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Support / Developer Account / Capabilities / Create Wallet identifiers and certificates


Create Wallet identifiers and certificates

Wallet presents digital representations of information called passes — such as coupons, tickets for a show, or boarding passes — that allow users to redeem real-world products or services. You can use Wallet in several ways:

Option 1: Request, distribute, and update passes

First register a pass type identifier to identify your app. Then create a Pass Type ID certificate and associate it with the pass type identifier.

Option 2: Access the user’s passes in your app

Register a pass type identifier, and in Xcode, configure Wallet to access user passes.

Required role: Account Holder or Admin.

Register a pass type identifier

  1. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, click Identifiers in the sidebar.

  2. Click the add button (+) on the top left.

  3. Select Pass Type IDs from the list.

  4. Enter a description and identifier, then click Continue.

  5. Review the settings, then click Register.

Create a Pass Type ID certificate

  1. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, click Certificates in the sidebar.

  2. Click the add button (+) on the top left.

  3. Under Services, select Pass Type ID Certificate, then click Continue.

  4. Optionally, you can provide a description for the certificate that will appear in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

  5. Click Create Pass Type ID, enter the description and identifier, then click Continue.

  6. Follow the instructions to create a certificate signing request.

  7. Click Choose File.

  8. In the dialog that appears, select the certificate request file (a file with a .certSigningRequest file extension), then click Choose.

  9. Click Continue.

  10. Click Download.

    The certificate file (a file with a .cer file extension) appears in your Downloads folder.

To learn about the PassKit framework, visit the Wallet Developer Guide.