigger key size (e.g. 2048) gives me a working public key that can be parsed by Openssl. Thanks!
Jan ’25
Privacy manifest related deadlines - inconsistent communication by Apple
Please help me clarify the current situation regarding the necessity of a privacy manifest file in 3rd party SDKs. It would be nice to have a reply from someone working at Apple, to have a reliable answer. A quick summery of the events from last year : "Starting in spring 2024, you must include the privacy manifest for any SDK listed below when you submit new apps in App Store Connect that include those SDKs, or when you submit an app update that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update." Last autumn, we started receiving warning emails from Apple after initiating app reviews, even when our apps did not have a newly added SDK: ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest - Starting November 12, 2024, if a new app includes a privacy-impacting SDK, or an app update adds a new privacy-impacting SDK, the SDK must include a privacy manifest file. Please contact the provider of the SDK that includes this file to get an updated SDK version with a privacy manifest. According to this warning message, app updates which do not contain any new SDKs are still not affected. Since then, at one point in time the deadline changed, as now we have February 12, 2025 in the privacy manifest documentation: However, this page does not contain any mention of the circumstances, it only states in general that apps you submit for review in App Store Connect must contain a valid privacy manifest file for a certain number of commonly used third-party SDKs. My questions Does the February deadline apply to every app update, even if they do not contain any newly added SDKs? Or does it still affect only the app updates "that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update." ? If the former, the 3rd party requirements page should be updated in my opinion. And if the latter, why does the documentation not contain this important piece of information? We have a basic product which then gets customised for the clients so we upload several different apps based on the same code with the same dependencies. How is it possible that during autumn, Apple sent ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest warnings for some of our apps, but did not send it for others? Does Apple not validate all the apps but only some of them randomly? Also, the warning still states that it should be relevant if "an app update adds a new privacy-impacting SDK", but that was not the case for us, we did not add anything newly to our apps - why did we even get these warnings then? Just in general: when the deadlines change, is there any channel where Apple communicates these, besides the warning emails? I did not see any posts on the Apple Developer site's News page about this February date, I just found it by accident. I don't even remember seeing a notice about the original November deadline, we just started receiving the email warnings without expecting them. Thank you in advance for anyone sharing an answer.
Jan ’25
Determining if a block of data was signed on the Secure Enclave
Hello, I'm exploring the Secure Enclave APIs, and I'm wondering if it's possible to "cryptographically" determine if a block of data was signed on the Secure Enclave. When I sign a block of data using the Secure Enclave (which implies using a key pair automatically generated by the enclave) and distribute the public key to others, is there any way to verify if the message was encrypted on it / its private key was generated by it? In other words, what I'm trying to achieve is to make sure that the public key hasn't been tampered with until it reaches its destination (including on-device threats, since otherwise I could've used a normal keychain item, perhaps?). For the purpose of this example, I'm not necessarily interested in figuring out if the key was signed on a certain device's enclave, but rather on any Secure Enclave. So, using something derived from the enclave's GID Key (described in the Apple Platform Security guide) would work for this.
Jan ’25
Ajuda com identificação de usuário Apple nome email e Firebase
E aí pessoal, tudo certo? Estou desenvolvendo um app com React Native no front-end e Node.js no back-end, usando o Firebase como banco de dados (e possivelmente para autenticação também, dependendo da solução). Preciso implementar o "Sign in with Apple" e estou com algumas dúvidas em como integrar tudo isso. A ideia é: o usuário clica no botão "Entrar com a Apple" no app (React Native), o backend (Node.js) processa a autenticação com a Apple e, em seguida, armazena as informações necessárias (nome, email, etc.) no Firebase. Se alguém já trabalhou com essa combinação (React Native, Node.js, Firebase e Sign in with Apple) e puder compartilhar alguma experiência, dicas, exemplos de código ou até mesmo um boilerplate, seria de grande ajuda!
Jan ’25
"Apps Using Apple ID" list & Apple's Private Relay
Hello, We plan to remove our app from the App Store. This post aims to determine whether our company can rely on Private Relay to compensate our customers. Our Challenge: Gift Card Refunds with Private Relay Some customers purchased gift cards through our app using Apple's "Private Relay" during account creation. To process refunds, we need a way to identify these customers. Our system relies on email addresses, which are masked by Private Relay. Potential Solution: Apps Using Apple ID We're exploring "Apps Using Apple ID" as a possible solution for customers to share their Private Relay addresses for refund purposes. Under what circumstances will an app cease to appear in the "Apps Using Apple ID" list? What conditions must be met to initiate a new Private Relay connection for the same user and application? For example, would using the same Apple account to sign into the app on a different device trigger a new Private Relay? Thank you for your help!
