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Support / Developer Account / Capabilities / Create a media identifier and private key


Create a media identifier and private key

To communicate with the Apple Music Feed, MusicKit, ShazamKit, or other media services you’ll use a Media Services private key to sign one or more developer tokens.

Register a media identifier

  1. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, click Identifiers in the sidebar.

  2. On the top left, click the add button (+), select Media IDs, then click Continue.

  3. Enter a description for the identifier.

  4. Enter a reverse-domain name style string for the identifier, then click Continue.

  5. Enable each service you plan to use.

  6. Review the information, then click Register.

  7. Click Done.

Note : The identifier description is displayed as the app name to users when requesting access to Apple Music.

Use a Media Services private key to sign one or more tokens

  1. Register a media identifier for each app or service.

  2. Create and download a private key with the required media services enabled.

  3. Associate the private key with the media identifier. You can associate two keys with each media identifier.

  4. Get the key identifier (kid) to create a JSON Web Token (JWT) that you’ll use to communicate with the capabilities you enabled and visit Generating Developer Tokens.

If you suspect a private key is compromised, first create a new private key associated with the media identifier. Then, after transitioning to the new key, revoke the old private key.

Required role: Account Holder or Admin.