Jan ’25
Issue Updating User Password via OpenDirectory API with Root Daemon Privileges
Description: I am attempting to use the OpenDirectory API ODRecord.changePassword to change a user's password without needing the old password, given that I have the appropriate permissions. The goal is to ensure that the password change operation bypasses third-party tools such as EDR or eBPF apps that might otherwise intercept commands, as the operation occurs directly via the API. Problem: When invoking the OpenDirectory API from a launch daemon with root privileges, I receive the following error message: Error Code=4001 "Operation was denied because the current credentials do not have the appropriate privileges." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x135907570 {Error Code=4001 "Credential cannot update user's SecureToken" UserInfo={NSDescription=Credential cannot update user's SecureToken}}, NSLocalizedDescription=Operation was denied because the current credentials do not have the appropriate privileges., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Operation was denied because the current credentials do not have the appropriate privileges.} It seems the error is related to SecureToken, and the underlying issue is that the current credentials (even though they are root-level) do not have the necessary privileges to update the SecureToken status for the user. Steps I’ve Taken: Tested the API via a launch daemon running with root privileges. Ensured that Full Disk Access was granted to the daemon, but this did not resolve the issue. Request: Has anyone encountered this specific issue where root privileges are insufficient to update the user password via the OpenDirectory API ? What additional steps or permissions are required for a user password change? Is there a specific API or method to elevate the privileges for modifying SecureToken, or a workaround to overcome this limitation? Any insights or guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!
Jan ’25
Why doesn't FinanceKit return transaction location?
Pretty much the headline. the func transactionHistory() needs to return the transaction location. This seems so rudimentary, yet it is missing from the docs. Unless I'm missing something, please add this feature or point me in the right direction. Alternatively, is there a way for my app to get notified of the transaction immediately as it happens? I have to get transactions historically which leaves me with no way to determine where they happened in the past.
Jan ’25
How to request permission for System Audio Recording Only?
Hi community, I'm wondering how can I request the permission of "System Audio Recording Only" under the Privacy & Security -> Screen & System Audio Recording via swift? Did a bunch of search but didn't find good documentation on it. Tried another approach here which doesn't work very reliably.
Jan ’25
Shared Device Mode iPad Passcode Reset Duration
I was wondering if anyone had experience with Managed Device Profiles on iPad to be able to answer a quick question regarding passcode reset. We are using Microsoft Intune to manage our fleet of iPads that our store employees will use on an Ad-Hoc basis. When a user logs into an iPad for the day, we are issuing a resetPasscode command to the MicrosoftGraph specifying that device ID. We are getting a successful response to the iPad itself. But the device is allowing the user 1 hour of free time to dismiss the reset passcode dialogue. Which enables them to use the iPad unprotected for up to an hour, which is not what we want. Does anyone know of any way to force the user to select a passcode immediately? I know this is a device side restriction. But is there anything apple can do to help us in this instance, since our MDM profile can't close this time window on the Intune side?
Jan ’25
The file “Desktop” couldn’t be opened.
hey everyone.!! In one of my macOS projects I am trying to fetch the files and folders available on "Desktop" and "Document" folder and trying to showing it on collection view inside the my project, but when I try to fetch the files and folder of desktop and document, I am not able to fetch it. But if i try it by setting the entitlements False, I am able to fetch it. If any have face the similar issue, or have an alternative it please suggest. NOTE:- I have tried implementing it using NSOpenPanel and it works, but it lowers the user experience.
Jan ’25
Ask for help on Guideline 1.1.6-Safety-Objectionable Content
Our company developed an app that relies on the collected list to display the phone's label in the list when the user's phone receives an incoming call. However, we have been rejected. The main reason for the rejection is as follows: “ Guideline 1.1.6 - Safety - Objectionable Content The app still allows users to unblock and reveal blocked incoming numbers to identify the individual calling or texting, which is not appropriate. Specifically, your app claims to offer the call blocking functionality, but solely identifies numbers that the user has explicitly blocked themselves. Since users can choose to hide their caller ID in iPhone Settings, apps should not attempt to circumvent this iOS feature to reveal the caller's number. ” But our developers clearly stated that there is no way to bypass these settings, and CallDirectory Extensionde cannot directly "unlock hidden numbers" or bypass the built-in restrictions of IOS. We don't know how to solve this problem next, and hope to get everyone's help.
Jan ’25
Apple Events won't trigger Privacy & Security alerts due to Sandboxing
I created an app in Xcode using ApplescriptObjC that is supposed to communicate with Finder and Adobe Illustrator. It has been working for the last 8 years, until now I have updated it for Sonoma and it no longer triggers the alerts for the user to approve the communication. It sends the Apple Events, but instead of the alert dialog I get this error in Console: "Sandboxed application with pid 15728 attempted to lookup App: "Finder"/"finder"/"" 654/0x0:0x1d01d MACSstill-hintable sess=100017 but was denied due to sandboxing." The Illustrator error is prdictably similar. I added this to the app.entitlements file: <key></key> <array> <string></string> <string>com.adobe.illustrator</string> </array> I added this to Info.plist: <key>NSAppleEventsUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires access to Finder and Adobe Illustrator for automation.</string> I built the app, signed with the correct Developer ID Application Certificate. I've also packaged it into a signed DMG and installed it, with the same result as running it from Xcode. I tried stripping it down to just the lines of code that communicate with Finder and Illustrator, and built it with a different bundle identifier with the same result. What am I missing?
Jan ’25
Sandboxing of Application
I am in need of assistance with sandboxing the riot games client and game league of legends. I originally played on a vm from linux but after the change to the incredibly intrusive rootkit malware vanguard. I cannot play from a vm or at least it would be difficult, if this route of containerizing it on mac proves to be more difficult (which wouldn't make sense) then I will go back to spoofing the a vm to not look like a vm. This is even more infuriating because I almost exclusively play Team Fight Tactics in which there is zero cheating and cheating would give a player zero advantage. I decided I would try the Mac version of the game but apple does not sandbox applications at all like flatpak and flatseal from linux. The game has access to my entire system and can read and write to my home directory. This is a massive security risk. I originally tried checking the system settings privacy and security section but the application was not listed anywhere nor was it given access on any of the sections listed. I checked both user local and global tcc.dbs and neither had records that gave the game or client any privileges. This was concerning because tcc.db appears to be the only user facing way of managing permissions that you would think would be a bare minimum baseline and yet the game and client have full access to my system and those permissions are listed nowhere and are given no where. Ie. the default is just to let it do as it pleases even though its a game that only thing it needs to render to the screen. MacOS should properly fix this and implement proper sandboxing of applications like flatpak. I then began building a configuration scheme for sandbox-exec seeing as it was the last opportunity to correctly contain the application to only have the permissions it needs. I carefully crafted the config but it fails just as simply allowing all with allow default... (version 1) (allow default) I run the application with the following command: sandbox-exec -f ~/ "/Users/Shared/Riot Games/Riot" Below are some of the errors produced from running the client sandboxed. 00:44:09.819 (SplashScreenManager) Displaying splash screen from default-splash.html for 2000ms 00:44:09.825 app.isPackaged true 00:44:09.842 Loading page from sandbox initialization failed: Operation not permitted Failed to initialize sandbox.[0102/] exception_thread not found in task [0102/] thread_get_state(4): (os/kern) invalid argument (4) [0102/] thread_get_state(4): (os/kern) invalid argument (4) [0102/] multiple MH_EXECUTE modules (/usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime, /Library/Apple/usr/libexec/oah/libRosettaRuntime) [0102/] multiple MH_EXECUTE modules (/usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime, /Users/Shared/Riot Games/Riot Client Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Riot Client Helper (Renderer)) [0102/] exception_thread not found in task [4607:0102/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=6 [4607:0102/] Network service crashed, restarting service. 00:44:15.215 Renderer process has unexpectedly crashed or was killed: crashed (6) { reason: 'crashed', exitCode: 6 }
Jan ’25
Secure Phone After Hacked
Hello! Few month ago i did get hacked on my pc and then my android and iphone. Did get at notice that payments couldent draw. lucky I only had 240kr on lunar card that it did draw 200kr to a gift card. Did get mail from skrill that a account whas created with one of my Gmail’s. Tryed to log them out but window did keep close. Gmail did flag like crazy and wanted me to change pw. how the **** when I lost control of my phone?!?!??! Just lock it god Damn. let’s make it short! I shared network to pc from my phone With usb. I don’t just think it whas a attacker program as Gmail did flag. I think I did get mirror linked on my android and maybe my iphone. Had a real struggle to reset my pc and phones before it worked. My iPhone drains battery like crazy and feels laggy sometimes. A non registered number whas added to two Gmail’s that they did try to change pw multiple times. did notice I Linux pc activity on my fb and some other stuff. My iphone do reboot still sometimes and every second reboot wifi/bluet can’t be activated and mobile share change pw as the original one did look. Next reboot all work and are the same again. Iam scared that iam still hacked or havent removed him from everything. How can I make sure that Iam still not mirror linked and that he or she can’t access anything? Sorry for the long text but iam scared as ****.
Dec ’24
Hi Guys, I want to access file from this location **/Library/Caches/ ** Can anyone hlep me how to decrypt this file as this is encrypted now. Any help on this is highly appreciated. I want to access my own airtag data and this is the only way i believe. Thanks in advance.
Dec ’24
[SSL Pinning] NSPinnedDomains is not working on my testing
Hi, Just follow the related post to implement this method in the app, but it gave me error, like: "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made" the info plist configuration like below, NSPinnedDomains NSIncludesSubdomains NSPinnedCAIdentities SPKI-SHA256-BASE64 r/mIkG3eEpVdm+u/ko/cwxzOMo1bk4TyHIlByibiA5E= The pub key is right for me, since it works when I use different pub key pinning through URLSession interface. So here, I dont know where to start the troubleshooting, any advice would be appreciated.
Dec ’24